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But she wasn't tradutor Espanhol

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But she wasn't on the list of family members.
Pero no esta en la lista de miembros de la familia.
Liz Stride had her throat cut, but she wasn't mutilated.
A Liz Stride le cortaron la garganta, pero no fue mutilada.
Professionally, she wasn't just any DA - but one of me toughest and most reputable this country has ever seen
Profesionalmente, ella no era solo una Fiscal si no una de las más duras y reputadas fiscales que este país haya visto.
She was in the car, but she wasn't raped.
Ella estaba en el auto, pero no fué violada.
I was a bit tempted because of Seo Hyun, but she wasn't good for anything other than passing the time.
Yo estaba un poco inseguro debido a Seo Hyun... pero ella no podía ser más que un juego de niños.
! What reason would she have to kill? Mr. Cody wasn't sure, but he had heard rumours of bad blood between the two.
Podemos pensar que si... colocamos uno de esos filtros en la luz... podemos generar luz ultravioleta.
Um... She often worked very late into the evening, so I-I wasn't concerned. But then she didn't come home at all.
Ella solía trabajar hasta muy tarde en la noche, así que yo no estaba preocupada porque ella no regresara a casa.
But wasn't she, like, a hooker?
Pero ¿ no era ella como una prostituta?
Not that she's told me, but I'd be surprised if there wasn't someone.
No es que me lo haya dicho, pero me sorprendería que no tuviera uno.
But she wasn't. She...
Pero ella no.
Will? She was waiting for us, but it wasn't any Ashley you'd know.
- Ella nos esperaba pero no era la Ashley que conoces.
I wasn't drinking, so I declined, but she flashed me anyway.
Yo no estaba bebiendo, por lo que no acepté, pero me los mostró de todos modos.
She was waiting for us, but it wasn't any Ashley you'd know.
Ella nos esperaba pero no era la Ashley que conoces.
But she wasn't, and I'm happy for that now, because I have enioyed every minute that I've spent with your children.
Pero no lo estaba, y estoy feliz por ello... porque disfruté cada minuto que pasé con los niños.
She wasn't crazy about people, but she loved her foliage.
No estaba loca por la gente, pero ella amaba su follaje.
What would you do if you had to choose between spending a few more months with Meredith knowing she was gonna die, watching her hurt, watching her sick or spending the rest of your life with someone who looked like Meredith, but wasn't her anymore.
¿ Qué harías si tuvieras que elegir entre pasar unos meses más con Meredith sabiendo que morirá viendo su dolor, viéndola enferma o pasar el resto de tu vida con alguien que se parece a Meredith pero que ya no lo es?
Mr. Jarrah? There's a woman outside. She said she knows you, but she wasn't on the list of family members.
Sr.Jarrah, hay una mujer afuera que dice conocerlo, pero no está en la lista de familiares.
I should have known she wasn't the vessel, but you have to try every option.
Debías haber sabido que ella no era el vehículo, pero debías intentarlo todo.
Suzy Pepper wasn't the first schoolgirl crush, but she was the hardest.
Suzy no fue la primera colegiala enamorada, pero fue la más Intensa.
But her staff said she wasn't here.
Pero sus empleados dijeron que no estaba aquí.
I tried to teach her what was right, but she wasn't my daughter.
Pero no era mi hija
I knew she wasn't ready, but she did it anyway.
Sabía que no estaba preparada. Pero, igualmente, lo hizo.
But as I grew up, I realized she wasn't a fool.
Pero cuando crecí, me di cuenta de que no era ninguna ilusa.
it's last minute. but she wasn't here, and the door was open, so... do you want to wait?
Debo informarle de un cambio imprevisto, ehm, pero no estaba en la casa y la puerta estaba abierta, y...
She was a rising star, but she wasn't ready
Era una estrella en ascenso, pero no estaba lista...
But at 3 : 00 a.m. She wasn't home, so I called her cell phone.
Pero a las 3 : 00 a.m. no había llegado, así que la llamé a su teléfono celular.
But she wasn't always like that?
- Pero no siempre fue así.
But Ashley wasn't, was she?
Pero Ashley no, ¿ no es así?
But she wasn't on your ship, was she?
Pero ella no estaba en su nave, ¿ no?
She's dead but it wasn't the crash.
Ella está muerta, pero no por el choque.
The Medusa story is a tragedy because she wasn't even the perpetrator of the deed, it was Poseidon who raped her in Athena's Temple, but she's then turned into a hideous monster.
La historia de Medusa es una tragedia porque ella no había sido siquiera autora de aquel acto, fue Poseidón quien la violó en el Templo de Atenea, pero a ella la convirtieron en un horrible monstruo.
Yeah, no but I do need a ride to school which would be awesome because my mom's not here, I don't know what she is doing, she's MIA for some reason and I had to find my dog this morning cause a little squirrel got get in again and I miss the bus and my hair was doing this weird flip thing that I wasn't really too sure about and that just really rough morning all together so let get the showing up, come on, let's get going we're going to be late.
- No, pero necesito un paseo a la escuela, algo que sería genial, porque mi madre no está aquí. No sé qué está haciendo, está desaparecida en acción por alguna razón. Y he tenido que buscar a mi perro esta mañana, porque se volvió a escapar y entonces perdí el autobús.
You thought that she was using again, but she wasn't.
Pensaste que había vuelto a drogarse, pero no era así.
I guess most of those ki like their freedom, but li--she wasn't like them, was she?
Supongo que a la mayoría de esos niños les gustaba su libertad pero Li... no era como ellos, ¿ no?
Olena, you see, was on the survivors'list but she wasn't on the passenger list, so is it people that you're bringing in?
Olena, ya ves, estaba entre los sobrevivientes pero no estaba en la lista de pasajeros, ¿ entonces es gente que estabas trayendo?
I'm not saying it wasn't a beautiful gesture, but who knows? She might be a drug addict.
No digo que no sea un gesto hermoso, pero puede ser una drogadicta.
No idea. But if amy wasn't here because of the accident, Why did she drop everything to come see kay?
Pero si Amy no estaba aquí por el accidente ¿ por qué dejó todo para venir a ver a Kay?
She says it wasn't, but I don't believe her.
Ella dice que no, pero yo no le creo.
We might find what she did immoral, but it wasn't illegal.
Lo que hizo nos puede parecer inmoral, pero no es ilegal.
But I realized pretty quickly that she wasn't the woman of my life.
Me di cuenta bastante rápido de que ella no era la mujer de mi vida.
But she wasn't about to give up, either.
No quería darse por vencida.
She'd already met with steele, But he wasn't interested in helping.
Habló con Steele, pero él no quería ayudar.
Your mother tried to protect you from your father, but she wasn't strong enough.
Tu madre intentó protegerte de tu padre, pero no fue lo bastante fuerte.
But she wasn't.
Pero ella no lo estaba.
But I wanted and I needed to believe that she wasn't using again, that she wouldn't do that to me or to Betsey, that she loved us enough to stay clean.
Pero yo quería y necesitaba creer que ella no estaba usándo otra vez, que ella no nos haria eso a mi o a Betsey que ella nos amaba lo suficiente para estar limpia.
Her name was Nanny Blower, and God bless her, she was talented, but she wasn't a looker.
Se llamaba Nanny Blower, y Dios la bendiga, tenía talento pero no era muy agraciada.
She wasn't too happy about it, but she agreed to the divorce.
No estaba muy feliz por ello, pero accedió al divorcio.
But she wasn't feeling well.
Lena no se sentía bien.
- I was standing over there and I thought, "Nicola's choking." But she wasn't.
- Yo estaba allí y he pensado : "Nicola se está ahogando".
But she wasn't there!
¡ Pero no estaba allí!
Seung Hee's objective wasn't to interrogate me, but she wanted to know if you were alive.
El propósito de Seung Hee no era interrogarme... Ella quería saber si estabas vivo.

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