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Cheer tradutor Espanhol

6,873 parallel translation
Arie has cheer practice, and Joy has an ice-skating lesson in half an hour.
Arie tiene la práctica de porrista y Joy tiene una lección de patinaje sobre hielo en media hora.
Next time I'll get a clown and cheer you up.
La próxima vez traeré a un payaso que te suba el ánimo.
Now cheer up...
Ahora animate...
Want to try and cheer me up.
Quieren animarme.
How about I just come over with a bottle of Blanton's and cheer you up the old-fashioned way?
¿ Qué tal si paso luego con una botella de Blanton y te animo al viejo estilo?
Your words. Shut up, and okay, so what would cheer Malory up, what does she like?
Cállate. ¿ Qué alegraría a Malory?
Cheer up.
Maybe I'll come to the competition and cheer for you.
Igual voy a la competición y te animo.
I go there, chat, try to cheer them up a bit.
Voy, les charlo, les levanto el ánimo.
Only parents I ever knew who came to the game to cheer on the xylophonist.
Los únicos padres que he conocido que iban al partido a animar al xilofonista.
That'll cheer you up.
Eso te animará.
Let's cheer them on!
Vamos a animarlos!
Let's cheer them on.
Vamos animenlas!
Let's cheer him on!
vamos.. aplausos!
She is captain of the cheer squad.
Ella es capitán del escuadrón de animadoras.
Hey, why don't we try that new vegan place, cheer you up with a tofu smoothie?
Oye, ¿ por qué no probamos ese nuevo sitio vegetariano animándote con un helado de tofu?
- Out for pancakes? - ( All cheer )
¿ Preparo panqueques?
Let's spread some Christmas cheer.
¡ Difundamos algo de la alegría navideña!
People are gonna clap, they're gonna cheer.
La gente va a aplaudir, van a entusiasmarse.
You know what might cheer you up?
¿ Sabes qué te podría alegrar?
Trying to cheer someone up.
Tratando de animar a alguien.
You're here to cheer for Dr. Gordon'cause he's getting his ass handed to him.
Estás aquí para animar a Dr. Gordon porque él está consiguiendo su culo entregado a él.
We're trying to cheer Harley up.
Estamos intentando animar a Harley.
Don't try to cheer me up, kid.
No intentes animarme, chico.
Don't try and cheer me up.
No intentes animarme.
Cheer up, sad sack.
Levanta el ánimo, saco de lágrimas.
I thought it might cheer you up.
Pensé que podría animarte.
You know what would cheer me up?
¿ Sabes lo que podría animarme?
¿ De acuerdo? Gracias.
I came to your room last night to cheer you with hot cocoa, but your servant said you were meeting with the king.
Fui a tu habitación anoche para animarte con chocolate caliente, pero tu sirviente dijo que tenías una reunión con el Rey.
And my hockey games used to be exciting enough that you wanted to come and cheer!
¡ Y mis juegos de hockey solían ser lo suficientemente emocionantes para que quisieras venir a alentarme!
And that squirrel's mother would have always regretted that she wasn't there to cheer him across the road.
Y la madre de esa ardilla siempre habría lamentado no haber estado allí para alentarla al cruzar la calle.
Want me to cheer you up?
¿ Quieres que te anime un poco?
I was just trying to cheer him up.
Sólo intentaba animarlo.
I haven't shampooed professionally since college, and that was only part-time to pay for my cheer gear.
No he lavado cabezas de manera profesional desde la universidad y era un trabajo a media jornada para pagar mi equipo de animador.
- It feels like a cheer-down.
- Me siento de bajón.
Cheer up some blind orphans, counsel a couple whores, fill up all the soldiers'canteens with water and presto, vino,
Anímate algunos huérfanos ciegos, aconsejar a un par de putas, se llenan todos los comedores de los soldados con agua y listo, vino,
Come on, cheer up.
Vamos, anímate.
You're still coming to cheer us on, right?
Todavía vas a ir a animarnos, ¿ verdad?
Is there anything I can do, anything to cheer you up?
¿ Hay algo que pueda hacer para animarte?
She said it was to cheer me up.
Ella dijo que me levantaría el ánimo.
Is it a real crisis or the kind where you just need a glass of chardonnay to cheer you up?
¿ Es una crisis de verdad o del tipo que solo necesitas una copa de vino para animarte?
I thought the bells would cheer me up.
Pensé que las campanitas me animarían.
- Cheer up, Mr. Crowder.
- Alégrese, Sr. Crowder.
The thing is, everyone will come to cheer you up.
La cosa es que, todo el mundo vendrá a animarte.
And the only thing that could cheer me up was a drive-through.
Y lo único que me podía animar era comer comida rápida.
Cheer up, look on your desk.
Anímate, mira en tu escritorio.
So cheer up.
Así que tranquilízate.
The cheer goes like this- -
La rutina es así...
I never realized how violent that cheer was.
Nunca me di cuenta de lo violenta que es esa rutina.
What Would Jesus Cheer?
¿ Cómo animaría Jesús?

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