Crossed him tradutor Espanhol
280 parallel translation
Call you back. An old sweetheart of Williams double-crossed him.
Una antigua querida de Williams lo traicionó.
He'd kill anybody that double-crossed him.
Mataría a cualquiera que le traicionara.
I had that guy right where he wanted me, till you crossed him up.
Ya tenía a ese tipo cuando ustedes le espantaron.
He just come in like that, sore, like somebody crossed him.
Sólo llegó así, enojado, como si alguien lo hubiera hecho enfadar.
You mean double-crossed him.
O lo traicionaron.
His partner crossed him, Dave.
Su compañero lo traicionó, Dave.
Ever since you double-crossed him and ran away... and changed your name to Muriel and married some poor little guy named Ches.
Desde que te fuiste... y cambiaste de nombre a Muriel y te casaste con Ches.
When he finds out you crossed him on the Spokane mills job, he'll come gunning!
En cuanto se fugue de la cárcel vendrá a por su dinero, seguro.
In building you up, he thought I double-crossed him.
Por ayudarte, pensó que lo traicionamos.
On my way back I've crossed him in his carriage.
- Volviendo, me he cruzado su coche.
Wheeler's partner double-crossed him, which means he double-crossed you, too.
El cómplice de Wheeler le ha traicionado. Lo que significa que hará lo mismo con usted.
He'd been carrying a torch for her. The way he figures it, she double-crossed him.
Está encaprichado con ella, según él, ella le traicionó.
Nitti is saying I double-crossed him.
Nitti está diciendo que lo traicioné.
Come to think of it, he did once say he wouldn't hesitate to kill me... if I double crossed him in our deal at International.
Ni pensarlo, una vez me dijo que me mataría sin pensárselo... si le traicionaba en nuestro acuerdo con la lnternacional.
As a matter of fact, she might be dead before Saturday if the story gets to the newspapers and he figures she's double-crossed him.
De hecho, ella podría estar muerta antes del sábado si la historia llega a los diarios y él se imagina que le han traicionado.
You crossed him, too.
También le traicionaste.
Lemaitre crossed him off the list.
Ha tenido suerte. Lemaitre lo quitó de la lista.
I must have met him or crossed him somewhere.
He debido cruzármelo en alguna parte.
- You crossed him!
- ¡ Le has irritado!
Well, you double-crossed him, man.
Es que le traicionaste, tío.
He thought you double-crossed him.
Él pensó que tú le habías traicionado.
Tell an Indian things'll be one way and they're not, he'll think you crossed him.
Si se le dice a un indio una cosa y ocurre otra, piensa que le han traicionado.
But look out if you crossed him, he could get rough.
Pero cuidado si lo hacen enojar, puede volverse brusco.
He was nothin'but a skunk. He crossed everybody that ever strung with him.
Traicionó a todo el mundo.
If I did, it would be the first time I've ever double-crossed Nick and I owe everything I have to him.
Si lo hiciera, sería la primera vez que traiciono a Nick y yo le debo todo lo que tengo.
I gave him that limp when he crossed me up in the Dannemora break.
Yo lo dejé cojo cuando me traicionó en Dannemora. - Te conozco.
Steve double-crossed you once and he'll do it again if you give him the chance.
Steve te traicionó una vez y lo volverá a hacer si le das la oportunidad.
I called to him andhe crossed the road... without even grasping that it was me calling to him... or even seeing that it was me smiling at him...
Le llamé, cruzó la carretera, sin hacer caso a nada más, sin ver siquiera que le estaba sonriendo.
Sir George must have surprised the intruder and crossed the room to him here.
Sir George debió sorprender al intruso. y caminó hasta aquí para encararlo aquí.
I thought he double-crossed me, and I killed him.
Creí que me había traicionado y lo maté.
Ben was double-crossed. They promised him an easy go.
Ben salió engañado, le prometieron que no le pegarías fuerte.
We trailed him two days but he crossed into Mexico.
Le seguimos dos días pero cruzó a México.
You shouldn't have crossed him, George.
No debiste molestarle, George.
I tried everything. I set a dog against him, crossed mountains, country, everything!
Le he azuzado un perro, he atravesado montes, campos... ¡ todo!
Pendleton has a thing about being crossed, makes him real peevish.
A Pendleton no le gusta que le traicionen, le irrita.
Calpurnia's cheek is pale, and Cicero looks with such ferret and such fiery eyes as we have seen him in the Capitol being crossed in conference by some senators.
El rostro de Calpurnia está pálido... y Cicerón tiene fuego en la mirada... como cuando en el Capitolio lo contradicen algunos senadores.
You'll stop him when he's crossed them.
Lo detendrás cuando los haya cruzado.
[He crossed it so fast that I couldn't stop him...] [... until we reached the hut.
Echó a correr y no logré pararlo hasta la cabaña.
Of course. Instead of killing him, if you had crossed the street... We would have done it together, as friends.
En lugar de matarlo, si hubiese usted cruzado la calle lo hubiésemos hecho juntos, como amigos.
It crossed through him!
Eso me atravezó!
She was crossed in love and left with an airman he was an impostor and they arrested him so she became a masseuse.
Tuvo un desengaño amoroso y luego se marchó a Milán con un aviador que luego resultó que no era y que fue arrestado. Entonces se puso a dar masajes.
Punishing him never crossed my mind.
Nunca se me ha pasado por la cabeza el castigarlo.
Let's keep our fingers crossed we don't lose him, Larrabee.
Crucemos los dedos para no perderlo, Larabee.
Let's keep our fingers crossed we don't lose him, Larrabee.
Crucemos los dedos para que no lo perdamos.
Ask him if he's got any hot-crossed buns.
Pregúntale si tiene una barra bien calentita.
I crossed myself and told him : "shut up, you devil, or you'll end up in hell".
El me bendecia y me decia : 'Callese demonio. Así acabará en el infierno.'
That's right, he rented himself a car and crossed over the border, from that point on we lost him.
Sí, alquiló un coche y pasó la frontera. Eso hemos podido verificarlo.
If you think you're being crossed you can use him for a hostage to get away again.
Si crees que es una trampa dice que lo puedes usar como rehén para escapar.
She was in a Minister's office, and she crossed her legs to seduce him.
Ella quería que la sedujeran, así que para comenzar se subió la falda.
After blasting him, you crossed my tail still firing.
Tras eliminarlo a él, te cruzaste por mi retaguardia disparando.
But Follett says that a guy that looked like him... crossed over into Switzerland a couple of days ago singing the "Barber of Seville."
Pero Follett dice que alguien parecido a él... cruzó la frontera hacia Suiza hace dos días cantando "El barbero de Sevilla."
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
cross 587
crossing 34
crossed 31
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
cross 587
crossing 34
crossed 31