Does she tradutor Espanhol
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But, then again, Lena doesn't much care what you do these days, does she?
Pero a Lena no le importa mucho lo que haces hoy en día, ¿ verdad?
Does she work for Belikov?
¿ Trabaja para Belikov?
Does she have a TV?
¿ Ella tiene un televisor?
How does she need you?
¿ Te necesita en qué sentido?
Does she know you know?
¿ Sabe que tú lo sabes?
Does she live in those sweats?
¿ Vive en ese chándal?
- How much does she know?
- ¿ Qué tanto sabe?
Why... why does she want to protect me from you?
¿ Por qué quiere ella protegerme de usted?
How long does she think she gets to stay a kid?
¿ Por cuánto tiempo se creerá que sigue siendo una niña?
Well, when does she get back?
Bueno, ¿ y cuándo vuelve?
Does she have a unicorn? - Shoot!
¿ Tiene un unicornio?
Does she want us to proof it?
¿ Quiere que revisemos el texto?
- Where does she know him from?
- ¿ De qué lo conoce?
What does she like?
¿ Qué le gusta a ella?
It doesn't matter what she does.
No importa lo que ella haga.
- Claudia just does what she's told.
- Claudia sólo hace lo que le dicen.
She does have irregular eating habits.
Ella si tiene hábitos alimenticios irregulares.
This is what she does.
Son las cosas que ella hace.
I don't know. But I'm sure she does.
No lo sé, pero seguramente que ella sí.
- Well if she does one knock, that means yes, or she likes it.
Bien, si Ella da un golpe, significa Si, o que le gusta.
You got to do exactly what she does.
Tienes que hacer lo mismo que ella.
Trudy, she's a very nice girl, but she does not understand white hair.
Trudy es una chica encantadora, pero no entiende de canas.
You know, she actually does look a lot like her.
La verdad es que se parece mucho a ella.
Eve keeps taking over my workspace, and she only does it to mess with me.
Eve sigue apoderándose de mi área de trabajo, y sólo lo hace para meterse conmigo.
Believe me, I will tell Neal the reason why his mother is not on the line...'cause she's out doing what she does best, being a hero.
Créeme, le diré a Neal por qué su madre no pudo hablarle... Porque está haciendo lo que hace mejor... ser una heroína.
Whatever she thinks of Lord Melbourne does not concern you.
Lo que ella piense de lord Melbourne, no le concierne.
She does hate to be proved wrong.
Odia estar equivocada.
She does tend to find the detail a trifle wearisome.
Tiende a encontrar los detalles un poquitín aburridos.
Your daughter has told Peel she will not get rid of any of those Whig harpies that surround her and now Peel won't form a government unless she does.
Tu hija le ha dicho a Peel que no se deshará de ninguna de esas arpías que la rodean y ahora Peel no formará gobierno a menos que ella lo haga.
She does not care, I think, for the admirable Conroy.
A ella no le interesa, creo, el admirable Conroy.
She does not like to wait.
No le gusta esperar.
She does not realise how vulnerable you are.
No se da cuenta de lo vulnerable que eres.
Meanwhile, Rafael's ex-wife Petra intentionally inseminated herself with his sperm, because she really does love him.
Mientras tanto, la ex-mujer de Rafael, Petra, se inseminó a sí misma con su esperma, porque le quiere de verdad.
No, she doesn't have it. Who does?
No, ella no lo tiene. ¿ Quién lo tiene?
Mouse, how does he know where she is or what we've been doing, huh?
Mouse, ¿ cómo sabe dónde está o qué hemos estado haciendo?
Yes. I believe she does.
Sí... creo que sí lo sabe.
And if it does, she will lose, Doc.
Y si lo hace ella perderá, Doc.
It's true, she does have your brother's chin.
Es verdad, ella tiene la barbilla de su hermano.
I hope she does "Shake It Off."
Espero que cante "Shake it off".
And does this killer wear a mask with horns and does he or she leave a trail of green slime wherever he goes?
Y el asesino usaba una máscara con cuernos. ¿ Y él o ella dejó un rastro de limo por donde pasaba?
That's'cause she had broken it. And once someone does that, it's hard to let'em back in.
Eso es porque ella lo arruinó y una vez que alguien hace eso, es difícil dejarlos volver a entrar.
She does this every year.
Lo hace todos los años.
And if she does, you've been looking for a reason to buy a new TV.
Y si lo hace, tú buscabas Una buena razón
Any amateur magician could do what she does.
Cualquier mago aficionado podría hacer lo que ella hace.
But if she dies for good, everyone with that scar on your chest does as well.
Pero si ella muere para siempre, todo el mundo con una cicatriz en su pecho muere también.
She does care about you.
Ella se preocupa por ti de verdad.
Yes, she does.
Sí le importo.
Somebody told me she's a crazy heiress who does nothing but hike.
Dicen que es una rica heredera loca que solo hace senderismo.
She does like German cinema.
Le gusta el cine alemán.
I love it when she does this.
Me encanta cuando ella hace esto.
She always does.
Siempre lo hace.
does she know 78
does she know that 28
does she have a name 20
does she not 18
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sheriff 2207
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sheet 21
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does she know that 28
does she have a name 20
does she not 18
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sheriff 2207
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shelf 30
sheet 21
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shed 33
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shelby 502
shell 112
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sherlock 737
shed 33
sheila 679
shelby 502
shell 112
shelter 71
shen 37
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sheri 60
shepherd 619
shelley 195
sherman 325
sherry 217
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sheena 27
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she is my sister 22
shepard 104
shepherd 619
shelley 195
sherman 325
sherry 217
she's my sister 210
sheena 27
shells 40
she is my sister 22
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