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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Don't believe her

Don't believe her tradutor Espanhol

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I don't believe her...
! Ah! No le creo...
Because you love her, are you gonna take her no matter what happens to her? I don't believe it.
¿ Por qué la amas, la tomarás, sin importarte qué será de ella? No puedo creerlo.
- Don't you believe her.
- ¡ No la crea!
I don't believe the girl is guilty of anything but writing a silly love letter, And it was her own private possession. If anyone is guilty, it's the person who fished the letter out of the waste-basket.
No creo que la muchacha sea culpable de nada... más que de escribir una carta de amor tonta... y como es algo suyo y privado... si alguien es culpable, es la persona que sacó la carta de la papelera.
The queen mother is in Westminster Abbey with her other children, and I don't believe she will consent.
La Reina Madre está en la abadía de Westminster con sus otros hijos. No creo que ella consienta.
- Don't believe her.
- Venga.
I don't believe it will happen, but I'm her sister so I must help.
Yo no confío en ello, pero soy su hermana y debo actuar como lo hago.
- That's what she says. Don't believe her.
- No la creas ni por un momento.
They do say she set fire to her mother, but I don't believe it.
Dicen que Ie prendió fuego a su propia madre, pero no Io creo.
- I don't believe she'll change her mind.
- No creo que cambie de parecer.
I don't believe you can take her away from me.
No creo que puedas quitármela.
Don't you believe her, For she's delirious
No quieras creer, Pues delira
Don't believe her.
¡ No la creáis!
I don't believe I know her.
No la conozco.
- Don't believe her!
- ¡ No la creo!
Don't you believe her.
No la creas.
I was forgetting... you do believe in her, don't you?
Si al menos creyeras en algo. Aunque lo olvidaba, en ella sí que crees, ¿ no?
Even if you do find this Wanda Skutnik... I don't believe she'll ever change her testimony.
Si encuentra a Skutnik... no creo que cambie nunca su testimonio.
I understand how you feel and I don't blame you... but believe me, it's blotted out of her mind.
Entiendo lo que siente y no se lo reprocho, pero créame, lo ha borrado de su mente.
Ask her, if you don't believe me.
¿ No me creé? Pregúnteselo.
I don't believe you met her at all.
No la has encontrado.
- Don't you believe that I love her?
- ¿ No cree que yo la amo?
Bueno, no creí que quisieras conocerla.
You don't believe that any girl in her right mind could turn you down...
¿ Le parece imposible que alguna chica lo haga?
Don't you believe her, Your Honor.
No le crea, Su Señoría.
Don't believe her.
No la creas.
Don't you believe her, Captain Lingard!
¡ No la creas, Capitán Lingard!
Believe me, I don't like her half as much as I hate you.
Sí, me gusta, pero más te aborrezco a ti.
I don't believe her.
No la creo.
Don't believe her.
No la hagas caso.
I don't quite know how to say it but there's a mature quality about her that's disturbing in a child and my husband and I thought that a school like yours where you believe in discipline and the old-fashioned virtues might, well, perhaps teach her to be more of a child.
No sé cómo decirlo. Hay en ella cierta madurez que es alarmante en una niña. Mi marido y yo pensábamos que en una escuela como la suya que exalta el orden y las virtudes básicas le enseñarían a ser más niña.
Or I could write to her and say that I don't believe that the child is mine.
O podría escribirle y decirle que no creo que el hijo sea mío.
Ask her yourself if you don't believe me
Pregúntale tú misma si no me crees.
I don't believe the divorce actually affected her seriously.
No creo que el divorcio la afectara seriamente.
"I don't believe in anyone or anything." Yeah, go tell her that!
"No creo en nada, ni en nadie." ¡ Eso tendría que decirlo ella!
Don't believe her, Messieurs.
No crea lo que dice, señor.
I don't believe it. When Ella Bennet gets here please ask her to wait for me.
Cuando llegue Ella Bennet dígale, por favor, que me espere.
I don't believe you killed her.
No creo que tú la hayas matado.
I don't believe her now, and suspect everyone.
Pero ahora no le creo a ella y sospecho de todos.
Don't believe her!
¡ No le crean!
You don't believe her stories do you?
¿ No cree en sus historias?
You don't believe her.
No te la crees.
If the young lady said she saw the attack at a school, why don't you believe her?
Si esta joven dice que vio el ataque en la escuela, ¿ por qué no la creen?
Don't believe her, she's a pathological liar!
¡ Lizzy! No la crean, ¡ es una mentirosa patológica!
You believe her, don't you?
Usted le cree a ella, verdad?
You don't really believe her, do you?
¿ No la creerás?
And don't believe that marriage distracts her from her studies even if she does allow her self time for fun and relaxation.
Y no se piense que el matrimonio distrae en absoluto a la estudiante de sus estudios, aunque se conceda algún tiempo para divertirse y relajarse.
You don't really believe I liked her and her phony friends.
No creerás que ella y sus amigos me agradaban.
As for you sir, don't believe her lies.
Señor, no le haga caso.
Buddy, don't believe her if she says she's running away with you.
Colega, no la creas si dice que huye contigo.
"Don't believe her."
"Don't believe her."

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