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Exciting news tradutor Espanhol

319 parallel translation
Darling, tell me, when are you to announce the exciting news about Julia?
Dime, querido, ¿ cuándo vas a anunciar la emocionante noticia sobre Julia?
Kay's been telling us some exciting news.
Kay nos ha contado proyectos interesantísimos.
Marjorie, William has some rather exciting news, but he can tell you himself.
Marjorie, William tiene una noticia muy interesante, pero te la dirá él mismo.
Such exciting news.
Es una gran noticia.
We have some very exciting news for you.
Sí, tenemos noticias estupendas para ti.
Oh, and, boys, I have another exciting news.
Ah, y muchachos, tengo otra noticia emocionante.
And now, to the stunning and exciting news which i believe you'll agree shows, once again, that at whipple's, we only take forward steps.
Y ahora, a la impresionante y excitante noticia, que creo coincidirán,... en que muestra otra vez que en Whipple's solo avanzamos hacia adelante.
I have exciting news for you
Tengo excitantes noticias para ti.
Good. Montag might be hearing some exciting news in a day or two.
Quizá Montag reciba noticias emocionantes en un par de días.
I ´ ve some exciting news for you.
Tengo noticias formidables.
I've some exciting news for you.
Tengo noticias formidables.
I have what I think will be very exciting news for you.
Creo que tengo muy buenas noticias para usted.
At the same moment the map to KAOS's secret headquarters was being slipped into Simon the Likable's trenchcoat, 99 was giving Max the exciting news.
Al mismo tiempo que el mapa del cuartel secreto de KAOS era Introducido en el abrigo de Simon el Agradable 99 le comunicaba a Max las buenas nuevas.
And then you heard my exciting news? I just blurted it out.
¿ Entonces escuchaste mi excitante noticia?
I don't hear any exciting news.
No se oye ninguna noticia interesante.
I've got some exciting news.
Tengo noticias emocionantes.
We've got some exciting news.
Tenemos grandes noticias.
It's pretty exciting news.
Noticias Es muy emocionante.
Diane, I've got the most exciting news.
Diane, l'he recibido la noticia más emocionante.
Now here's the exciting news.
Ahora aquí está la noticia emocionante.
I have the most exciting news, everyone.
Tengo el más noticias emocionantes, todo el mundo.
I've just had some very exciting news.
Tengo magnificas noticias.
Because i have exciting news... I want to share with those i love most, And those i can barely tolerate.
... porque tengo noticias emocionantes que quiero compartir con los que mas amo, y aquellos que apenas tolero.
Some very, very exciting news.
Tenemos estupendas noticias.
- I've got some exciting news for you, Joe.
- Tengo noticias fascinantes, Joe.
Theo, tengo noticias emocionantes.
I have some vey exciting news for all of us.
Tengo una emocionante noticia.
Ladies and gentlemen, some very exciting news.
Damas y caballeros, grandes noticias.
- I have exciting news about my job.
- Tengo nuevas noticias sobre mi empleo.
I have to tell you that I did get some very exciting news recently.
Debo decir que recibí noticias muy excitantes últimamente.
It's Mother! I've got deliciously exciting news!
¡ Te advierto que traigo excelentes noticias!
I have some very exciting news for you.
Tengo algunas excelentes novedades para tí.
- That's very exciting news, Jack.
Son muy buenas noticias, Jack.
And sure enough, he had some very exciting news.
Y efectivamente tenía noticias sensacionales.
Um... it's going to be difficult for me to top that, but I have some rather exciting news myself.
Será difícil para mí emparejar eso, pero tengo unas excitantes noticias.
I've been asked to join Lieutenant Torres and Ensign Kim in the Science Lab to hear what they've termed as "very exciting news."
Me reuniré con Torres y Kim en el laboratorio científico para oír lo que han calificado de "noticias esperanzadoras".
Mom, Dad I have some interesting and exciting news.
Mamá, Papá tengo algo interesante y excitante que contarles.
I have some very exciting news!
Tengo noticias buenísimas!
Now, Mr. O'Neill has exciting news about our after-school self-esteem class.
Ahora, el señor. O'Neill tiene excelentes noticias acerca de nuestra clase de autoestima despues de la escuela.
Hey, here comes Harvey, maybe he's got exciting news.
Eh, ahí viene Harvey, quizá él tenga noticias interesantes.
We have the most exciting news!
¡ Tenemos las noticias más emocionantes!
I've got exciting news.
Tengo buenas noticias.
Ally was just telling me some very exciting news.
Ally me conto nuevas noticias.
This is Roz Doyle and I have some very exciting news.
Soy Roz Doyle y traigo noticias muy emocionantes
- I got the most exciting news today.
- Tengo buenas noticias.
Folks, these men who have just voiced their opinions are spectators, just as you sitting before your set in your home are spectators to this exciting spot news television broadcast brought to you through the facilities of WKYL.
Amigos, estos hombres que nos han dado su opinión son espectadores, igual que ustedes que están en su casa, de esta emocionante emisión de televisión que trae para ustedes el equipamiento de la WKYL.
Only this morning, at the staff meeting, Jim made the point that... although we have to keep The Chronicle vital and exciting and commercial... perhaps we ought to do a little more interpretation of the news... give our readers a little more to think about.
Esta mañana mismo en la reunión, Jim llegó a la conclusión de que, aun manteniendo The Chronicle vital, emocionante y comercial, quizá deberíamos dar una mayor interpretación a la noticia, dar a nuestros lectores algo más sobre lo que pensar.
This is exciting news.
Son noticias excitantes.
And now for the really good news and probably one of the most exciting things to ever happen at Rydell High.
Y ahora os daré una buena noticia. Un gran acontecimiento... tendrá lugar muy pronto en Rydell.
I have some great, exciting, wonderful news, Mother.
Fue fácil. Tengo muy buenas noticias, madre.
Is not my news at least as exciting as a blue disk for a toilet?
Son mis noticias menos excitantes que un disco azul para un inodoro?

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