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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ F ] / For some time now

For some time now tradutor Espanhol

702 parallel translation
I've wanted to talk about this with you for some time now.
Hace tiempo que quería hablar contigo de eso.
"I have thought for some time now that your present feverishly restless mode of living in London will, if continued affect you harmfully both physically and morally..."
"He pensado que tu inquieta vida actual en Londrés, de continuar te afecta tanto física como moralmente..."
I've known Captain Cook for some time now.
Conozco al Capitán Cook desde hace un tiempo.
Well, I've been studying painting with you for some time now.
Llevo algún tiempo estudiando pintura con usted.
Then perhaps you will convey to Her Highness... that I've been waiting for some time now to congratulate her... on the great historic event of providing our country with a much-needed heir to the throne.
Entonces quizá haréis saber a Su Alteza que he estado esperando para poder felicitarla por este gran acontecimiento histórico : haber proporcionado a nuestro país un muy necesario heredero al trono.
School has been out for some time now, sire.
La escuela lleva un tiempo cerrada, mi señor.
I've been thinking things over for some time now, and I'll be happy to make you my wife.
Lo he pensado mucho en este tiempo... y estaré feliz de hacerte mi esposa.
Oh, for several, uh... That is, for some time now.
Ya hace algún tiempo.
But for some time now I've been profoundly interested in crime and criminals.
Pero desde hace tiempo me interesan mucho el crimen y los criminales.
I've loved you for some time now.
¡ Hace semanas que te amo!
Madam, for some time now,
Madame, desde hace tiempo, Mme.
I've had Rebecca on my hands for some time now.
Ya hace un tiempo que me ocupo de Rebecca.
He's been interested in the property for some time now and...
Verá, hace tiempo que está interesado en la finca y...
I've been doing the shopping in this family for some time now... I just don't bring home anything.
Llevo mucho tiempo haciendo la compra para esta familia... y no vuelvo con cualquier cosa.
I've been wondering for some time now... Which of the three I should be myself.
En realidad, aún no sé a cuál de estas tres clases pertenezco.
You know, we've been getting it pretty steady for some time now.
¿ Sabes? Llevan bombardeando de forma continua un buen tiempo.
For some time now, I have sensed discord in the violin section.
Hace un tiempo que noto un desacorde en los violines.
True, you have been away from the school for some time now.
Es verdad que hace tiempo que no vas a la escuela.
But I have known the truth for some time now. Ever since the evening when I was forced to kill the valet to keep our little plot secret.
Pero desde hace un tiempo sé la verdad desde la tarde en que tuve que matar al ayudante de cámara para mantener el plan en secreto.
I've held back from telling you for some time now.
Llevo tiempo queriéndote decir algo.
Are you aware that for some time now, you've been slack in your duties?
¿ Se dado cuenta que desde hace tiempo está descuidando sus tareas?
Look... I've been doing my own thinking for some time now. And I'm still around.
Mire, llevo mucho tiempo manejando mis tiempos y no me fue mal.
For some time now, I've had a nightmare which terrifies me- -
Hace ya un tiempo que tengo una pesadilla. Horrible.
My niece has been dancing leading roles for some time now.
Mi sobrina lleva tiempo bailando como primera figura.
You've been watching me like a hawk for some time now, but I have nothing to hide.
Estás raro últimamente, siempre vigilándome. No escondo nada, ¿ sabes?
But you've had it in you for some time now for at least twelve hours, haven't you?
Pero ya lo lleva dentro por lo menos 12 horas, ¿ no es así? ¡ No lo sé!
Madeleine, for some time now, your mother and I have had a growing anxiety about you.
Hace tiempo que tu madre y yo estamos preocupados por ti.
".. for some time now I've been acquainted with a French... gentleman. "
"Hace tiempo que conozco a un caballero francés."
Mrs. Praetorius... there have been for some time now... persistent, but obviously unreliable rumors about your husband.
Sra. Praetorius, hay desde hace tiempo... rumores continuos, aunque poco fidedignos, sobre su esposo.
For some time now, he has avoided me.
Desde hace algún tiempo me ha evitado.
For some time now, I've been keeping this for you.
Tengo esto desde algún tiempo para ti.
For some time now.
Hace ya tiempo.
And frankly, Kathy, for some time now... I haven't been feeling too well.
Y francamente, Kathy, hace un tiempo... que no me siento muy bien.
He's been crazy for some time now, don't you remember?
Has estado loco ahora, | por un momento, ¿ no te acuerdas?
Use some of the lines from those pulp novels you've all been writing for a long time. - Now look –
Usen lo que suelen utilizar en este tipo de historias.
And yet you've known me for quite some time now.
No me conocías hasta ahora.
I'll say that ; now I probably won't have to say anything for quite some time.
Digo que ahora no necesitaré hablar en mucho tiempo.
Now I understand the strangeness of your behavior for some time past.
Ahora comprendo lo extraño de tu comportamiento durante este tiempo.
I've had a bad cold now for some considerable time.
Hace bastante que me siento mal.
For quite some time now.
Hace ya un tiempo considerable.
- And I'm in Port Said now for quite some time.
- Llevo mucho tiempo en Port Said.
Now, I've been here for some time.
Hace tiempo que estoy aquí.
Now the time has come for you to know where we're going, although some of you probably have already guessed.
Es hora de que sepáis donde vamos. Algunos de vosotros lo habréis adivinado.
What I now want to say to you my son... is meant for you when you are a grown man... the now mighty invaders... will now have been thrown off our land for quite some time.
Lo que quiero decirte ahora, hijo... Es para cuando seas adulto. Para entonces, los poderosos invasores
I've tried to keep it from you for some time, but now I think I'd better tell you.
He intentado ocultártelo durante algún tiempo, pero ahora creo que es mejor decírtelo.
Our writers have been shipwrecked for some time now.
Nuestros escritores son algo vagos.
I wanted to talk to you about this for quite some time now.
-... queriendo comentarle esto. - ¿ Por qué no entra, doctor?
But don't you think we've worked enough now? Isn't it time for some entertainement?
Pero, ¿ no crees que ya trabajamos bastante... y es hora de distraernos?
Now, you, Miss Linden, you say you were on your way to Hartford at the time of the robbery for some reason you do not care to explain.
Usted, Srta. Linden... dice que iba hacia Hartford cuando se produjo el robo... por alguna razón que no quiere explicar.
Now is the time for all the things that they have, at some point,
Don Cosme, por ejemplo.
You've lived in Havana for quite some time now, haven't you?
Llevas viviendo en La Habana desde hace algún tiempo, ¿ no?

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