For your mother tradutor Espanhol
3,858 parallel translation
- You steal for your mother?
- ¿ Robas para tu madre?
Is it for your mother?
- ¿ Es un regalo para tu madre?
Ask yourself if it's important for your mother.
Pregúntate si eso sería importante para tu madre.
You're still blaming yourself for your mother.
Todavía estás culpándote a ti misma por lo de tu madre.
I'll say a prayer for your mother's speedy recovery, Jorge.
Rezaré para que tu madre se recupere pronto, Jorge.
I took this meeting out of respect for your mother.
He aceptado esta reunión por el respeto que tengo a tu madre.
I busted my butt doing extra work for your mother's ring.
Me pelé el culo haciendo horas extra para el anillo de tu madre.
If it wasn't for your mother, I'd throw you out on the street.
Si no fuera por tu madre te echaría a la calle.
So I can keep the side up for your mother.
Así podré dar la cara ante su madre.
I was bringing your mother a new fan for the summer.
Vine a traer un ventilador para el verano.
Your mother wants you to come for dinner on Sunday.
Tu madre quiere que vayas para la cena del domingo.
But this man didn't get punished for being with your mother, when your father died.
El hombre no fue castigado por estar con su madre, cuando tu padre murió.
Your mother is only acting out of concern for you.
Su madre teme por usted y por lo que está haciendo.
And I might also mention your girlfriend, her mother, and her aunt who are also undocumented and living in an apartment you pay for.
Y quizás también mencione a tu novia, su madre y su tía quienes también son indocumentadas y viven en un lugar que tú pagas.
It's right next to the one for your sister and your mother...
Está justo al lado del de tu hermana y tu madre...
Your mother still has her job, so thank God for that.
Su madre todavía tiene su trabajo, así que gracias a a Dios por eso.
Did you phone your mother for that thought?
¿ Llamaste a tu madre para contarle?
It would be an honour for any mother to have such a daughter-in-law, even knowing of your sins, but it will never happen.
Sería un honor para una madre tener una nuera de esa clase, incluso sabiendo de sus pecados, pero eso nunca ocurrirá.
Your mother had just taken you in the ocean for the first time.
Tu madre te llevó a la playa por primera vez.
Your mother refuses to buy it for me.
Tu madre se niega a comprármela.
Your mother had a deep affection for Sudafed, which accidentally interfered with her love affair with Valium.
Tu mamá era adicta a un descongestivo nasal que hizo una reacción cruzada con su amor por el Valium.
I know you don't have a very high opinion of your mother, but she's my daughter and she's asking for my help.
Sé que no tienes en muy alta estima a tu madre, pero ella es mi hija y está pidiendo mi ayuda.
Your mother's spreading her legs for your sake.
Tu madre abre las piernas por tu bien.
Your mother's gonna stick around for a little while.
Tu madre va a quedarse por un tiempo.
It must have been terrible for you, coming back from the Continent, discovering your mother had died.
Debió ser terrible para ti volver del continente, descubrir que tu madre había muerto.
She deserved to die? For not paying your mother's pension?
¿ Merecía morir por no pagar la pensión de tu madre?
Your mother will probably ask for you when she need maintenance payments.
Tu madre probablemente te pedirá, cuando se pierda la manutención.
Your mom told me that you were looking for your birth mother.
Tu mamá, me dijo que estabas buscando a tu madre biológica.
Now, I'm not sure Norman would approve, but... I've arranged a small surprise for indulging your poor old mother on the last day of your summer vacation.
No estoy segura si Norman lo aprobaría, pero... he arreglado una pequeña sorpresa para complacer a tu pobre madre en el último día de tus vacaciones de verano.
And you are a lemur for speaking in such tones to your mother.
Y tú eres un lémur por hablar en ese tono a tu madre.
Ditching youth group for a movie is not the point, but that little song and dance that you gave your mother...
Faltar al grupo para ir al cine no es nada pero esa mentira que le inventaste a tu mamá- -
You know, I've talked to your mother, and we have been discussing options for your rehabilitation.
Usted sabe, yo he hablado con su madre, y hemos sido discutir las opciones para su rehabilitación
Your mother is either looking for you or will be soon.
Tu madre te está buscando o lo estará pronto.
I know that things are tough for you and your mother, but... don't imagine things.
Sé que las cosas son difíciles para ti y para tu madre, pero no te imagines cosas.
Your mother and I were just talking about how excited we are for our trip to New York City.
Tu madre y yo estábamos hablando sobre lo emocionados que estamos por nuestro viaje a Nueva York.
I want you to know... for the first time, since your mother died, I'm making decisions for the right reasons.
Quiero que sepas... por 1ra vez, desde que tu madre murió, estoy tomando decisiones por razones correctas.
Your mother called me in for dinner right in the middle of the fourth quarter every year.
Tu madre siempre me llamaba para cenar justo en el medio de la cuarta parte todos los años.
Your mother says it wouldn't be a good idea for you to move back in with us.
Tu madre dice que no sería una buena idea, para ti que te mudes de nuevo con nosotros.
Even though she's your mother's only sister and her son works for you?
A pesar de todo, ella es la única hermana de su mamá y su hijo trabaja para usted.
The children that your mother cared for, the child that is inside you now.
Los niños que tu madre cuidaba, el bebé que está dentro de ti.
You had me as your slave, denied our children... had my mother murdered and you would have sent me to a living hell had it not been for this inspector here.
Me tuvo como esclava, rechazó a nuestros hijos... ordenó matar a mi madre y yo estaría en el infierno de no ser por el inspector.
Be a mother for once in your life.
Haz de madre por una vez en tu vida.
Only you could turn Reuben's death into a platform for your sacrifices as a single mother.
Solo tú puedes convertir la muerte de Reuben en un... discurso de tus sacrificios como madre separada.
Um, listen, I just want to thank you for stepping up and helping us crack the case against Rebecca, even though it meant turning against your own mother.
Um, escucha, quiero agradecerte por apareciendo y ayudándonos a hacer estallar el caso contra Rebecca, aunque signifique ponerte en contra de tu propia madre.
Tell your mother that I went for an emergency.
Dile a tu madre que me fui por una emergencia.
Your mother's crown. Love counts much more for me than the crown.
Corona de su madre el amor cuenta mucho más para mi que la corona
Like it or not, I am your mother-in-law for the rest of your life.
Te guste o no. Soy tu suegra para el resto de tu vida.
For the next 14 weeks, I am your mother, father, boyfriend, grandma and your bloody God all rolled into one.
En las próximas 14 semanas, seré su padre, madre, novio, abuelo y su maldito Dios todo en uno.
But I think we both need to be prepared for the possibility that your mother may not come.
Pero creo que tenemos que estar preparados para la posibilidad de que tu madre no venga.
Mr Lacey, you can't possibly leave, your mother's living for this.
Sr. Lacey, no puede irse, su madre vive por usted.
Or your mother's recipe for baked chicken.
Ni la receta de tu madre para el pollo al horno.
for your information 371
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your 26
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for your own safety 97
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your 26
for your safety 30
for your time 16
for your own safety 97