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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / Hand them over

Hand them over tradutor Espanhol

430 parallel translation
Hand them over or I'll yell the place down.
Devuélveselas o llamo a la policía.
- Then I shall have to ask you to hand them over to me.
- Así es. - Debes entregármelas.
- Arrest these two men and hand them over to the police.
- Detenerlos y entregarlos a la policía.
I'll certainly be glad to hand them over to their uncle in Dodge.
Tengo ganas de entregárselos a su tío en Dodge.
Hand them over.
Well, hand them over to her, Mickey.
- Además no me las dio. Dáselas, Mickey.
I'll hand them over the copies myself.
Les entregaré las copias yo mismo.
Hand them over to the Immigration Officer when you've filled them out.
Entréguenlos en Inmigración cuando acaben.
And then hand them over to the escort that will be waiting at Toulon.
Y entréguelos a la escolta que estará esperando en Toulon....
Hand them over,'cause you won't get your clothes... or food or nothing till you get all cleaned up...
Dádmela. Ni ropa ni comida hasta veros limpios.
We hand them over to people who are not ready for them while we go off again into the darkness of ignorance searching for other discoveries which will be mishandled in the same way when the time comes.
Y los ponemos en manos de gente que no está a la altura mientras nosotros volvemos otra vez a la oscura ignorancia investigando para otros descubrimientos que volverán a ser mal utilizados cuando llegue la hora.
~ Come here, hand them over.
- Ven aquí, tráelos.
The letters. Hand them over!
Las cartas.
Hand them over.
Vamos, dámelo.
Hand them over.
Give me the cigarettes, hand them over.
Dame los cigarrillos, dame.
Now I should hand them over to the first idiot you put in my place?
Y ahora tú pretendes que se los regale al primer idiota que pondrán en mi lugar.
Now, you can either hand them over or have them taken.
Si no las entrega, se las quitaré a la fuerza.
Hand them over, there's a good fellow or I'll create a scandal!
¡ O los entrega por las buenas, o armaré un escándalo! ¡ Entiende!
Until you realise that these people are my prisoners, I shall refuse to hand them over.
Hasta que te des cuenta de que estas personas son mis prisioneros, me negaré a entregarlos.
Go on, collect them and hand them over to us!
ve, recogelas y traelas a nosotros!
And I had to collect them and hand them over... Although, by that time there were seven glass marbles among them!
tuve que entregarselas a pesar de que habian 7 canicas de vidrio!
Hand them over.
Entreguen los rifles.
Hand them over or I'll crush you.
Entréguemelos o lo aplastaré.
Hand them over.
Dando, dando.
Yes, I thought it better to hand them over to you and say no more about it.
Sí, pensé que era mejor entregarselas a usted y no decir nada más al respecto.
I suppose you think I should hand them over to the public prosecutor.
Yo supongo que piensas que debiera enviarlos con el fiscal.
Do not hand them over to the power of the enemy... and do not forget them forever, but command that these souls... be taken up by the holy angels and brought home to paradise... so that since they hoped and believed in you... they may not undergo the punishments of hell... but rather possess everlasting joys. "
No se los entregues al enemigo... ni los olvides para siempre. Encomienda sus almas... a los ángeles y ordena que las lleven al paraíso... para que, ya que creían en Ti... no sufran los castigos del infierno... sino disfruten de dicha eterna...
Hand them over!
Diga donde están ellos!
Tell him to hand them over!
Digámosle para encontrarlos!
Hand them over!
Hand them over or we won't work.
Encuentrelos o no iremos a trabajar.
We'll strike until you hand them over.
Estaremos en huelga hasta que ellos sean encontrados.
Stop, hand them over.
Se detiene hasta encontrarlos.
There's some that it's better for them to have a firm hand over them.
A algunos es mejor tratarlos con mano de hierro.
But when I saw them aiming at you, I put my hand over the barrel.
Yo también quería que usted muriera.
- Come on, hand them over!
Well, i've got to send them here until i'm able to hand them to you over the footlights. Well, you've always got some excuse.
Si lo traigo aquí, ¿ serás amable con él por mí?
- Hand them over.
Those phony psychics dig up the dirt... hand it over to the customers in a séance, then hold them up.
Esos videntes falsos descubren los trapos sucios de la gente y luego la chantajean.
You're not to hand over the money until you have developed the films, examined them and decided whether they are genuine and worth it.
A que no entregará el dinero hasta revelar las fotos, examinarlas y decidir si son auténticas y valen la pena.
Give them a hand with this ammo! Put that stuff over there.
¡ Échales una mano con la munición!
Hand over them keys.
¡ Danos las llaves!
He kept his hand over his throat to stay alive and he still went after them.
Se tapó la garganta con la mano para no desangrarse y encima los persiguió.
If I were to hand you over to the police it's just possible that you might be able to persuade them to take some action which would be inconvenient to us at this moment.
Si le entrego a la Policía... es posible que pudiera persuadirles para que hicieran alguna cosa inconveniente para nosotros en este momento.
Hand them over!
¡ Démelo!
We hand you over to them, or they will destroy what remains of our city.
Que os entreguemos a ellos, o destruirán lo que queda de nuestra ciudad.
Oh, we didn't hand him over to them if that's what you're thinking.
¡ No lo entregué a ellos, si eso es lo que estás pensando!
But, if we don't hand the murderer over to them, it will be a crisis for the clan!
Pues si no les entregamos al asesino, habrá una crisis en el clan.
Hand him over to them at the prison.
Llevadlo a la cárcel.
I don't know whether we can or can't but if they think we can- - if they think that we'll blow up the world before we'll hand it over to them- - they might have to sit down and bargain.
Pero si creen que sí si creen que destruiremos el mundo antes de dárselo quizá se vean obligados a negociar. ¿ Qué le parece?

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