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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He's done nothing

He's done nothing tradutor Espanhol

292 parallel translation
And ever since he's been here, we've done nothing but quarrel and fight and have trouble.
Y desde que llegó, no tenemos más que discusiones, peleas y problemas.
What does he want? Now, be careful, Phoebe, he's done nothing wrong till there's proof.
Ojo, Phoebe, no ha hecho nada malo hasta que haya pruebas.
Now, be careful, Phoebe, he's done nothing wrong till there's proof. Don't worry.
Ojo, Phoebe, no ha hecho nada malo hasta que haya pruebas.
Fishing, duck shooting... A guy who's done nothing for the last 40 years gets elected governor and he's a Tarzan.
De pesca, de caza... 40 años sin dar golpe, le eligen gobernador y se cree Tarzán.
It's sickening, as if he'd done nothing at all!
¡ Es horrible, como si no hubiera hecho nada!
And what's he ever done? Nothing but sit on his seat at the state capitol, taking our honest money and acting like a big shot while we do the dirty work.
Sentarse en su asiento del parlamento estatal... recibiendo nuestro honesto dinero, mientras hacemos el trabajo sucio.
He's done nothing but call, " Papa!
No has dejado de llamarlo... "¡ Papá, papá!"
If you think this guy's double-crossed you... it's nothing to what he's done to me.
Si crees que te estafó, no es nada comparado con lo que me hizo a mí.
Please, he's done nothing wrong.
Por favor. No ha hecho nada malo. lo se.
He's the accountant and he knows there's nothing to be done.
Lleva las cuentas y sabe que la compañía está arruinada, que no hay solución.
He's done nothing else.
No hizo otra cosa.
- He's done nothing here to be arrested for.
- No ha hecho nada para que lo detenga.
This fellow, Putnam, he's done nothing but talk you out of things and get his own way.
Putnam sólo te ha convencido y ha hecho lo que quiere.
He said it's too late, nothing can be done.
Es demasiado tarde. No se puede hacer nada.
They know that as long as the policeman has his gloves on, you can talk about it, but when he takes them off, he'll write, there's nothing more to be done.
Saben que mientras el guardia tiene los guantes, se puede hablar, pero cuando empieza a quitárselos, no hay nada que hacer.
A magnificent right he's got to come back in his best head of the family manner and start taking charge as if he's done nothing at all.
? Qué derecho tiene a volver con esa actitud de jefe de familia...
I never done nothing to you! What's the matter with him?
¡ No te he hecho nada a ti!
He's done nothing but ask for you.
No ha parado de preguntar por usted.
I've done nothing wrong, he's doing my portrait.
Me está retratando. - ¿ Retratándote?
There's nothing to come between us, after what I've done.
Nada se interpone entre nosotros después de Io que he hecho.
What if he's done nothing to confess?
- ¿ Qué pasa si no tiene nada que confesar? - Entonces no lo hará.
He's done nothing!
¡ Están locos! ¡ Él no ha hecho nada!
He's done nothing, I swear he's a saint.
Él no ha hecho nada, le juro que es un santo.
He's done nothing but talk about the case ever since it happened.
Lo único que hace es hablar del caso desde que sucedió.
- He's done nothing.
- No ha hecho nada.
He's done nothing to us.
Él no nos ha hecho nada.
Today he's done nothing but belittle me.
No hace más que menospreciarme.
Everything I've done or accomplished. There's nothing much, I dare say, that hasn't been for her or on account of her.
Todo lo que he hecho o conseguido, que no es mucho, me atrevo a decir, que no haya sido por ella o gracias a ella.
He's done nothing
Él no ha hecho nada.
He's done nothing.
¡ No me ha hecho nada!
He's done nothing, I tell you.
No ha hecho nada, ya te lo he dicho.
It's nothing, I've done it three times.
Es una chorrada. Yo lo he hecho tres veces.
I've done nothing, it's too short
Tenía tres semanas... y no he hecho nada. Es demasiado corto.
- Hastler has done nothing... he's either too old, too sick or too indifferent.
Hastler no hace nada. Es demasiado viejo, enfermo o indiferente.
If he dares to come in, he's done. - Believe me, you've got nothing to fear about.
En cuanto ponga los pies en ella no podrá escapar.
However it's happened he's certainly improving, and there is nothing I have done.
- No creo. Mejora, y yo no he hecho nada.
He.. he's done nothing wrong!
Él... él no hizo nada malo!
He's done nothing.
Él no ha hecho nada.
He's done nothing to deserve such post
El no ha hecho nada para merecer tal puesto. Creo que no es justo.
He ´ s done nothing wrong!
No colguéis a mi hermano, ¡ no ha hecho nada malo!
They have shut him in prison, but he's done nothing wrong.
Lo han llevado a prisión, pero él no ha hecho nada.
He's done nothing to you.
? Qué te hizo?
He's done nothing all night long.
No hizo nada en toda la noche.
I understand how you must feel and I do feel sorry for you. But there's nothing to be done He violated the law
Entiendo cómo se siente y siento pena por usted, pero no se puede hacer nada, el violó la ley.
I'm just your prisoner and we've no prior acquaintance Thank you for all the food and wine, but I've done nothing to deserve it so it's embarrassing
Soy un mero prisionero y no nos habíamos visto con anterioridad, gracias por toda la comida y el vino, mas no he hecho nada para merecerlo, así que es algo embarazoso.
I skin my fingers to the bone to pick 2 pounds that's worth almost nothing at the commissary, and he done took about half of it.
Me he despellejado los dedos para conseguir casi un kilo y se ha cogido casi la mitad.
That's nothing to what he's done to me, Your Grace.
Esto es nada comparado a lo que me hizo, Vuestra Gracia.
That's what it amounts to - he's done nothing!
¡ A eso se limita! ¡ No ha hecho nada!
He's done nothing to deserve that!
¡ No vale la pena que le pegue!
He's done nothing!
¡ No ha hecho nada!
He's done nothing.
¡ No vale la pena!

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