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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He cares about you

He cares about you tradutor Espanhol

316 parallel translation
You don't have to care about him because how do you know he cares about you? Then what are you gonna do?
No te importa, porque, ¿ cómo sabes que tú le importas?
que se preocupa mucho por ustedes...
He cares about you.
Se preocupa por ti.
- He cares about you, that's all.
No lo despidas. Tú le importas, eso es todo.
He cares about you almost as much as I do.
Se preocupa por ti tanto como yo.
He cares about you.
El se preocupa por tí.
He doesn't care about me. He cares about you.
Y no se preocupaba por mi, sino por ti
Yeah, of course he cares about you.
Sí, por supuesto que se preocupa por ustedes.
I know Mac comes on a little strong, but that's only because he cares about you.
Sé que Mac se pone un poco estricto, pero sólo es porque se preocupa por ti.
He cares about you just like I did.
Igual que lo hice yo.
Take care, Maria, and call Uncle Nick occasionally, he cares about you a lot.
Cuídate, Maria. ¿ Por qué no llamas a Don Nicola? Te quiere mucho.
I know the general may be... a little gruff and somewhat overbearing at times, but I know that he cares about you. Yes, darling.
Si, querida.
Even if Frost is right, you really think he cares about you?
Incluso si tuvieras razón. ¿ Crees que él te escuchará?
He cares about you.
Porque se preocupa por ti.
The Master brought you here because he cares about your spiritual wellbeing.
El Amo te ha hecho venir porque le importa tu bienestar espiritual.
He cares about you, and you turned your back on him.
Le importas tú, y tú le diste la espalda.
Now I know he cares about you and the kids, Ruby.
Yo sé que él se preocupa mucho por ti y por los chicos.
Since you're certain that he pleases you and cares about you,
Ya que estás segura de que te gusta y de que él te valora.
"Regiment, duty, you're improperly dressed." That's all he cares about.
"Regimiento, deber, vestir apropiadamente." Es todo lo que le importa.
He really cares about you.
Sólo le importa Ud.
Because you're all he really cares about... - you and what you think of him.
Porque eres todo lo que le importa. Tú y lo que pienses de él.
I exhausted three mail horses but who cares about roubles, now that I am with you.
He fatigado a tres mil caballos pero a quién le importan los rublos, ahora que estoy contigo.
It doesn't matter how you played the game'cause all he cares about is did you win
Da igual cómo has jugado pues Io único que le importa es si has ganado
But you heard him, all he cares about is getting those men.
Ya le oíste, Io único que le preocupa es coger a esos hombres.
You! Now you know he only cares about himself.
Ya ves que solo piensa en sí mismo.
He cares for me All you ever cared about is yourself.
Él se preocupa por mí Todo lo que siempre se preocupaba por sí mismo es.
You will beat him at the only thing he really cares about.
Lo derrotará en lo único que realmente le importa.
I think he really cares about you.
Creo que se preocupa por usted.
I think flaunting her like this is actually a sign that he really cares about you.
Está claro que la ha traído sólo para darte celos. Al fin y al cabo, te quiere.
You're the only thing he cares about outside of his work.
Tú eres la única cosa por la que se preocupa aparte de su trabajo.
But he really cares about you, your health.
Sin embargo él se preocupa mucho por ti, por tu salud.
He really cares about you.
El realmente te quiere.
He gives you a hard time, but underneath it all, he doesn't give a shit. As long as he gets his fees, that's all he cares about.
Te la hizo difícil, pero sólo le importa cobrar sus honorarios.
He cares about her, but you'll demolish her.
Se preocupa por ella pero tú la destruirás.
I think he really cares about you.
No, creo que te quiere de verdad.
He's the first guy you've met in years who actually cares about you, and who you might even love.
Es el primer tipo que conoces en años que realmente se preocupa por ti, y al que tú tal vez amas.
Mac really cares about you, doesn't he?
Mac en serio se preocupa por ti ¿ no?
I think he really cares about you.
Creo que realmente le importas.
Well, maybe, but you're the one he cares about.
Quizás sea así, pero tú eres quien le importa.
You think he cares about the soup?
¿ Crees que le importa la sopa?
You're the one he cares about.
Eres tu quien le preocupa.
You work and work and work at a marriage but all he cares about is his boat.
Trabajas, trabajas y trabajas por tu matrimonio pero él sólo se preocupa por su barco.
That's why he cares so much about what you think of him.
Por eso le importa tanto lo que pienses.
He really cares about you, too.
Y tú le importas mucho.
If I said Stanton's here because he cares about adult literacy... - you'd say I was full of it.
Si te digo que a Stanton le interesa la educación de adultos, no me creerías.
You can't hurt Bester because of the neural block but you can help me bring down everything he cares about.
No puedes hacer daño a Bester por el bloqueo neurológico... pero puedes ayudarme a destruir todo lo que le interesa.
He really cares about you.
Le importas de verdad.
- He's not the only one who cares about you.
- - El no es el único que se preocupa por ti.
I really like being around him, you know? And I think he cares about me.
Me gusta estar con él... y creo que yo sí le intereso.
- Do you think he cares about the Indians?
- ¡ Crees que le importan los indios?
It means he cares about someone other than himself... which is more than I can say for you.
Que él no sólo se preocupa por sí mismo, sino por otra persona lo cual no puedo decir de ti.

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