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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / High fever

High fever tradutor Espanhol

378 parallel translation
She's got a high fever too. Here's your thermometer.
Aqui está el termómetro.
Running a high fever.
Tiene mucha fiebre.
I had a high fever.
Tenía mucha fiebre.
She has a high fever.
Tiene mucha fiebre.
- He has a high fever. Who do you think you are?
- Pero tiene mucha fiebre.
A wounded man, with a high fever.
Un hombre herido, con fiebre alta.
Captain, there's a lad forward, Tommy Adams, with a high fever, sir, 103.
Hay un joven de proa, Tommy Adams, con 40 ° C de fiebre.
I think I have a high fever
Creo que tengo fiebre alta...
- He must have a high fever.
- Tiene una fiebre de caballo.
He has a high fever.
Tienes fiebre.
But his wounds were bad and he was running a high fever.
Pero sus heridas estaban infectadas y tenía fiebre.
High fever case.
Caso de fiebre alta.
High fever, Doctor.
Fiebre alta, doctor.
- You have high fever!
- ¡ Tienes mucha fiebre!
He's running a high fever.
Tiene mucha fiebre.
I think you described it very well, in view of the fact that she was taken violently ill at 3 am, put to bed with a high fever, and has had all her appointments for today cancelled in toto!
Creo que lo has descrito muy bien, considerando que cayó gravemente enferma a las 3 de la mañana, que guarda cama con fiebre, y que han cancelado todos sus compromisos para hoy ¡ in toto!
He was so strange and romantic. Maybe he wanted to prove to me that in spite of the high fever he had braved the rain to see me. Or maybe he wanted to die.
Era tan extraño y romántico... quería verme, y a pesar de la fiebre... desafiaba a la lluvia por mí.
You'll burn with high fever.
Tendrás la fiebre a 40.
Right now, politics is on your brow like a high fever
¿ Por qué no? Ahora mismo la política colorea su rostro como la fiebre.
I had a very high fever.
Ese día, tenía 39,5 de fiebre.
" The baby has been ill. A high fever for almost three weeks.
No pude ir a visitarte, porque el niño estuvo enfermo.
Tell him I've got a high fever.
dile que tengo mucha fiebre.
He's got a pretty high fever, sir.
Tiene un poco de fiebre, señor.
You were running a high fever, but it's broken now.
¿ Sí? Has sufrido de una fiebre intensa, pero parece haberse acabado ya.
Look what can happen in a high fever, or following a serious emotional shock.
Piense lo que puede ocurrir con fiebre alta o un shock emocional.
According to his family, a high fever and excruciating pain in all his joints.
Su familia informa que sufre de fiebre alta y dolores muy agudos.
Carla, is this the first time you've run such a high fever so suddenly?
Carla, ¿ has tenido alguna vez esta fiebre tan repentina?
A high fever came on suddenly.
Le vino de repente la fiebre alta.
He has a high fever... delirious.
Tiene fiebre alta... delira.
Such a high fever too! Measles.
Tiene mucha fiebre.
This child is running a high fever and having convulsions.
Esta niña tiene la fiebre alta y está teniendo convulsiones.
High fever.
Fiebre alta.
Have you had a high fever?
¿ Has tenido mucha fiebre?
He's got high fever.
Está con mucha fiebre, delirando.
You are boiling, such high fever!
Estás ardiendo de fiebre.
Professor, he's got a high fever.
Profesor, tiene mucha fíebre.
- They've all got a high fever.
- Todos tienen mucha fíebre.
She's alive, but she has a high fever.
Está viva, pero tiene mucha fiebre.
Only a few hours later he was overcome by an apoplexy, followed by a high fever, in which, despite all possible efforts by two most skilled doctors, one evening he expired, mildly and blessedly.
Solo pocas horas después fue sorprendido por una apoplejía que, aunque fue atendida por dos de los médicos más hábiles de Leipzig, le hizo sucumbir una tarde lenta y santamente.
His Eminence has had a very high fever.
Su Eminencia ha tenido mucha fiebre.
It's often helpful in high fever.
Suele combatir la fiebre alta.
Carmela, they dumped me here with a high fever.
Carmela, me han descargado aquí con 40 de fiebre.
I heard he's laid up in bed. How high is his fever?
Estará pasándolo mal con la fiebre tan alta.
His fever is quite high.
Tiene bastante fiebre.
His fever's very high. If we don't get it down, he'll die.
La fiebre no le baja, y aquí cualquier día nos va a agarrar la chota.
I have a high fever, don't I?
Tengo muchísima fiebre, ¿ verdad?
Fever is high.
Tiene fiebre alta.
Really, Mr. Merino, this has all been a figment of your imagination, believe me, but... you have fever, and a high one.
De verdad, señor Merino, todo esto ha sido un producto de su imaginación, créame, pero, usted tiene fiebre, y mucha.
Is it a high fever?
¿ Tiene mucha fiebre?
A high fever.
Tiene mucha fiebre.
The fever is high.
La fiebre es alta.

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