His body tradutor Espanhol
9,460 parallel translation
It's in a condo, near where his body was found.
Está en un apartamento, cerca de donde se encontró su cuerpo.
And that's why you overloaded the light and led us to his body.
Y por eso sobrecargaste la luz y nos condujiste a su cuerpo.
I expect the snowmelt to reveal his body somewhere.
Espero que el deshielo revele su cuerpo en algún lugar.
He's getting three powerful antimicrobials, but even if we kill all the bacteria, the anthrax has already given off a toxin that can destroy every cell in his body.
Le estamos dando tres potentes antimicrobianos pero aunque matásemos a toda la bacteria, el ántrax ya le ha transmitido una toxina que puede destruir todas las células de su cuerpo.
We found his body at the house- - we think Simon killed him.
Creemos que Simon lo mató.
Well, he needs his cold packs changed every half hour to keep his body temperature from rising.
Bueno, necesita que le cambien los cobertores fríos cada media hora para no permitir que su temperatura corporal se eleve.
And you laid out his body.
Y usted arregló el cuerpo.
The head of His Body, the Church.
La cabeza de su cuerpo, la Iglesia.
So you think the Count was murdered here, then his body was dragged through there?
¿ Así que usted piensa que el Conde fue asesinado aquí,... y luego arrastraron su cuerpo a través de allí?
I remember standing over his body, crying.
Recuerdo estar al lado de su cadáver, llorando.
They found his body at the bottom of a ravine.
Encontraron su cuerpo en el fondo de un barranco.
We split up and find his body.
Dividimos y encontrar su cuerpo.
Do not let M.O.D.O.K. get his body!
No dejes a M.O.D.O.K. conseguir su cuerpo!
He got his body exactly where he wants it.
Él consiguió su cuerpo exactamente donde lo quiere.
As you can see, he has a remarkable amount of shrapnel in his body.
Como pueden ver, tiene una increíble cantidad de metralla en su cuerpo.
If he doesn't take back some of the stuff he said, his body might be the next one we find.
Si no retira algunas de las cosas que ha dicho, su cuerpo podría ser el próximo que encontremos.
I'll dig him out and put his body next to yours, Kurutsu.
Lo voy a cavar y poner su cuerpo junto al suyo, Kurutsu.
As you can see, only this soft tissue at the bottom part of his leg is connecting his whole lower left leg to the rest of his body.
Como ve, solamente este tejido blando del muslo... conecta lo que queda de la pierna con el cuerpo.
I'm able to approximate when his body will succumb to the poison.
Podría saber cuándo aproximadamente su cuerpo... sucumbirá al veneno.
I mean, someone tore the guy to shreds and then moved his body to Central Park.
Quiero decir, alguien arrancó el chico a jirones y luego se trasladó su cuerpo de Central Park.
They pushed his body into a bin like they were clearing a table.
Empujaron su cuerpo a la basura como si estuvieran limpiando una mesa.
Raven, highlight Spencer's footsteps from the coordinates to where we found his body.
Raven, señala las pisadas de Spencer... desde las coordenadas hasta donde encontramos su cuerpo.
His body was found yesterday morning off one of the trails.
Su cuerpo fue encontrado ayer por la mañana en uno de los senderos.
Well, his body was found yesterday off of one of the biking trails.
Bueno, su cuerpo fue encontrado ayer cerca de una ruta ciclista.
We found his helmet and his bicycle on the trail and his body in the ravine.
Encontramos su casco y su bici en el camino y su cuerpo en el barranco.
Let's get his body to the morgue and find out.
Vamos a llevar este cuerpo a la morgue y averiguarlo.
His body was found hanging from a tree this morning in Takoma Park.
Su cuerpo fue encontrado colgando de un árbol esta mañana en Takoma Park.
You found his body, but he was already dead.
Encontraste su cuerpo, pero ya estaba muerto.
So, I saw this documentary once about this high schooler who could grow all this really thick hair all over his body, if he concentrated really, really hard on it.
Vi un documental una vez sobre un estudiante de instituto que podía hacer que le creciera un vello espeso por todo el cuerpo, si se concentraba mucho, mucho en ello.
When the lieutenant threw himself on that grenade, his body absorbed the force of the explosion.
Cuando el teniente se tiró encima de esa granada, su cuerpo absorbió la fuerza de la explosión.
And to this day... they haven't yet found his body.
Y a día de hoy... todavía no se ha encontrado su cuerpo.
My hands were inside of his body when his heart stopped beating.
Mis manos estaban dentro de su cuerpo cuando su corazón paró de latir.
But on the good side, he did say the dry heat from the oven gave him some relief from the sores all over his body.
Pero por el lado bueno, él dijo que el calor seco del horno le había dado algo de alivio a las llagas de todo su cuerpo.
That this wine was his blood and this bread his body.
era su sangre y este pan su cuerpo.
When Jesus was on the cross, when the pain was so great that his body would contort and shake, he cried out, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Cuando Jesús estaba en la cruz, cuando el dolor era tan inmenso que su cuerpo se retorcía y agitaba, Él gritó : "Padre, perdónales, porque no saben lo que hacen".
How does he keep his body so horizontal when he's doing the push-up?
¿ Cómo hace para mantenerse como tabla mientras hace las flexiones?
He's drawing the kryptonite radiation from his body.
Él está extrayendo la radiación de Kryptonita de su cuerpo.
They abandoned his body in the countryside. He'd been shot three times.
Sí, apareció muerto en un descampado con tres tiros en la cabeza.
It's a little weird, because we're looking at his dead body.
Es un poco raro, porque tenemos delante su cadáver.
Must have been distressing..... seeing his dead body.
Debe haber sido perturbador el ver su cadáver.
Which explains why his real body's unconscious.
Lo que explica por qué el inconsciente de su verdadero cuerpo.
I saw his reaction when he discovered your husband's body.
Vi su reacción cuando él descubrió el cuerpo de su marido.
He even left his dog tags by the body.
Incluso dejó las placas de identificación de su perro en el cuerpo.
But on the body they found in the river, it was on his right.
Pero en el cadáver que encontraron en el río estaba en la derecha.
And the body wasn't his.
Y el cadáver no era el suyo.
While his prey's body is still warm, he carves out the liver and takes a single ceremonial bite.
Mientras el cuerpo de su presa todavía está caliente le saca el hígado y le da una única mordida ceremonial.
The manner of death, the treatment of the body- - it's consistent with his profile.
La manera en la que mata, como trata el cuerpo es consistente con el perfil.
This pair of bloody footprints led downstairs to the bathroom, stopped in front of the toilet, and then led back to the body, which means that if Boone did kill himself, he slit his own throat, laid down to die,
Este par de huellas sangrientas bajando las escaleras hacia el baño, parada enfrente del váter, y después tumbando al cuerpo lo que significa que si Boone se suicidó, se cortó su garganta, destinado a morir, se dio cuenta de que tenía que usar el baño,
When I was six years old, my father died, and my mother made me kiss the body at his funeral.
Cuando tenía seis años, mi padre murió, y mi madre me hizo besar el cuerpo en su funeral.
You were always handsome, charming, confident, but the man I knew wouldn't flirt with me over his dead wife's body.
Siempre fuiste guapo, encantador, confiado, pero el hombre que sabía no coquetear conmigo sobre el cuerpo de su esposa muerta
His brother had to go and identify the body.
El hermano tuvo que ir a la morgue a reconocer el cuerpo.
body 247
bodyguard 57
body fat 19
body language 42
body parts 18
body strength 24
body and soul 43
body experience 27
bodyguards 21
body of christ 30
bodyguard 57
body fat 19
body language 42
body parts 18
body strength 24
body and soul 43
body experience 27
bodyguards 21
body of christ 30
body thuds 16
body asleep 25
his brother 146
his best friend 29
his birthday 23
his brain 16
his blood 35
his business 16
his b 22
body asleep 25
his brother 146
his best friend 29
his birthday 23
his brain 16
his blood 35
his business 16
his b 22