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His brother tradutor Espanhol

11,091 parallel translation
Bhadram was right, 9 is Devaraj and 6 is his brother-in-law.
Bhadram tenía razón, 9 es Devaraj y 6 es su cuñado.
To avenge his brother's death, right?
Para vengar la muerte de su hermano, ¿ verdad?
And his brother, Jay, he's a detective in Voight's unit.
Y su hermano, Jay, es un detective de la unidad de Voight.
Detective Halstead, uh, his brother Will, you know him?
Detective Halstead, su hermano Will, ¿ lo conoces?
See if he knows where his brother would stash a prisoner.
Ver si sabe dónde su hermano guardaría un prisionero.
David has this little show, but his brother, Donny, is really coming up in the entertainment industry, too.
David tiene este programita pero su hermano, Donny también está progresando en la industria del entretenimiento.
This is where he used to come to meet his brother when they were in separate homes.
Aquí es donde solía venir a encontrarse con su hermano cuando estaban en hogares separados.
- Pizzuti! His brother-in-law.
- Mucho gusto, Pizzuti, soy su cuñado.
The offender in custody is his brother.
El delincuente en custodia es su hermano.
Just so you can go after his brother?
¿ Para que puedas ir tras su hermano?
Priors for possession with intent to distribute, concealed weapon, and has been ID'd as a street captain for his brother.
Buscado por posesión e intento de distribución, ocultar armas... y ha sido identificado como el jefe callejero de su hermano.
Because it's his brother lets him do what he does best.
Su hermano lo ayuda a dar lo mejor de sí.
My father didn't talk to his brother for 20 years.
Mi padre no habló con mi hermano por 20 años.
I think he was talking to his brother.
Pensé que estaba hablando con su hermano.
He's talking to his brother...
Está hablando con su hermano...
- Okay, you're his trainer and his brother, and we're supposed to just take your word that Felix was with you?
Eres su entrenador y hermano, ¿ y tenemos que creerte que Felix estuvo contigo? ¡ Oigan!
Since his brother is vouching for him, what about the other men in Christa's life?
Dado que su hermano responde por él, ¿ será que Christa veía a otro hombre?
Mr. Hammerhead and his brother Dillon say they started training at 7 : 00 A.M., but the camera doesn't lie.
El Sr. Cabeza de Martillo y su hermano dijeron que entrenaron a las 7 : 00, pero la cámara no miente.
Booth's an outlier, too, and maybe he's more like his brother than you're willing to acknowledge.
Stand es un caso atípico, también, y tal vez más como su hermano de que está dispuesto a reconocer.
You are implying that Booth may have killed his brother.
Estás insinuando que la cabina puede haber matado a su hermano.
About his brother?
Acerca de su hermano?
He was helping his brother.
Él estaba ayudando a su hermano.
Sigmund is... He lost his brother in the battle against Athena's army.
Sigmund, perdió a su hermano en la anterior lucha contra los Caballeros de Atena.
His brother would bring him a box of chocolates,
Su hermano le traía una caja de chocolates,
Well, who'd he fight with? His brother Jim or Jon...
- Su hermano Jim, Jon... algo así...
And his brother Thomas was killed in a separate shooting.
Y su hermano Thomas fue asesinado en un tiroteo aparte.
- Evil Corp, Angela, Vera, his brother, Darlene, Shayla.
Evil Corp, Ángela, Vera, su hermano, Darlene, Shayla.
You just tell his name, my brother will take care of it.
Sólo dinos su nombre y mi hermano se encargará de eso.
My brother got back his sense.
Mi hermano volvió a recobrar la cordura.
The suspect's brother conveniently cleared your prime suspect, and you let him go on his merry way while looking for someone else to charge with murder.
El hermano del sospechoso convenientemente aclaró a su principal sospechoso, y lo dejaron ir por su alegre camino mientras buscaba a alguien más para presentarle cargos de asesinato.
That's alright brother. Christophe gave us a cheque from his father.
Toma es del hermano Christophe, nos dió un cheque de su padre.
Becki, this is my brother Evan and his wife, Paige.
Becki, este es mi hermano Evan y su mujer, Paige.
Nah, I don't look up to David so much as I look up to Matthew McConaughey and his equally-talented brother.
No admiro tanto a David como a Matthew McConaughey y su hermano, que es igualmente talentoso.
Yeah, that's your dad with his new Little Eskimo Brother.
Sí, es tu padre con su nuevo Pequeño Hermano Esquimal.
Keyes shot and killed his own brother.
Keyes disparó y mató a su hermano.
He put a bullet in his own brother's head.
Le metió una bala en la cabeza a su propio hermano.
His words ring true, brother.
Sus palabras son verdad, hermano.
" This is what happens when a man wounds his own brother.
Esto es lo que pasa cuando un hombre hiere a su propio hermano.
His name is Charles DiLaurentis and he's my brother.
Se llama Charles DiLaurentis y es mi hermano.
Unless you have a better way to get Dillon to turn on his kid brother.
A menos que sepas una mejor manera para que entregue a su hermano.
Look, my brother may have his flaws, but he would never turn against his family.
Mira, mi hermano puede tener sus defectos, Pero nunca se volvería en contra de su familia.
They will be another weapon to use, but my brother's death will be by this hand when I plunge my sword into his traitorous heart.
Serán un arma más que usar, pero la muerte de mi hermano será por esta mano cuando entierre mi espada en su corazón traicionero.
See the anger caused by the story of the brother who killed his youngest brother because he had no food on the table.
Vea la ira causada por la historia del hombre que mató a su hermano menor porque no tenía para comer.
My gardener shits in my bushes and my brother shits in his shower.
Mi jardinero se caga en mis plantas y mi hermano se caga en su ducha.
Tao : Parents, brother, yet Tate was reported missing by his landlord.
Padres, hermano, y aun así fue denunciado desaparecido por su casero.
" While his older, more notorious brother Joseph Patton fell victim to an apparent mobster hit car explosion,
" Mientras que su hermano mayor, el famoso Joseph Patton murió víctima de un atentado de la mafia con un coche bomba,
Your brother has been in his room with the door closed for hours.
Tu hermano ha estado en su habitación... con su puerta cerrada por horas.
Jeremy is like a little brother to me and his girlfriend is a cokehead.
Jeremy es como un hermano pequeño para mí y su novia es una cocainómana.
I'm no professional therapist, but I did help my frat brother Pube come out to his parents.
No soy un terapeuta profesional, pero ayudé a Pelo Púbico, de la fraternidad, a salir del armario ante sus padres.
That's why I had to leave Georgia with such haste, because my brother would never forgive me if he found out that I'd been defiling his wife.
Es por lo que me fui de Georgia con tanta prisa, porque mi hermano jamás me perdonaría si se entera de que estuve profanando a su esposa.
Man, the brother is getting his life together for Rex.
Hombre, el hermano esta recuperando su vida por Rex.

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