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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / His hands

His hands tradutor Espanhol

8,180 parallel translation
Tell him he'll get shot again if he doesn't show his hands.
Dile que le daremos otro tiro si no lo hace.
Tell this dude to show us his hands, or he's gonna get shot.
Dile que nos muestre las manos o le daremos un tiro.
Not often a man in my position. Get all the pleasure of having a fighter in his hands.
No a menudo un hombre de mi posición consigue todo el deleite de tener un luchador en sus manos.
Bind his hands!
¡ Atenle las manos!
Rotten fuck... raised his hands at me, burned me, shared me with his men.
Puto desgraciado... me pegaba, me quemaba, me compartía con sus hombres.
And, uh, "the one who's always got his hands in his pants."
Y, "el que siempre tiene las manos en sus pantalones".
If we were talking about someone normal, I'd say no, but anyone who has two people's blood on his hands is a madman.
Si estuviéramos hablando de alguien normal, diría que no, pero cualquiera que toma la sangre de dos personas en sus manos es un lunático.
with his hands in his pockets.
escuchando a sus amigos... con las manos en los bolsillos.
Proctor had his hands in Longshadow's pockets.
Proctor tenía las manos en los bolsillos de Longshadow.
But beyond that, I don't think that there's a part for Captain Flint in Nassau's future. Not with the blood on his hands.
Pero más allá de eso no creo que haya lugar para el capitán Flint en el futuro de Nassau no con sangre en sus manos.
Umm, we're gonna have to untie his hands or something.
Umm, vamos a tener a desatar sus manos o algo.
He had blood all over his hands.
Tenía las manos cubiertas de sangre.
His hands move down her body.
Sus manos se mueven por su cuerpo.
One of the men, his hands wet with sweat dropped his pick axe.
Uno de los hombres, sus manos mojadas por el sudor dejó caer su hacha.
Got his hands in everything...
Puso sus manos en todo...
- So if the old Dr. Kyle asked for just one of his hands free so he could drink his own water?
¿ Entonces si el Dr. Kyle de siempre pide que le sueltes una de sus manos para tomar agua?
- The man had a lot of time on his hands.
- El hombre tenía un montón de tiempo en sus manos.
Especially when a Marine colonel named Oliver North got his hands on the picture.
Y menos cuando un coronel de la marina, Oliver North, se hizo con la foto.
Now where would a Shaman lay his hands on half a pint of murderer's blood? Mnn?
¿ Cómo conseguiría un chamán medio litro de sangre de un asesino?
Uh... I knew this guy who lost both of his hands at Guadalcanal.
Yo conocí a un sujeto que perdió sus dos manos en Guadalcanal.
His hands.
Sus manos.
Jimmy cut off his hands to pay for an attorney.
Jimmy se cortó las manos para poder permitirse un abogado.
How can he defend himself if he doesn't have his hands?
¿ Cómo puede defenderse si no tiene sus manos?
He won't miss a chance to get his hands on me.
No va a dejar pasar esta oportunidad.
There's a fella needs to get his hands on some typewriters.
Hay un chico tiene que poner sus manos en algunas mà ¡ quinas de escribir.
It lies with the one who holds royal life in his hands.
Radica en quien sostiene a la vida real en sus manos.
Watch his hands. He's only got two.
Cuidado con las manos, sólo tiene dos.
Guess what your son had his hands on yesterday?
¿ Sabes qué tenía tu hijo ayer entre las manos?
According to the Army, the man was told to stand on a box... his head covered with wires attached to his hands.
Según el Ejército, al hombre se le dijo que se subiera a una caja... con la cabeza cubierta, las manos atadas con cables.
Did that boy lay his hands on her?
¿ Ese chico le ha puesto las manos encima?
He scrubbed his hands when he came in,
Se restregaba las manos cuando entró,
He raised his hands and they all stood up at once.
Levantó sus manos y todos se pusieron de pie de inmediato.
I like his hands.
A mí me gustan sus manos.
And one of my boys... like catching a ball, just sticks out his hands.
Y uno de mis chicos... como atrapando una pelota, solo estira sus brazos.
No, you'll be back in his hands the minute he takes his fancy.
No, estará de vuelta en sus manos en cuanto a él se le dé la gana.
Hold his hands, sing Kumbaya, see how that fucking works for him Michael!
¡ Dale la puta mano, cantad juntos Kumbaya, y pasadlo de puta madre, Michael!
If the pressure of winning Wimbledon wasn't enough, now he's got a dead body on his hands.
Si la presion de ganar Wimbledon no fue suficiente, Ahora tiene un cadaver en sus manos.
Oh, listen, he's been marginalized in the Security Council, he's detaining an American citizen, he wants to wash his hands of.
Lo han marginado en el Consejo de Seguridad ha detenido a un estadounidense, se quiere lavar las manos.
But if we do not hurry his blood he is on our hands. So I need you to walk, okay?
Pero si no nos apuramos su sangre estara en nuestras manos asi que necesito que camines, esta bien?
Hearing Jesus comes from Galilee, Pilate wants his blood on my hands.
Al saber que es de Galilea, Pilato quiere su sangre en mis manos.
All his characters have large heads and skinny little hands, but these strange proportions are his main weapon.
Sus personajes son cabezones y de manitos huesudas pero esas raras proporciones son su mejor arma.
Elias Thomson has a knife in his back and all the witnesses swore that they were holding each other's hands the whole time.
Elías Thomson tiene un cuchillo en la espalda y todos los testigos juran que no han dejado de cogerse las manos.
Morningside, a pissed-off driver rolls a car with his bare hands.
Morningside, conductor cabreado levanta un coche con sus propias manos.
He had his own mission, with a group of cops who had seen their friends and relatives die at the hands of Gacha.
Él tenía su propia misión con un grupo de policías que habían visto morir a sus amigos y parientes a manos de Gacha.
If he dies... it will be at the hands of his own government.
Si se va a morir... que sea a manos de su propio gobierno.
Now, all of the vaqueros... Those are the Spanish ranch hands. ... were watching and they can't wait to see the little lord in his velvet knickers fall on his ass.
Ahora, todos los vaqueros, los trabajadores hispanos de los ranchos, están mirando y no pueden aguardar a ver al pequeño señorito, con sus pantalones de terciopelo, caer sobre su trasero.
And when Victor comes home... we'll put our hands around his throat together... and watch him die.
Y cuando Víctor venga a casa... le pondremos nuestras manos alrededor de su garganta juntos... y lo veremos morir.
And this man right here built that diner from the ground up with his own two hands.
Y este hombre de aquí construyó ese restaurante de la nada con sus propias manos.
♪ Andy's hands go in his pants ♪ ♪ but that don't mean he's freaky ♪
* Las manos de Andy can a sus pantalones * * pero no significa que sea raro *
Since you have decided to live in holy matrimony, before the Lord and his Church, now hold hands and exchange vows.
Como han decidido vivir en santo matrimonio, en presencia de Dios y de su iglesia, tómense de la mano... y pronuncien vuestros votos.
♪ hiding in the hands all day ♪ ♪ couldn't make decisions ♪ ♪ oh, I might have lost his way ♪
Adolescente, 1.7.

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