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His life tradutor Espanhol

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Some will say this is what killed him, this from which the ruin of his life was made.
Algunos dirán que esto es lo que le mató, que esto es lo que arruinó su vida.
- You saved his life.
- Usted salvó su vida.
No. Ernesto Garcia saved his life.
Nº Ernesto García salvó su vida.
I believe his life is in danger.
Creo que su vida corre peligro.
He received a letter, threatening his life.
Él recibió una carta, amenazando su vida.
Did you really want him caged up for the rest of his life?
¿ Realmente lo querías en una jaula por el resto de su vida?
He risked his life on that train to save those people.
Arriesgó su vida en ese tren para salvar a esas personas.
Nolan's captors did terrible things, but the people who found him... they saved his life.
Los captores de Nolan hicieron cosas terribles, pero la gente que lo encontraron... que le salvaron la vida.
As he scattered breadcrumbs here throughout his life, so we scatter his life here.
Como él esparció migas de pan aquí a lo largo de su vida, así esparciremos su vida aquí.
Well, must have been a rough time in his life.
Bueno, debió haber sido un mal momento en su vida.
It's not every day a girl gets to see her father on trial for his life.
No todos los días una chica puede ver a su padre en un juicio por su vida.
It's a stunning and horrifically tragic end to a once-great Power who devoted his life to the preservation of law and order.
Es un impactante y terrible final para el que fuera un gran Poder que dedicó su vida a la defensa del orden público.
Then why would he risk his life to warn us of the Hickey plot?
¿ Entonces por qué arriesgó su vida para advertirnos del complot de Hickey?
As you may be aware, there was an attempt on his life just under two years ago- - I'm trying to ascertain to what degree the matter was investigated.
Como es de su conocimiento, se produjo un atentado contra su vida poco menos de dos años ago- - que estoy tratando de averiguar hasta qué punto se investigó el asunto.
And the other guy's begging for his life.
Y el otro tipo de rogando por su vida.
He blew past us and stuck us with a couple of lawyers, and then they gave us full access to his life.
Sopló allá de nosotros y nos pegó con un par de abogados, y luego nos dieron acceso completo a su vida.
So you help me identify his killer And we will put the good judge away in federal prison For the rest of his life.
Ayúdeme a identificar al asesino... así encerraremos al juez en una cárcel federal para siempre.
Eddie knew things about mario That only someone close to my brother would know, And his attitude wasn't that of a man lying to save his life.
Eddie sabía cosas de Mario que sólo un familiar sabría... y no parecía estar mintiendo para salvar su vida.
The Information Bureau has warned him about threats to his life from some countries.
La oficina de información le ha advertido sobre las amenazas a su vida de algunos países.
He put his life on the line today.
El puso su vida en la linea hoy.
There must be another way to save his life.
Tiene que haber otra forma de salvarle la vida.
Despite fleeing for his life, dressed in rags, his first concern upon arriving in this city was not himself, but of his friend, Rinaldo Albizzi.
A pesar de huir por su vida, vestido de harapos, su primera petición al llegar a esta ciudad no fue para él, sino para su amigo, Rinaldo Albizzi.
Micah lost his life.
Micah ha perdido su vida.
Don't know if he can move on with his life or if he's gonna get thrown back in jail?
¿ No sabemos si puede seguir con su vida o si va a volver a la cárcel?
You saved his life, which meant I got to live mine, and create all of this.
Le salvó la vida, lo que significa que he podido tener la mía y crear todo esto.
Now, even though he was paralyzed, his mind was still able to understand why his life was ending.
Ahora bien, aunque estaba paralizado, su mente pudo entender por qué su vida acabó.
To prove on screen that it's really me on location, and not some poor guy I sent out there to risk his life in my place.
Para dar constancia de que estoy en el terreno en persona, y no es un pobre diablo que yo envío a correr riesgos en mi lugar.
I've known your brother most of his life.
Conozco a tu hermano casi toda su vida.
He has trained all his life to remain silent, but the antenna helps him focus his energies.
Se ha entrenado toda su vida para guardar silencio, pero la antena lo ayuda a enfocar su energía.
That husband of yours stalking back into my life with his threats.
Ese esposo suyo me ha estado acosando con sus amenazas.
Well, perhaps the killer was someone from his other life.
Bien, quizá el asesino fue alguien de su otra vida.
May He embrace him in His peace and bring his body to life again on the last day.
Que él lo acoja en su paz y traiga su cuerpo a la vida otra vez en el último día.
Okay, where the hell have they been his whole life?
¿ Dónde diablos han estado toda su vida?
He confessed, and, uh, Andrea's making his deal... life without parole, so...
Confesó, y, Andrea está haciendo un trato cadena perpetua sin derecho a libertad condicional, así que...
He saved Jacoby's life by applying pressure to his wound in a specific way.
Salvó la vida de Jacoby mediante la aplicación de presión a la herida de una manera específica.
Got a rough start in life. His parents were killed in a robbery when he was nine.
Mataron a sus padres en un robo cuando tenía 9 años.
Built his whole life on secrets.
Construyó toda su vida a base de secretos.
Ah, his cell phone records show that Emil's ex-wife was right about him not having a normal life.
Su registro telefónico muestra que la exesposa de Emil tenía razón acerca de que no tenía una vida normal.
Dude likes his marine life.
Le gusta la vida marina.
Your uncle, Edward VIII, threatened to do just that, impose his individuality on the institution. Bring it to life!
Su tío Eduardo VIII amenazó con hacer eso mismo, poner su persona por encima de la institución, hacer que cobrase vida.
His perch atop a for-profit college gives him access to a unique list : individuals who sought to improve their lot in life- - many of them with criminal records- - who now, thanks to him, are buckling under student loans they cannot repay.
Su perca encima de un ánimo de lucro de la universidad le da acceso a una lista única : las personas que trataron de mejorar su suerte en la vida- - muchos de ellos con records- - penal que ahora, gracias a él, están cediendo ante los préstamos para estudiantes que no pueden pagar.
A man must live his own life.
Un hombre debe vivir su propia vida.
Tomorrow a man will lose his life.
Mañana un hombre perderá su vida.
No life left in them, yet pain of his death remained.
No había vida en ellos pero su dolor permanecía.
My... My father saved the life of a... Of a friend of his when they were both boys.
Mi padre le salvó la vida a un amigo de él cuando eran niños.
Exposing a liar who was gonna ruin his daughter's life.
Exponiendo al mentiroso... que iba a arruinar la vida de su hija.
who sacrificed his personal life for his mission. He has no history with the Americans, but a good reason to talk to them.
quien ha sacrificado su vida familiar por su misión, sin antecedente con los americanos pero con un buen motivo para hablarles.
Honey, you know Davis ain't my favorite person, but he still has a right to be in his son's life.
Cariño, sabes que Davis no es mi persona favorita, pero aún tiene el derecho a estar en la vida de su hijo.
I just want to get a confession out of him, put his ass on ice for the rest of his sorry life, and get back to fighting the good fight.
Quiero sacarle una confesión, meter su culo entre rejas por el resto de su lamentable vida y volver a luchar batallas que lo merezcan.
"Life is but a walking shadow, " a poor player that struts and frets "his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more."
"La vida es una sombra que camina, un pobre actor que se arrebata y contonea en su momento en escena y nunca más se le oye".
I'm assuming I'd have the author and his pen to write me back to life.
Suponiendo que el Autor y su pluma me volvieran a la vida...

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