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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / Hyun jun

Hyun jun tradutor Espanhol

264 parallel translation
Hyun Jun and Sa Woo finish their first mission successfully, and receive time off as a reward.
Hyun Jun y Sa Woo terminaron con éxito su misión... y, como recompensa, les concedieron unas vacaciones.
Hyun Jun and Seung Hee, secretly seeing each other, go to Akita by themselves.
Hyun Jun y Seung Hee, que se están viendo en secreto, se fueron solos a Akita.
After returning from their vacation, Hyun Jun and Sa Woo also leave for Hungary.
Después de sus vacaciones, Hyun Jun y Sa Woo también se van a Hungría.
Baek San assigns an independent mission to Hyun Jun, to assassinate the prime minister of North Korea, Yoon Sung Chul.
Baek San le encomienda una misión en solitario a Hyun Jun. Que asesine al Primer Ministro de Corea del Norte, Yoon Sung Chul.
Hyun Jun, even through their tight security, succeeds in assassinating his target but is badly hurt in the process.
Hyun Jun, a pesar de la estricta seguridad... acaba con la vida de su objetivo, pero resulta gravemente herido.
Hyun Jun asks Baek San for help to make his escape, but his request is turned down.
Hyun Jun le pide ayuda a Baek San para lograr escapar, pero éste se la niega.
Actions of Sa Woo, his closest friend, who had come to rescue him, shocks Hyun Jun.
Lo que hace Sa Woo, su mejor amigo, que vino a rescatarlo, sorprende a Hyun Jun.
Are you telling me to kill Hyun Jun?
¿ Me está diciendo que mate a Hyun Jun?
When did you meet Hyun Jun?
¿ Cuándo conociste a Hyun Jun?
This will tell you why Kim Hyun Jun was selected, and why NSS is abandoning him.
Esto te mostrará por qué Kim Hyun Jun fue seleccionado... y por que la NSS lo está abandonando.
Where's Kim Hyun Jun's seat?
¿ Dónde está el escritorio de Kim Hyun Jun?
We're confiscating all of Kim Hyun Jun's property.
Estamos confiscando todas las pertenencias de Kim Hyun Jun.
From this hour forward, if anyone receives or initiates contact with Kim Hyun Jun, you will be investigated for espionage.
A partir de ahora, si alguien inicia o tiene contacto con Kim Hyun Jun... será investigado por espionaje.
We need to confiscate any and all material on agent Kim Hyun Jun.
Necesitamos confiscar todo el material del agente Kim Hyun Jun.
Kim Hyun Jun is being charged with espionage.
Kim Hyun Jun está acusado de espionaje.
What does this mean... Kim Hyun Jun is being charged with espionage?
¿ Qué es eso de que Kim Hyun Jun está acusado de espionaje?
You will not see Kim Hyun Jun again.
No volverás a ver a Kim Hyun Jun.
"All employees to cease communication with Agent Kim Hyun Jun, charged with espionage."
[Que todos cesen el contacto con el agente Kim Hyun Jun, acusado de espionaje]
There's no way Hyun Jun would have done that.
No es posible que Hyun Jun lo hiciera.
I have to see Hyun Jun and hear it directly from him.
Tengo que ver a Hyun Jun y que él me lo diga.
Hyun Jun, you and I, all of us will be in danger.
Hyun Jun, tú y yo, estaremos todos en peligro.
Hyun Jun!
¡ Hyun Jun!
I think they found Hyun Jun.
Creo que encontraron a Hyun Jun.
Any news about Hyun Jun?
¿ Se sabe algo de Hyun Jun?
Hyun Jun.
Hyun Jun...
She can't seem to accept that Hyun Jun is dead.
Parece que no puede aceptar que Hyun Jun está muerto.
Kim Hyun Jun.
Kim Hyun Jun...
- I'm Kim Hyun Jun.
- Soy Kim Hyun Jun.
KIM Hyun-jun!
¡ Hyun-Jun Kim!
Find out about Cherating single parties especially everything on KIM Hyun-jun
Averigua todo sobre las fiestas. Especialmente todo sobre Hyun-Jun Kim.
Got KIM Hyun-jun
Tengo a Hyun-Jun Kim.
Yes, this is KIM Hyun-jun
Sí, es Hyun-Jun Kim.
That's right.
Ya lo verás, Hyun-Jun Kim.
KIM Hyun-jun you're going down
Te vas para abajo... por haberme molestado.
Poor Hyun-jun baby
Pobre Hyun-Jun, bebé...
It's me, Hyun-jun
Soy yo, Hyun-Jun.
Okay, KIM Hyun-jun The real game starts now!
Vale, Hyun-Jun Kim. ¡ El verdadero juego empieza ahora!
This is KIM Hyun-jun
Soy Hyun-Jun Kim.
¡ Hyun-jun!
Want to join me, Hyun-jun?
¿ Quieres unirte a mí, Hyun-Jun?
- Hyun-jun
- Hyun-Jun.
Hey, KIM Hyun-jun
Oye, Hyun-Jun Kim,
¡ Hyun-Jun!
I'm KIM Hyun-jun
Soy Hyun-Jun Kim.
KIM Hyun-jun here
Hyun-Jun Kim aquí.
KIM Hyun-jun
Hyun-Jun Kim.
It's me, KIM Hyun-jun
Soy yo, Hyun-Jun Kim.
CHOI, KIM, BAEK Jin-su, IM Jun-seok LEE Jeong-hyun
Choi, Kim, Jin-su Baek, Jun-seok Im y Jeong-hyun Lee.
SHIN Hyun-jun / Taekkyon
SHIN Hyun-jun / Taekkyon
If Kim Hyun Jun sunbae were here now...
- Si Kim Hyun Jun sunbae estuviera aquí- -

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