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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I've found her

I've found her tradutor Espanhol

224 parallel translation
I've been looking for the right kind of woman all my life and I think I've found her.
Toda mi vida busqué a la mujer indicada... y la encontré, así que renuncio.
I've found her.
La he encontrado
All these years, I've never found a trace of her anywhere.
Durante todos estos años no pude encontrarla en ninguna parte.
I've found Kimiko and her mother.
He encontrado a Kimiko y a su madre.
I'm not looking for an adventure, I'm looking for a human being, and I've found her
No busco una aventura, busco a una persona... y la he encontrado a Ud.
I've found her!
¡ La he encontrado!
Miss Agnew, I've found her.
Srta. Agnew, la encontré.
I've found her.
La he encontrado.
I've got to wrap up Little Miss America and put her back where I found her.
Debo envolverla... y dejarla donde la encontré.
I've found her. "
La he encontrado "
I think you've found her!
¡ Y creo que la encontraste!
Personally, I've always found her a very likeable girl.
A mí siempre me resultó muy atractiva.
But if they found out I've been hiding her, they might think I had something to do with the murder.
Pero si se descubriera que la estoy escondiendo... quizá pensasen que yo tengo algo que ver con los asesinatos.
Ahora que la he encontrado, no dejaré que se vaya.
I've just made a discovery. I think I found a way to talk to her.
Creo que he encontrado una manera de hablar con ella.
I wonder if she's still lying alone up there in that house. Or if they've found her by now.
Me pregunto si aún está sola en esa casa... o si ya la han encontrado.
And, Mrs. MacNab, I've just written Miss Katrine that we've found her doll.
Ah, he escrito a Katrine que encontramos su muñeca.
I've never loved before and now I've found her I won't lose her.
Nunca he querido antes y ahora que Ia he encontrado no Ia voy a perder.
And after they found that dirty picture at her school, I've started to worry about her.
Y después encontraron esa sucia foto en su escuela y empecé a preocuparme.
I've found her now, and I've heard her own confession.
Y ya la he encontrado, y he oído su propia confesión.
Now that I've found the perfect model, I'll paint her again and again.
Ahora que encontré la modelo perfecta, la pintaré siempre.
Perhaps I will call out that I've found her here now.
- Tal vez diga que la he encontrado aquí.
I've had several talks with him, but all I've found out is a vague connection between her death and his determination to visit the dark area.
He tenido algunas conversaciones con él, pero no he logrado conocer de donde es su madre, ni el porqué de la determinación de regresar la región desconocida.
I've always found her quite detestable.
Siempre la he encontrado más bien detestable.
It isn't easy, but I've found a way to get her up.
No es fácil, pero he encontrado un modo de llegar.
I've also found her rather unpleasant.
También a mí me ha parecido bastante desagradable.
I've just found her eardrum.
Y yo acababa de encontrar el tímpano.
If Gloria believed the bastard blackmailing her was just a friendly hustler needing money, a smart alec who'd found a way to get some... a nobody... you know what I mean,
Si Gloria llegara a pensar que este hombre es un gigoló que siempre necesita dinero,... y que ha encontrado el medio para conseguirlo... Un pequeño detalle,... ¿ ve? , un matiz.
The minute I hear from John, the minute I hear that they've found her, I'II come up and tell you.
En cuanto me llame John, en cuanto la encuentren, subiré a avisarte.
Dad, I've found her!
¡ Papá, la tengo!
I've found her on the street, Dad, and I thought of you.
La he encontrado en la calle, papá, y me acordé de ti.
Frankie, I found Sugar. They've got her at that pool hall.
Frankie, encontré a Terrón.
I've traveled through villages and cities, haven't found her yet,
He viajado por pueblos y ciudades, sin encontrarla,
Why her so damn particularly? I've found other women.
A mi corazón le gustaba especialmente esa mujer.
But, since I've accused her unfairly of having had a sexual intercourse with a certain Scortichini Guido, she run away to Rome, got lost and can't be found anymore.
Pero, habiendola yo acusado injustamente de haber tenido relaciones con un tal Scortichini Guido, ha huido a Roma, se ha perdido y ya no se la puede encontrar.
I thought I've found her A friend I haven't seen in 20 years
Creí que había encontrado a la amiga que no veo desde hace 20 años.
Finally I've found her
Al final la encontré.
I've found her
La encontré yo.
Now I have to tell them we've found her.
Y ahora tendré que comunicarles que ha sido encontrada.
Whether I love her or not, I found her. I've kept her.
La quiera o no, yo la encontré y me la quedo.
Now I've found you I can't stand her anymore.
Ahora que te he encontrado, no la soporto más.
- I've found her.
- Ya la he encontrado.
And now finally when I found her...
Yya ve, parecía que la había encontrado.
I found this at her place. And I'll find this house, behind.
Encontré esta foto en su casa, y quiero encontrar la casa que se ve ahí detrás.
You know what a sunny name I've found for her?
¿ Saben qué nombre más bonito he hallado para ella?
He says, "I've found her," and keeps repeating, "She's here."
Dice "la encontré" y luego repite "está aquí".
Look you fellows I've found her. This is Effie.
Mirad chicos la he encontrado, esta es Effie.
I've finally found her. "
"Al fin la encontré."
I've even found her for you
Te la he buscado incluso.
I've found her, yes!
¡ La encontré, si!
I haven't found her yet. I've got the scent, though.
Todavía no la he encontrado, aunque estoy sobre la pista.

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