I knew her tradutor Espanhol
3,682 parallel translation
I knew her.
La conocía.
Yeah, I knew her.
conocías a Ann Fitzgerald? Sí, la conocía.
I knew her father.
Conocí a su padre.
But I recognized her name and I knew her reputation, so I assumed it was about one of her clients.
Pero reconocí su nombre y conocía su reputación, así que supuse que sería sobre alguno de sus clientes.
I knew her.
La conocí.
I thought I knew her well.
Pensé que la conocía bien.
So, I didn't tell Dyson that I knew her...
Que no le dije a Dyson que la conocía
I knew Livy through her brother.
Conocí a Livy a través de su hermano.
I knew marrying her would make everyone happy.
Sabía que casarme con ella haría felices a todos.
And I said that to her before I knew who she was going out with.
Y le dije eso antes de saber siquiera con quién estaba saliendo.
I hardly knew her!
¡ No la conocía tan bien!
And then she killed Torsten in case he knew too much. And was in the process of moving Anders'body when I tracked her down.
Luego mató a Torsten por si él sabía demasiado y estaba en proceso de mover el cuerpo de Anders cuando la localicé.
I just wish I knew what was going on in her mind when she's like that.
Sólo desearía saber qué sucede en su cabeza cuando se pone así.
the moment I saw her I just knew this girl's special this is a girl that I could really really have sex with
Desde el instante en que la vi lo supe esta chica es especial esta es la chica con la que quiero finchar a lo bestia
I knew you were gonna take her side.
Sabía que te pondrías de su lado.
I just knew I was gonna throw up, so I shut the door in her face, ran upstairs, and cried for the next six hours, which is why I'm so puffy.
Corrí escaleras arriba, y estuve llorando durante seis horas, por eso estoy tan hinchada.
I mean, maybe he knew her.
Quiero decir, quizás la conocía.
-... I knew he was hitting on her girlfriend.
Yo sabía que él estaba coqueteando con su novia.
I saw her the night she died, and I knew how that would look.
La vi la noche que murió, y sabia lo que eso significaba.
I asked her if she knew where I might find some.
Le pregunté si sabía dónde podría conseguir un poco.
I knew she was mine the first moment I saw her.
Supe que era mía en cuanto la vi.
Caroline wasn't faithful to you, but I knew that you would never leave her.
Caroline no te era fiel. pero sabía nunca la dejarías.
She knew it. I thought I loved her.
Sabía que Y en ese momento, sólo por un momento,
And I said that to her before I knew who she was going out with.
Y yo le dije eso a ella antes de que sabía que iba a salir con.
I knew in that moment if I let Larissa go, her glamorous Manhattan would disappear from my life.
Supe en ese momento que si dejaba pasar lo de Larissa, su glamour de Manhattan desaparecería de mi vida.
I knew she was hiding something, something from her past.
Sabía que ella ocultaba algo, algo de su pasado.
I knew I was gonna do what it took to help her.
Yo sabía que iba a hacer lo que hiciera falta para ayudarla.
I don't want to tell her the whole story, but of course she already knew.
No quiero contarle toda la historia, pero, claro, ella ya la sabía.
If I met a woman who knew me this well I'd marry her.
Si conozco a una mujer que me conozca tan bien me casaré con ella.
♪ you got to let a girl know ♪ how much you care about her, I swear ♪ ♪ that you're the one who always knew ♪
* Le tienes que dejar saber a una chica * * cuánto te preocupas por ella, juro * * que eres el único que siempre supo *
On some level. I always knew this would happen... that, as Rachel's star rose, so, too, would her prima donna - like tendencies.
En algún nivel siempre supe que esto ocurriría, que, cuando la estrella de Rachel se alzase, también lo harían sus tendencias de prima donna.
When I was in medical school, it was during the time when abortion was still not legal, and I saw the woman that I just looked and I looked at her at cervix and I knew something was wrong.
Cuando estaba en la escuela de medicina, fue durante el tiempo en que el aborto todavía no era legal, vi a la mujer y al observar su cuello uterino, supe que algo andaba mal.
She wouldn't cop to who had her close down my bank account, but I knew that she didn't do that on her own.
Ella no quiso decirme quien la hizo cerrar mi cuenta bancaria, pero yo sabía que ella no iba a hacer eso por su cuenta.
He wanted to know if I knew of any open teaching positions for his friend named Maggie. Do you know her?
Quería saber si había alguna plaza de profesora para su amiga Maggie. ¿ La conoces?
Well, I knew the moment I met her that there was something a little, you know, peculiar with her.
En el momento que la conocí supe que era un poco... peculiar
If I knew I'd get so much love from that girl, I would've told her ages ago.
Si hubiera sabido que iba a recibir tanto amor, se lo habría dicho hace siglos.
But I knew that life wouldn't last long if nobody got her out of there.
Pero yo sabía que esa vida no duraría mucho si nadie la sacaba de allí.
♪ Fourth time I met her ♪ ♪ I knew that I would ♪
La cuarta vez supe que lo haría
I knew something was wrong when I mentioned her husband and she tried to bolt.
Supe que algo iba mal cuando mencioné a su marido e intentó escaparse.
Because I knew kung fu, it made her feel safe.
Solo porque se Kung-Fu le dio a ella cierto sentido de seguridad.
Why he collects vintage cell phones, how he wound up in this situation, but when I saw him turn from that kiss, I knew he didn't love Olivia, and he was only moving in with her for me.
Por qué colecciona viejos teléfonos, cómo terminó en esta situación, pero cuando lo vi negarse a ese beso, sabía que no quería a Olivia, y solo se mudaba con ella por mí.
I'm not sure anyone really knew her.
No creo que nadie la conociera realmente.
No. But I knew it when I saw lilies of the valley in her bag.
Pero lo supe cuando vi los lirios del valle en el bolso.
I knew it was her!
¡ Sabía que había sido ella!
[sighs] Jackie only did it because I asked her to, because she knew it would make me happy.
Jackie solo lo hizo porque yo se lo pedí, porque sabía que me haría feliz.
She knew that if it ever got out, it would destroy her life, so I took this job to make sure the tape never got out.
Sabía que si se hacía público, destruiría su vida, así que tomé este trabajo para asegurarme que el video nunca surgiera.
I knew, I knew that Mummy thought O'Brien was very good at doing hair, and they talked about her wanting to travel...
Lo sabía, sabía que Mamá pensó que O'Brien era muy buena peinándola, y hablaron sobre que ella quería viajar a...
I assumed you knew her.
Supuse que la conocía.
I thought you knew her.
Pensé que la conocía.
I knew what Adalind did to Juliette, and I knew I was the only one who could wake her up.
Sabía lo que Adalind le había hecho a Juliette, y sabía que era el único que podía despertarla.
The night that I met Amy, I knew that I was supposed to help her.
La noche que conocí a Amy, sabía que se suponía que debía ayudarla.
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew you could do it 105
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew you could do it 105
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28