I was tradutor Espanhol
862,319 parallel translation
I'm actually not an attorney. Which, by the way, is also on your server, which is why I was able to call the FBI.
En realidad no soy Abogado, lo cual, por cierto, está también en tus servidores, que es por lo que fuí capaz de llamar al FBI!
I was nowhere near him.
Ni me le acerqué.
I was in Delhi.
Fui a Delhi.
I was looking for this.
Estaba buscándola.
And I was like, " There's one more day,
Y yo estaba como, " Hay un día más,
I was staying with mates.
Me quedé con mis amigas.
I was drunk.
Estaba borracha.
I was meant to meet a colleague here at ten o'clock.
Tenía la intención de encontrarme a un colega aquí a las diez.
I was wrong from start to finish.
Me equivoqué de principio a fin.
Yeah, but isn't that exactly why I was put on this job?
¿ Sí, pero no es exactamente por eso que me pusieron en este trabajo?
I don't know, maybe things have changed since I was a kid.
No sé, quizá hayan cambiado las cosas desde que era una niña.
Um, actually, I thought I was running late.
En realidad, creía que llegaba tarde.
Sorry I was a noshow.
- Perdón por no haber venido.
I was there. You can't rewrite history anymore, Doc.
Ya no puedes volver a escribir la historia, Doc.
I was destined to have it.
Fui destinado a tenerlo.
When I was 14 years old, my mama lay sick with tuberculosis.
Cuando tenía 14 años, mi mamá se enfermó de tuberculosis.
I was dating a Scorpio. I panicked.
Estaba saliendo con un escorpión y tenía miedo.
I haven't thought about any of that since I was a little girl.
No había pensado más en ello desde que era una niña.
I just... I was trying to erase the memories of being paralyzed, tortured, nearly eviscerated by the Revenant Ripper before I blew his head off.
Estaba tratando de borrar los recuerdos de haber sido paralizada, torturada y casi eviscerada por el Renacido Descuartizador antes de volarle la cabeza.
So you knew who I was, and you had sex with me
Entonces sabías quién era y tuviste sexo conmigo
I was leaving to face my demons on my own, which is how I work best.
Ya me iba para enfrentar a mis demonios solo, que es como trabajo mejor.
- Now, as I was saying...
- Como decía...
Of course, I was the only one that knew you were the heir.
Claro que yo era el único que sabía que eras la heredera.
I admit I was hoping you'd be a bit more of a challenge.
Admito que esperaba que fueras un reto más difícil.
I was at the bottom of a well for a long time, but now, uh, there is someone I need to visit.
Estuve en el fondo de un pozo durante mucho tiempo, pero ahora... hay alguien a quien tengo que visitar.
I... I was trying to be supportive, you know.
Trataba de ser comprensiva, ¿ sabes?
I was on my way over, because we'd been fighting.
Iba camino a verla porque habíamos peleado.
I just really thought I was doing the right thing, but I lied to you and I shouldn't have!
Pensé que estaba haciendo lo correcto, pero te mentí y no debí haberlo hecho.
Private game to which I was about to win big.
Es un juego privado que estaba a punto de ganar.
I was sure it was the other one.
Estaba segura de que era la otra.
- Who said I was gonna kill you?
¿ Quién dijo que iba a matarte?
I was raised by an incredible woman named Gus Gibson.
Fui criada por una mujer increíble llamada Gus Gibson.
I was in hell.
Estaba en el infierno.
Maybe I was...
Quizá fui...
I got so caught up in what she was saying, I-I forgot to look.
Estaba tan absorta en lo que ella estaba diciendo, que olvidé mirar.
Couple of computer things, mathematical curiosities. And I remember you saying that Mr. Kemp here was one of the smartest guys you ever met.
Un par de cosas de la computadora, curiosidades matemáticas y recuerdo que dijo que el Sr. Kemp era uno de los tipos más listo que había conocido.
God, I didn't know it was chow time there, huh?
Dios. no lo sabía. ¿ Era la hora de la comida ahí?
I thought the plan was to get him to confess.
Creí que el plan era hacerlo confesar.
I don't remember being given a choice either... when this nerdy girl walked into City Lights... and this voice in my head was telling me, "Whatever you do... do not let her go until you get her number."
Cuando esta chica tímida entró en City Lights y oí una voz que me decía : "hagas lo que hagas no la dejes ir sin pedirle el teléfono".
And every time I kiss you, I'm always left even more confused than I ever was.
Y cada vez que te beso, siempre quedo más confundida que nunca.
It was dead funny, right, cos Billy videoed me dancing naked and put it on the internet, and now I'm famous in Pakistan.
Fue divertido, porque Billy me grabó bailando desnuda... y lo puso en el Internet, y ahora soy famosa en Paquistán.
I didn't actually know he was taking us to have sex.
En realidad no sabía que nos llevaba para tener relaciones sexuales.
I know you were the victim of somebody who was older...
Sé que fuiste víctima de alguien que era mayor...
'I didn't actually know he was taking us to have sex.
No sabía que nos estaba llevando a tener relaciones sexuales.
It was me you poured your heart out to and I'm sorry.
* NORDIKEN.net *
He said that if I called 911, he was gonna shoot her.
Dijo que si llamaba al 911, iba a dispararle.
The first time I saw it, I thought the person who was making the tape stopped recording to hit her, to make her say what they wanted.
La primera vez que lo vi, pensé que la persona que filmaba la cinta dejó de grabar para golpearla, para obligarla a decir lo que él quería.
I'm sorry that Tucker was so awful to both of you.
Lamento que Tucker haya sido tan malo con ustedes dos.
I know that Tucker was... odd.
Yo sé que Tucker era... raro.
[Lupe] I told you it was delicious.
[Lupe] ¿ Viste que está rica?
I wish I could say I didn't know it was just a matter of time.
Ojalá pudiera decir que no sabía que era cuestión de tiempo.
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51