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If you like it tradutor Espanhol

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It means if you can lie to me like this, maybe we shouldn't get married!
Significa que si puedes mentirme así, ¡ quizá no deberíamos casarnos!
I've no interest in you personally, Lewis. If you can't... manage... your father wouldn't like it.
Si no puedes... manejarlo... a tu padre no le gustaría.
Well, you never would have found it if I had put it in a dessert like straight people do.
Bueno, nunca lo hubieras encontrado si lo hubiera puesto en un postre como lo hace la gente normal.
If it's blondes you like, I can have one at your house in 20 minutes.
Si te gustan las rubias, puedo tener una en tu casa en 20 minutos.
Someone reminded me of what's important, so if you want to hear, I would like to share it with you.
Alguien me recordó lo que es importante, así que si quieres oírlo, me gustaría contártelo.
She was your mom, Stefan, and if you think it's easy to let something like that go, take it from a girl who just got back from her mom's grave, it's... it's not.
Era tu madre, Stefan, y si crees que es fácil dejar pasar algo como eso, cree a una chica que acaba de volver de la tumba de su madre, no... no lo es.
If you think that it will pop up anything especially during the call so I would like to have out there already now.
Si piensas que saldrá algo particular durante la entrevista... me gustaría hablarlo ahora.
I read once that if you're gonna take a shot, it should be something you feel, like, tequila or whiskey.
Leí una vez que si vas a tomar un chupito, debería ser algo que sientas, como, tequila o whisky.
If you don't like it, I'll be happy to phone the FBI...
Si no te gusta, estaré feliz de llamar al FBI...
KIM : Just, like, try out some voices, like, that are just a little lighter. Have you ever tried, or is it gonna be too much work if you're like...
Solo intenta poner alguna voz, algo un poco más aguado.
If you don't like it, go pay 200 at the door.
Si no os gusta, pagad 200 en la puerta.
If he's unarmed and not dangerous like you, it's okay.
Si va desarmado y no es peligroso como tú, no pasa nada.
And I lied to you because I knew something like this would happen if you didn't hear it directly from him.
Y te mentí porque sabía que algo así pasaría si no te lo contaba él directamente.
So you find a pair of underwear on the floor and you're like, "How do I know if I wore it?"
Encuentras unos interiores en el suelo y dices : ¿ Cómo saber si ya los usé?
Like, if I go on an audition in New York, it's for, like, the cute girl you didn't notice'cause she was, like, wearing khakis or something.
Es para la chica linda que no notaste Porque usaba caquis o algo.
Like, I don't know if you've experienced it, when, like, two friends are like,
No sé si les ha pasado decir :
Like, if that provides you with discomfort, you're just looking at it the wrong way.
Si éso los perturba, lo están mirando mal.
If it had been me and a girlfriend and I was like, " They give you chips.
Si hubiera sido yo con una amiga, y le digo : "Te dan papas fritas",
It's just that when I broke into your apartment and like, you told me that if you were me, you would just forget about him and move on, that I was like, too good for him anyway, that really helped me.
Es que cuando entré en tu apartamento y me dijiste que si fueras mi, te olvidarías de él seguirías adelante, que era muy buena para él, es me ayudo mucho.
Buy hey, you know, if it... if it feels like it's too much, you can always just... come to my place.
Pero oye, sabes, si... si se siente que es mucho, siempre puedes... venir a mi casa.
So if you try to think about what we might look like in the future, again, it's a bit hard, because we don't exactly know, uh, what these environmental pressures may be on us right now.
Así que, si intentas pensar en cómo podríamos vernos en el futuro, una vez más, es un poco difícil, debido a que no sabemos exactamente lo que estas presiones medioambientales pueden hacernos en este momento.
- You know? Like, how ridiculous would it be if they actually told the truth?
¿ Habría sido tan ridículo que hubieran contado la verdad?
If you went out with me, it would be like a mitzvah.
Si saliera conmigo, yo sería como un mandamiento.
If anyone was gonna survive something like this, figures it'd be you.
Si alguien iba a sobrevivir a algo como esto, suponía que serías tú.
When asked if you want to examine your patient some more, it's like being asked if you want a breath mint.
Cuando te pregunte si necesitas examinar más al paciente, es como si te ofrecen un caramelo de menta.
Well, if you ask me, it sounds like it might be dangerous.
Si me preguntas a mí, suena como un poco peligroso.
I hear, if you lick a unicorn's neck, it tastes like your favorite flavor in the world.
Oí que si lames su cuello, ¡ tiene tu sabor favorito en el mundo!
You know, if you pretend we're right-side up, it looks like everyone's hair is standing on end.
Si pretendes que estamos parados normalmente, parece que todos tenemos los pelos de punta.
You know, I didn't know how, or if it was going to make a living for me or anything like that, but I knew that was what I wanted to do.
Bueno, no sabía cómo o si iba a poder vivir de ello, pero sabía que era lo que quería.
Now, if you look back, it'll be like we're living in the Wild West of the Internet.
Si miras atrás, vivimos en el lejano oeste del Internet.
You know, still to this day, if I could explain the feeling, it would be like what it feels like for me now, dropping into a huge wave at Jaws.
Aun a día de hoy, si pudiera explicar la sensación, sería como lo que siento ahora bajando por una gran ola en Jaws.
If you don't like it, leave.
Si no te gusta, vete.
You can take it up with her if you like.
Puede hablarlo con ella si quiere.
It actually horrifies me personally. It's like drinking little tumors. But if you want some, like, knock yourself out.
A mí me da asco, la verdad, es como beber tumores pequeñitos, pero si te apetece tómalo, no te cortes.
If... you were to take a life, I'm fairly certain you would do it exactly like that... clumsily, inelegantly... nothing like me.
si... si... tú te cargaras una vida, estoy bastante seguro que lo harías exactamente así... torpe, de manera poco elegante... nada parecido a mí.
You've got a hole in your abdomen, and if you keep moving, it's gonna reopen and blood is gonna gush outta you like Christmas.
Tienes un agujero en tu abdomen, y si te sigues moviendo, se va a abrir de nuevo y la sangre va a chorrear como si fuera Navidad.
It's ok if you don't know the answer, but why drawing it like this?
Está bien si no conoces la respuesta... pero, ¿ por qué dibujó esto?
Later I realized... if you really like someone... you might not even notice it.
Más tarde me di cuenta... que si en verdad te gusta alguien... puede que ni siquiera lo notes.
You can come back if you want, but I got to say, it looks like we got our guy.
Usted puede volver si quieres, pero tengo que decir, parece que tenemos a nuestro hombre.
Give it to charity if you like.
Darle a la caridad, si quieres.
I mean, I'm not a hard-ass Special Forces soldier like yourself, but it's all New Age psychobabble if you ask me.
Yo no soy un duro soldado de las Fuerzas Especiales como usted pero si me pregunta, es charlatanería new-age.
It's just for a while. If you want, we can think of him like he's our dog.
Si quieres, podemos pensar que es nuestro perro.
If there had been a ton of people here, it would seem like you just invited random people you didn't know.
Si aquí hubiera un porrón de gente, sería como si solo hubieras invitado al azar a gente que no conoces.
Daddy's not gonna like it if you bust his key.
A papá no le gustará si dañas su llave.
I'd like it, but if you never did, I'd understand.
Me gustaría, pero si nunca lo hicieras lo entendería.
I'm sorry... it's not like one of your patients is gonna die if you answer your phone.
Disculpa... no es como que tu paciente vaya a morir si contestas el teléfono.
- If you say it, even these pictures look like they're of some high-end bakery in Paris.
- Si lo dices tú, hasta las fotos parecerán de una panadería fina de París.
If it's okay with you... I'd like to try a nice Slow Cosby instead.
Si a ti te parece bien... me gustaría hacerte un Bill Cosby despacito.
Okay, if you adjust its frequencies, you can scan the plane's gamma ray signature, and you can locate it like we did this morning.
Está bien, si ajusta sus frecuencias, puede escanear la firma de rayos gamma del avión, y usted puede localizar como lo hicimos esta mañana.
Like, if you ask me for a picture, I'll send it, and I'd like the same courtesy back.
No envíen fotos a alguien si no están seguros de que quiere recibirla. Se me piden una foto, la envío, y espero que me envíen otra a cambio.
So if someone breaks up with you, wants to show it to all their friends, or send them to your job, or anything like that, you've gotta be concerned with that.
Si tu pareja rompe contigo, se la quiere mostrar a todos sus amigos, o enviarla a tu trabajo, o algo así, eso debe preocuparte.

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