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If you like tradutor Espanhol

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So you don't know if you like him yet, but are you willing to give it a chance?
Aún no sabes si te gusta, pero ¿ le darás una oportunidad?
That even if you like someone... and even if that person liked you back... that may change.
Que aunque te guste alguien y a esa persona le gustes eso podría cambiar.
Even if you like me, going out isn't everything.
Aunque te guste, salir no es todo.
I'll stay with you if you like.
Me quedaré si quieres.
And if you like that sword so much, Your Lordship, you can keep it to peel your grapes.
Y si a Su Señoría le gusta tanto la espada puede quedársela para pelar uvas.
I can help... if you like.
Puedo ayudarte si quieres.
If you like you can finish what he started.
Si quieres, puedes terminar lo que empezó.
Well, if you like it so much, then it's yours.
Bien, si te gustan tanto, son tuyos.
If you like, I'll tell you again.
Si quieres, vuelvo a contarlo.
Come home if you don't like it.
Vuelve a casa si no te gusta.
If you're in control of your sexiness like Ms. Satsuki...
Si controlas tu sensualidad, como la Srta. Satsuki...
But if you say, "But I think you were in the wrong there." She'd be like, " What?
Y si dijeras : "Pero creo que tú estabas equivocada", ella diría : " ¿ Qué?
So, if you feel the same way... I'd like to go out with you.
Si sientes lo mismo me gustaría salir contigo.
Even if it's not a guy you like?
¿ Incluso si no te gusta?
If you were hired, what would your availability be like?
Si te contratáramos, ¿ cuál sería tu disponibilidad?
So if he says something like, "I knew you'd put that in your noodles..."
Así que si él dice algo como : "Sabía que pondrías eso en tu ramen...".
Because if someone you like said something like that to you, then you might think that maybe they're not interested.
Porque si alguien que te gusta te dice algo así, entonces podrías pensar que quizá no le intereses.
But you know, if the honest kids like Byrnes were all doing something different than what they're saying, then what are we supposed to do?
Pero si los chicos sinceros como Byrnes hicieran algo distinto a lo que dicen, entonces ¿ qué deberíamos hacer?
Even if you never clean it, it wouldn't look like that.
Aunque no lo limpiaras nunca, no se vería así.
Because like I said... if you take away this, you'll die first.
Porque como te dije... si me quitas esto, tú morirás primero.
It was like about how, if you're, shit, ready to be, like, the person who always forgives me, then I want to be the person who always forgives you.
Era como... si estás, diablos... listo para ser la persona que siempre me perdona, entonces quiero ser quien siempre te perdona.
If I lose you... I know what's your car looks like.
Si te pierdo... ya sé cómo es tu auto.
You're like if a human fucked a jet ski... Which is impossible, but it'd be so cool.
Eres como si un humano se hubiera tirado una moto acuática... lo cual es imposible, pero sería muy cool.
If you're like me, you wake up 24 minutes and 47 seconds before your best friend is supposed to be picking you up.
Si eres como yo, despiertas 24 minutos y 47 segundos antes de que tu mejor amiga venga a buscarte.
If you're like me, your last day starts like this.
Si eres como yo tu último día empieza así.
I just had this thought of like... What if I showed up with you and Claire?
Estaba pensando... ¿ qué tal si apareciera contigo y con Claire?
Well, you know, if you'd have seen me when I first got out... forty months of eating pure crap and... sitting in a little room with a window this wide... Oh! I looked like a fungus.
Si me hubieras visto apenas salí, cuarenta meses de comer puras porquerías y sentarme en un cuartito con una ventana así de ancha, me veía como un hongo.
You don't know something, act like you do until you've figured it out. And what if I can't figure it out, boss?
No sabes nada actúa como lo haces hasta que lo hayas descubierto.
If you'd like to book a...
¿ Quiere reservar...?
If she reacted like you just did that would be realistic.
Si ella reaccionaba como tú lo hiciste, eso hubiera sido realista.
Like if you're stuck in an apartment building, I could tell you where to go,'cause there'd be screens around me... And I could swivel around them'cause I'd be your guy in the chair.
Si estuvieras en un edificio en llamas, podría dirigirte porque tendría varias pantallas.
- Badass. But, how are you gonna get there if that's like, 300 miles away?
¿ Cómo vas a ir si está a 500 km?
- You can call me Karen if you'd like.
Puedes llamarme Karen si quieres.
And if you died... I feel like that's on me.
Y si tú hubieras muerto yo hubiera tenido la culpa.
But if you think it would be safer for me to kind of, like go hide and then she meets your friend who knows how to get us to the... Okay, fine.
Está bien.
I guess if you're, like, in New York, we could get a drink.
Si vas a Nueva York, podemos salir a tomar algo.
I would like to, If I may, Mr. Morton to tell you a story.
Me gustaría, si puedo, Señor Morton contarle una historia.
I would like to, If I may, Mr. Morton to show you something.
Me gustaría, si puedo, Señor Morton el mostrarle algo.
You'd like her if you get to know her.
Te caería bien si la conocieras.
If you want cardiology so badly, why not just apply to a program like at main hospital?
Si usted quiere cardiología tan mal, ¿ Por qué no sólo aplicar a un Programa como en el hospital principal?
I'd like to ask you a couple more questions if that's okay.
Me gustaría pedirte un Más preguntas Si eso está bien.
If I don't see the money, you'll die just like your daddy.
Si no veo el dinero, morirás igual que tu papi.
We thought that if we came and spoke to you like adults, we could come to some sort of mutually beneficial agreement.
Pensamos que, si te hablábamos como adultas, podríamos llegar a algún acuerdo satisfactorio para todos.
- I like you, Virginia even if you are named after a slave state.
Me caes bien, Virginia. Aunque te llames como un estado esclavista.
- It's like if you hold onto a pigeon, it can't fly away.
- ¿ Qué es "encasillar"? Es que te sienten en una silla, y no puedas levantarte.
If there's no physical aspect to your relationship, I mean, you don't want to be, like... You know, wasting your time.
Si su relación no tiene un aspecto físico no deberías perder tu tiempo.
We'd like to heal it, if you'd let us.
Nos gustaría curarlo, si nos lo permite.
You're lucky they're here... because if they weren't... I'd gut you like a fuckin'pig... so slowly.
Eres afortunado que estén aquí, porque si no estuvieran, te destriparía como a un maldito cerdo.
Well, if you'd like to file a complaint, see Alexa.
Bueno, si desea presentar una queja, ver Alexa.
I, uh, was wondering if you could help me'cause I tried looking at it, and then I remembered I haven't paid attention in science since, like, 2011.
Quería saber si podías ayudarme porque intenté mirarla y recordé que no presto atención a la clase de ciencia desde el 2011.
You see, if someone put a gun to your fucking face like this here, huh? And said, "Give me names,"
Si alguien te pusiera un revólver en la cara así, y te dijera : "Dime el nombre,"

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