If you want it tradutor Espanhol
14,625 parallel translation
And if you want it inside your soul
Y si lo quieres En tu interior
If you want it, you're gonna meet me on the southwest corner of Blake and Van Nuys the morning of the sixth, 3 : 00 a.m.
Si lo quieres, vas a venir a verme en la esquina sur de Blake y Van nuys la mañana del día seis, 3 : 00 A.M.
If you want it.
Si tú lo quieres.
If you want it, you better come over and pick it up because I don't do home delivery, all right?
Si lo quieres, sera mejor que vengas a buscarlo porque no hago entrega a domicilio, bien?
If you actually want my help... it was worth the wait.
Si en verdad quiere mi ayuda, vale la pena esperar.
Well, if they don't want it... In the past, you see, they could sell it or throw it out.
Bueno, si no lo quieren verá, en el pasado podían venderlo o desecharlo.
If "will" and "want to" alone was all that mattered, Pazienza could beat this guy, but "will" would only take you so far, unless you can bring some skill along with it.
Si con "desear" y "querer" alcanzara Pazienza podría vencer a este tipo, pero "desear" no te lleva muy lejos a menos que puedas traer algo de habilidad.
So, if you want to get this over with, let's get it over with.
Si quieres terminar con esto, terminemos.
- Hey, man... I just want you to know... if we don't make it out of here... I'm really sorry for almost killing you in training.
- Oye, quiero que sepas si no sobrevivimos lamento mucho casi matarte en el entrenamiento.
If we don't make it out of here, I just want you to know... I'm not sorry at all about punching you in the face.
Quiero que sepas que no lamento haberte golpeado en la cara.
If you want me for the rest of the night, it's gonna be another $ 2,000.
Si me quieres para el resto de la noche, que va a ser otros $ 2,000.
And if you want to complain about it, everybody's like, "Oh, boo-hoo you, rich Santa."
Y si quieres que quejarse, todo el mundo es como, "Oh, Boo-Hoo, rica de Santa".
If you want to make it in this world, learn to lie better.
Si desea hacerlo en este mundo, aprender a mentir mejor.
It means if you want to continue to work a safe comfortable job, then by all means stay at Rycon.
Significa que si quieres continuar con un trabajo seguro y cómodo, entonces por todos los medios, quédate en Rycon.
Okay, if you want me in on this, it's you and me against her.
De acuerdo, si me quieres en esto, somos tú y yo contra ella. ¿ Entendido?
Eddy... if you want something done, you've got to do it yourself.
Eddy, si quieres que algo se haga, debes hacerlo tú misma.
If you don't want the job, you don't have to take it.
Si no quieres el trabajo, no tienes que tomarlo.
If what you want is to save it again.
Si lo que deseas es salvarla de nuevo.
It's okay if you don't want to answer.
Estará bien si no quieres responder.
Now, I ain't never killed no one in my life, but if you want me to start with you, let's get on with it, old man.
Nunca maté a nadie en mi vida, pero si quieres que comience contigo, adelante, hombre.
You can go, if you want to. - It's okay.
Puedes irte si quieres.
Go on, give him $ 10 if you want him to have it.
Dale tú $ 10, si eso quieres.
If you want to put it like that.
Si quieres decirlo así.
"If you want something, you gotta take it."
"Si quieres algo, tienes que tomarlo".
Well, if you want warm, glowy and magical... I have just the thing. I don't leave home without it.
Si quieres algo cálido, brillante y mágico... tengo justo lo necesario.
She's gonna have to take it back to her place or, if you want, you can spend as much time as you like together down here.
Ella tendrá que llevarlos a su casa o, si prefieren, pueden estar aquí abajo todo el tiempo que quieran.
I was just implying that this party might not be your guys'cup of tea, but, I mean, fuck it, you guys can come with me if you want.
Solo dije que quizá esta fiesta no les guste, pero, al diablo, pueden ir conmigo si quieren.
Okay, I just didn't know if you'd want to take it this time.
Bien, no sabía si quería verla esta vez.
So intimidate me all you want. I'm going to find out what you did to that otter if it's the last thing I do.
Así que puede intimidarme, pero descubriré que le hizo a esa nutria aunque sea lo último que haga.
If you don't want to die on the street or elsewhere at the hands of Prügelknabe who will do it by the right of your justice
Si no desean morir en la calle o en otro lugar a manos de una "Prügelknabe"
It's a long story, but if you want to live, you'll start listening.
Es una larga historia, pero si quieres vivir, comenzarás a escuchar.
I won't take up much of your time, and I totally understand if it's not something you want to do.
No tomará mucho tiempo, y lo entenderé si es algo que no quieres hacer.
If you want these people to survive, it's up to you.
Si quieres que estas personas sobrevivan, depende de ti.
If a plague exists, do you know how many governments would want it?
¿ Sabes cuántos gobiernos querrían ese virus?
I spent years here, if you want to risk it.
Pasé años aquí, si quieres arriesgarte.
I want to know if you've ever seen anything like it.
Quiero saber si has visto algo como esto.
Because it's private property and you're not allowed to go in there, but go ahead and look around, if you want to.
Es propiedad privada, y no pueden entrar, pero... adelante. Entren y miren, si quieren.
- It'll cost you if you want a real one.
- Te costará caro.
So I'll have copies of the zine after the reading. If you want to buy one, it's $ 8.
Tengo copias de mi publicación, si quieren comprarla después de la lectura, son $ 8.
I want you to look at it, and tell me if he's on it or not.
Quiero que mires y que me digas si está o no.
If it comes to it, I want you to kill me.
Si llegara a pasar, quiero que me mates.
Julian... I want you to know that if we do not make it, If you never get married...
Julian... quiero que sepas que si no lo hacemos, si nunca nos logramos casar...
When you're a kid, you want to explore and see what's hiding in the shadows even if it scares the shit out of you.
Cuando eres niño, quieres explorar... y ver lo que se esconde en las sombras, aunque te dé un buen susto.
If you want me to play in the match tomorrow, then the money comes to me before we begin, all of it.
Si quiere que vaya al juego de mañana entonces me dará el dinero antes de comenzar, todo.
If you want cash, take it.
Si quieres efectivo, tómalo.
No, if you want your questions answered, you need to email them to us. It was official.
No, si tienes preguntas, tienes que enviarlas por correo.
We had privacy, if you want to call it that.
Teníamos privacidad, si quieren llamarlo así.
And when someone close to people like that ends up dead by the side of the road, it kind of makes you want to take a walk in the woods, if you know what I mean.
Y cuando alguien cercano a gente así termina muerto al costado de la ruta, te dan ganas de dar un paseo por el bosque, si me entiendes.
If you didn't want my help, ned, you shouldn't have asked for it.
Si no querías mi ayuda, Ned, no debiste pedirla.
Eddie, if you came in here on some Ol'Man River shit, trying to tell me what kind of fool I am for moving the shop, I don't want to hear it.
Eddie, si viniste con alguna mierda a lo Ol'Man River y quieres decirme lo tonto que soy por mudar la tienda no quiero oírlo.
I did want to tell you that if you and Rashad was looking for, like, a third girl to help you out, you know, get it poppin or anything like that, I would be down for that.
Quería decirte que si tú y Rashad querían una tercera chica para ayudarlos sabes, encender la pasión o algo así me interesaría.
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you don't eat 20
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you don't eat 20