It's me and you tradutor Espanhol
15,453 parallel translation
I like it the black way, you know, where we curse each other out, we may fight, and then we get cool again, but we talk about each other behind each other's back, like,
Me gusta cómo lo hacemos los negros, nos maldecimos, quizá peleamos y luego nos amigamos, pero hablamos mal del otro a sus espaldas, como :
So I feel like when it's time to do something for me, put the same time, energy and effort into it that I do when I do shit for you.
Cuando es hora de hacer algo por mí, pon la misma energía, tiempo y esfuerzo que yo.
Um, sometimes if it's a friend if it... it's someone you can trust and you can, you can trust me, then it's okay.
A veces si es un amigo... Si es alguien... alguien en quien puedas confíar... y puedes, confiar en mí, entonces está bien.
You made fun of one of my friends for being gay, and now you hear me sing and it's, like, all good?
Te burlaste de uno de mis amigos por ser homosexual, ahora me oyes cantar y, ¿ está todo bien?
Yeah, so, obviously I don't care, it's just that remember on the first day you started working here and I told you we always sign our e-mails with "kindest regards"?
Y obviamente no me importa, es sólo que, ¿ recuerdas que el primer día que comenzaste a trabajar aquí te pedí que firmaras todos nuestros correos con "Saludos cordiales"?
Levi's trying to whore me out, and believe it or not, it's actually been really difficult not talking to you about this all.
Levi está tratando de prostituirme, y lo creas o no, realmente ha sido muy difícil no hablar de esto contigo.
I'm going, and it's not because you're kicking me out, it's because I'm choosing to go.
Me voy, y no porque me eches, sino porque es lo que elijo.
- It's like every time I try and like you, I just can't.
Cada vez que trato de que me agrades, y solo no puedo.
She said it's too late for him, but it's not too late for me, and you know that, okay?
Ella dijo que es demasiado tarde para él, pero no es demasiado tarde para mí, y lo sabes.
If I like what I hear, perhaps you could come up, tell Elvis and me what's on your mind. How it is and shall be.
Si me agrada lo que oigo, quizá puedan subir... a decirnos, a Elvis y a mí, qué tienen planeado... para ahora y para el futuro.
You know, and I love it on TV'cause it's...
Y me encanta verlo en la tele porque es...
You should really be thanking me,'cause at your age, you shouldn't be eating rice and sauces ; it's not easy to digest.
En realidad deberías agradecérmelo, porque a tu edad, no deberías comer arroz y salsas, no es una digestión ligera.
It's so dangerous for you and Sid, me staying here, and now you're doing this for me.
Es demasiado peligroso para ti y para Sid, que me quede aquí y ahora haces esto por mí.
It's the easy way to write me off, then go back to pretending that you're good and everyone else is bad.
Es la manera más fácil de darme por perdido, y luego volver pretendiendo que eres la buena y todos los demás son malos.
I'm guessing it's been a while since you had wine and chocolate.
Me imagino que hace tiempo que no tomas vino ni comes chocolate.
All right, I know it sounds sad to you, but I like our house, and your father's very nice, and he makes me laugh when he does that Chris Rock.
Sé que a ti te parece triste, pero me gusta nuestra casa, tu papá es muy buena persona... y me hace reír cuando imita a Chris Rock.
And the reason it really seems to me that you're involved is there's someone we care a fuck of a lot about on the other side getting squeezed.
Y la razón por la que realmente me parece que estás involucrado es que hay alguien que nos importa un montón del otro lado siendo estrangulado.
No, you called me fucking retarded last week, and there's no need for it.
No lo sé. Me llamaste "maldito retrasado" la semana pasada, sin razón.
Yeah, it is. It's taken care of and... I guess I was sort of thinking, you know, since I came through for you, and helped the show not get shut down, maybe... you could do me a solid and take a look at this...
Sí, lo resolví y pensé que quizá, como colaboré contigo y ayudé a que no se suspendiera el programa, quizá me harías un favor y mirarías este...
It's like, I meet somebody, and then they like me initially, and then I just, like, fuck it up and they get tired of me or something, you know?
Conozco a alguien, al principio le gusto, y luego la cago, y se cansan de mí o algo.
You know what? I'm gonna have a quick look at the menu'cause I really wanna decide what I'm gonna order, and it's hard for me to concentrate if we...
Voy a mirar rápido el menú porque quiero decidir qué voy a pedir, y me cuesta concentrarme si...
It's dripping all the way down my back and into my butt. You have to help me.
Debes ayudarme.
Let me remind you we are an impartial committee, and it's important the views you express here today are yours and yours alone.
Permítame que le recuerde que somos un comité imparcial... y es importante que las opiniones que exprese aquí hoy... son suyas y solo suyas.
and you're not saying it and I'm getting... feels like something's fishy.
Me estoy poniendo... Hay algo sospechoso.
It's me and you.
Solo tú y yo.
People say that you don't really know what you have until it's gone, and maybe it almost took you being gone for me to realize it, but I love you.
Dicen que uno no sabe lo que tiene hasta que lo pierde, y como estuvimos a punto de perderte, por eso me di cuenta de que te quiero.
I don't care what you guys say... there's a bigger world out there and I intend to find it.
No me importa lo que digan... Hay un mundo más grande por ahí y pretendo encontrarlo.
Just do what I tell you to do, and call me when it's done.
Haz lo que te digo y llámame cuando termines.
If you think me unfit to command, issue the challenge and let's get on with it.
Si crees que no soy apta para el mando lanza el desafío y terminemos con esto.
What you've done haunts you, and it's easier to hate me than to hate yourself.
Lo que has hecho te persigue, y es más fácil odiarme, que odiarte a ti misma.
And then, it's you and me, on top of the fucking ziggurat, where we belong.
Y así solo seremos tú y yo sentados en la cima de la puta pirámide, donde debemos estar.
No, it's just... I love you, and I just wanted to say it before- - you don't have to say it back.
No, es solo que... te quiero y quer'a habŽrtelo dicho antes de... no hace falta que tambiŽn me lo digas.
And it's wrong of you to push.
Y está mal que me presiones.
I previewed who you were without naming you, and I know it's yours if you're interested.
Me visto de antemano quién eras sin nombrar que, y sé que es el suyo si usted está interesado.
And how do I know it's not me you're trying to fuck?
¿ Y cómo sé que no es a mí a quien tratas de joder?
As for the unregistered address, I live with my mom, and I'd like to keep that private, if it's okay with you?
Como dirección no registrada, vivo con mi madre y me gustaría mantener eso en privado, ¿ si le parece bien?
I'm glad you asked me that because I feel like it's high time for all of organized sports to recognize the inevitable, and fling open the doors to unfettered competition.
Me alegra que preguntara eso porque siento que es hora de que los deportes organizados reconozcan lo inevitable y abran las puertas a la competición sin restricciones.
Plus, it's giving me a nice chance to scout you out before you go and get that belt off of Braga.
Además, me da la oportunidad de evaluarte antes de que le saques el cinturón a Braga.
And, in closing, I would just like to say thank you to everyone who made this a very special Cicely's Day, despite some attempts to ruin it.
Y, para cerrar, me gustaría agradecer... a todos los que hicieron posible un Día de Cicely muy especial, a pesar de algunos intentos de arruinarlo.
I ask, uh, you to look at this photograph and tell me that, if you were in a position to save this child's life... wouldn't you do it just because you could?
Le pido que mire esta fotografía y me diga si hubiera estado en condiciones de salvar la vida de esta niña... ¿ no lo hubiera hecho solo porque podía?
Whoa. And it's that look that you're giving me right now... which is the reason why
Y es esa mirada que tienes ahora... la razón por la que no te cuento estas cosas.
Coulson didn't sour you, it's still a noble and worthwhile idea, and I'd like to help you any way that I can.
Coulson no te ha agriado... sigue siendo una idea noble y merecedora del esfuerzo... y me gustaría ayudar de la forma que sea posible.
It's you and it's me.
Eres tú y soy yo.
Let me ask you, then...'cause the Sarge and I aren't getting any younger... you think it's too late for us to start moisturizing?
Entonces, déjame preguntarte... porque el sargento y yo no nos vamos a hacer más jóvenes... ¿ crees que es demasiado tarde para que empecemos a hidratarnos?
I've been thinking about this long and hard and believe me, I think what's best for the girls is to just skip the day altogether. You know, just treat it like a normal Sunday, nothing special.
Lo estuve pensando mucho, y créanme, creo que lo mejor para las chicas es obviar el día, tomarlo como un domingo cualquiera, nada especial.
It's just you and me.
Sólo quedamos tú y yo.
Otherwise, you're going to really wear yourself down and it's going to piss me off.
De lo contrario, te vas a agotar, y eso me va a hacer enojar.
Lea, stop it. We need to go back before it's gets too late and your mother realizes you've kidnapped me.
Debemos regresar antes de que se haga demasiado tarde... y tu madre se dé cuenta de que me secuestraste.
It's me and you.
- Somos tú y yo.
Because tomorrow, it's you and me.
Porque mañana somos tú y yo.
It's a sacrifice that I make for you, for me and for the agency.
Es un sacrificio que hago por ti, por mí... ¡ por toda la agencia!
it's me 10254
it's me again 322
it's mean 27
it's meant to be 26
it's meat 16
it's messy 53
it's messed up 26
it's meaningless 29
it's me you want 16
it's meredith 19
it's me again 322
it's mean 27
it's meant to be 26
it's meat 16
it's messy 53
it's messed up 26
it's meaningless 29
it's me you want 16
it's meredith 19
it's medicine 27
it's metal 17
it's medicinal 26
me and you 346
and you 7643
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and you're welcome 67
and your daughter 42
and you too 176
it's metal 17
it's medicinal 26
me and you 346
and you 7643
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and you're welcome 67
and your daughter 42
and you too 176
and your point is 28
and you're here 49
and your father 132
and your wife 79
and you didn't tell me 78
and you're next 17
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86
and you're here 49
and your father 132
and your wife 79
and you didn't tell me 78
and you're next 17
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86