And your brother tradutor Espanhol
5,688 parallel translation
From an outsider perspective, I think your family is incredible, and your brother is just amazing.
Desde un punto de vista externo, creo que tu familia es increíble, y tu hermano es sencillamente genial.
Do you know how I and your brother struggled to get you home?
Sabes lo mucho que tu hermano y yo luchamos por sacarte de allí.
Speaking of that... How is Brazilian chick and your brother?
Hablando de eso... ¿ Qué tal le va a esa chica brasileña con tu hermano?
And your brother?
¿ Y tu hermano?
What secrets were you and your brother keeping?
¿ qué secretos ocultan tú y tu hermano?
All the music you've really been into has been me. Nobody in the family knew, except for your mother. And your brother.
todas la musica que tenias fue mia nadie en la familia lo sabe, excepto tu madre... y tu hermano y tu abuelo.
I loved you and your brother more than you will ever know, but this was something I couldn't refuse.
Te amaba a ti y a tu hermano, más de lo que pudieras saberlo. Pero esto fue algo a lo que no podía rehuir.
I love you and your brother more than life itself.
Te quiero a ti y a tu hermano más que nada en esta vida.
Danny, I want to do a full exam, including a donor compatibility check to see if you and your brother are a match. - I don't have time for that.
Danny, quiero hacer un examen completo, incluyendo una comprobación de compatibilidad de donantes para ver si usted y su hermano es un partido.
It also caused the hemorrhage, and your brother saved your life.
También causó la hemorragia, y tu hermano te salvó la vida.
The good news is we got the results back, and your brother's a perfect match.
La buena noticia es que tenemos los resultados de vuelta, y su hermano y apos ; sa pareja perfecta.
You claimed that you and your brother cole Had the skills to shoot down a plane and start world war iii.
Decía que usted y su hermano Cole eran capaces de derribar un avión e iniciar la Tercera Guerra Mundial.
You want me to help you and your brother?
¿ Quiere que le ayude a usted y su hermano?
We have you and your brother booked in the same room, with only one bed.
Vos y vuestro hermano tenéis reservada la misma habitación, mas hay solo una cama.
Are you and your brother close?
¿ Tu hermano y tú estáis muy unidos?
Yes, and your brother-in-law had legionnaires disease, and your house was flooded, and I'm still no closer to finding the girl.
Sí, y tu cuñado tenía la enfermedad del legionario, y tu casa se inundó, y todavía no estoy cerca de encontrar a la chica.
And what happened is that you and your brother are incredibly late.
Y lo que ha pasado es que tu hermano y tú habéis venido demasiado tarde.
You lived off of Sanborn, and you rode with your brother in the astro van.
Usted vivió fuera de Sanborn, y usted montó con su hermano en la camioneta astro.
Look, you have an awesome canvas and I would love to prep it, but if I did, your brother would kill me.
Mira, tienes un lienzo espectacular y me encantaría prepararlo, pero si lo hiciera, tu hermano me mataría.
And on suspicion of murdering your brother.
Y bajo sospecha de haber asesinado a tu hermano.
All I ask is that you meet your brother and find out what he told Leon about Oliver Hughes.
Lo que quiero es que te reúnas con tu hermano y descubras qué le contó a Leon acerca de Oliver Hugues.
And then what do you say to your brother?
¿ Y luego que le dices a tu hermano?
Two sentences, and I already like you more than your brother.
Dos frases y ya me gustas más que tu hermano.
Your brother and sister-in-law and Tank's family were also...
Su hermano y hermana-en-ley y la familia del tanque eran también...
Because your brother-in-law owes me a delivery and I want to send him a reminder, Bailey.
Porque tu cuñado me debe una entrega y quiero enviarle un recordatorio, Bailey.
Your brother knows where he is, and it happens every moment.
Tu hermano conoce todos los detalles y se encargará del asunto en breve.
! Uh, because he's your brother and he just shined a light on us that makes us question everything!
Uh, porque es tu hermano, e hizo prender una luz en nosotros, que nos hace cuestionar todo!
Then I'll cook it for Brother Bao and see if he misses your food.
Entonces lo cocinaré para el Hermano Bao... y veré si extraña su comida.
Your brother's a willing donor, and he's worried about you. - I'm touched.
Su hermano y apos ; sa donante dispuesto, y él está preocupado por ti.
- No, your biopsy showed no evidence that the damage is from drug use, but I'm guessing the real reason you didn't want a transplant was because you thought you brought it on yourself, and you wouldn't take your brother's kidney
No, la biopsia no mostró evidencia que el daño es por el uso de drogas, pero estoy adivinando la verdadera razón no lo hiciste y apos ; t desea un trasplante era porque pensaste trajiste en sí mismo,
Your brother really did love to torture people with nicknames and just plain torture people.
A tu hermano realmente le gustaba torturar a la gente con apodos y torturar, simplemente.
And I know that he's your brother.
Y sé que es tu hermano.
My brother-in-law is seeing it for the first time, And once your eyes have been opened, you can't go back.
Y mi cuñado lo vio por primera vez, y una vez que has abierto los ojos, no hay vuelta atrás.
You just accidentally invited him over to your brother's house, and he was accidentally playing ball with our kids?
¿ Accidentalmente le invitaste a la casa de tu hermano y jugó accidentalmente a baloncesto con nuestros hijos?
Impregnating your brother's wife is not yet a criminal offence, but we can talk to him and we can go to the magistrate and ask for a warrant so we can search his house.
Embarazar a la mujer de tu hermano aún no es un delito, pero hablaremos con él e iremos al juez a por una orden para poder registrar su casa.
If your brother sins, go and point out his fault, just between the two of you.
Si tu hermano peca, ir y señalar su culpa, sólo entre ustedes dos.
Keep your eyes open, brother, and you might not miss something, all right?
Mantén los ojos abiertos y no te pierdas algo, ¿ sí?
Your brother and I are getting married.
Tu hermano y yo nos vamos a casar.
So you're out here with your brother and sister.
Así que estabas por ahí con tu hermano y con tu hermana.
Where are your brother and sister?
¿ Dónde están tus hermanos?
And you think your brother killed them?
¿ Y crees que fue tu hermano el que los mató?
And I also know your brother wasn't motivated by malice, which is why I've pitched for there to be some special considerations around his, ah... charges.
Y también sé que tu hermano no estuvo motivado por la malicia, es por eso que intercedí para que haya... algunas consideraciones especiales sobre sus... cargos.
What, your brother stole classified nuclear technology and you just passed it on to the black market?
¿ Qué, tu hermano robó tecnologia nuclear clasificada... y que tú simplemente la entregaste al mercado negro?
Just take your brother and run.
Solo toma a tu hermano y corran.
Your brother says that we had our session and that we've forgotten it.
Tu hermano dice que tuvimos la sesión y que lo hemos olvidado.
And, frankly... I need you to commit before your brother gets wind.
Y, sinceramente... debes comprometerte antes de que tu hermano lo oiga por ahí.
No, that's my cousin Emmett, and he's gonna kick your brother's ass.
No, es mi primo Emmett, y es quien va a patear el culo de tu hermano.
Me and my brother are gonna work your corner, right, Danny?
Mi hermano y yo estaremos en tu esquina, ¿ no, Danny?
Your own baby brother busts out of prison, and doesn't call you, the only person he's talked to in two years?
¿ Tu propio hermano pequeño huye de la prisión, y no llama, a la única persona a la que ha hablado en dos años?
Your brother and his family are safe.
Tu hermano y tu familia están a salvo.
And if that's the case, Reyes doesn't have your brother, because he'd know where the money is.
Y si ese es el caso, Reyes no tiene a tu hermano, porque sabría dónde está el dinero.
and your daughter 42
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and your father 132
and yours 281
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your friend 42
and your mother 135
and your husband 51
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and your father 132
and yours 281
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your friend 42
and your mother 135
and your husband 51
and your children 18
and your sister 50
and your dad 64
and your parents 48
and your family 44
and your 98
and your name is 47
and your name 40
and your eyes 18
and your baby 18
and your sister 50
and your dad 64
and your parents 48
and your family 44
and your 98
and your name is 47
and your name 40
and your eyes 18
and your baby 18
and your hair 20
and your son 52
and your mom 46
and yours is 17
your brother 593
your brothers 30
brother 7165
brothers 633
brotherhood 38
brother and sister 38
and your son 52
and your mom 46
and yours is 17
your brother 593
your brothers 30
brother 7165
brothers 633
brotherhood 38
brother and sister 38