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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It's nothing much

It's nothing much tradutor Espanhol

233 parallel translation
Maybe our marriage hasn't meant much, but there's nothing at all without it.
Tal vez nuestro matrimonio no ha significado mucho, pero no hay nada sin él.
It makes everybody feel like singing, and there's nothing dragons hate so much as a song.
A todos nos dan ganas de cantar, y no hay nada que los dragones odien más que una canción.
Well, there's nothing much you can do about it.
Usted no puede hacer nada al respecto.
- It's nothing much.
- No es gran cosa.
There's nothing much we can do about it.
No podemos hacer mucho más al respecto.
There's nothing like getting what you want, no matter how much it costs.
No hay nada como conseguir lo que quieres, sin importar lo que cueste.
It isn't much, but it's better than nothing in this cockeyed caravan.
Es poco, pero es mejor que nada en este mundo de locos.
There's nothing much you can do about it.
He visto esto antes.
Oh, it's nothing much, just a sort of genuine top-grain, cowhide traveling bag with all accessories.
No es más que una especie de maletín de viaje de piel de vaca auténtica, con todos sus accesorios.
It's something that has never happened to me before... something I never expected would happen... but suddenly it is as if nothing else existed... even my music, which used to mean so much to me. Yes.
I expect I am. We're as God made us. I suppose there's nothing much to be done about it.
Somos como Dios nos hizo y no podemos hacer mucho al respecto.
It's nothing much.
Eso no es gran cosa.
The youngest hasn't been able to sleep much but it's nothing - Teething?
- ¿ Un dientecito?
Oh, well, it's nothing much. I...
No tiene importancia.
It's much ado about nothing.
Mucho ruido y pocas nueces.
There's much more scope where I am now... I mean... take a little job like this... There's nothing to it, is there?
Hay muchas más oportunidades donde estoy ahora.
It's nothing much.
No es nada.
It's nothing much. How about you?
¿ Qué dicen los médicos?
It sounds classy, but it's nothing much.
Parece algo elegante, pero no es gran cosa.
It's nothing, just potatoes Thank you very much
No es nada, sólo patatas. Muchas gracias.
What is it? - It's nothing too much.
- No es nada especial.
And you're nothing much without it It's true
Y no eres nada sin él Es verdad
It's nothing much.
No es gran cosa.
It's relaxing. People talk too much about nothing
La mayoría de las veces es mejor callar.
It's nothing much.
- No es nada.
It's nothing much.
No es mucho.
It's nothing much, just a Cadillac.
Sólo un Cadillac. ¿ No lo abres?
- There's nothing much to stop it. - I don't think things happen like that.
Las cosas no funcionan así.
Maybe it's because I've nothing much else to do.
Quizá sea porque no tengo otra cosa que hacer.
~ There's nothing to it... ~ How much will they give you?
- Nada... - ¿ A ti cuánto te dan?
Not that you can do too much with it, but it's more than nothing.
No sirve de mucho, pero es mejor que nada.
It's nothing that would interest you much. It was a story that...
No quiero aburrirla con esto, se trata de...
Well, it ´ s nothing much...
No es una gran cosa, pero...
Oh, it's nothing much.
Nadie del otro mundo.
What's that? It's nothing much, just a pit full of wolves, half-mad with starvation and trained to appreciate the flavour of human blood.
- Es sólo un foso lleno de lobos, medio enloquecidos por el hambre y que aprecian la sangre humana.
What shall i do with oh, it's nothing much.
No es grave.
Yeah, well, the feeling is there's nothing much to it... particularly since they were taken out to dinner.
Sí, pues, parece que no es importante... en especial ya que los llevaron a cenar.
And you knew somehow that it didn't matter how much you kicked people, how much you despised them. If they can get up and make a pure, natural noise like that, there's nothing wrong with them.
Sabía que, en cierta forma, no importa cuánto machaques a la gente, o los desprecies, si pueden levantarse y sacar un sonido tan puro y natural, no tienen nada de malo.
- Whatever they said, it's my fault... for being what I am. - Nothing much.
- No mucho.
It's nothing much.
Nada, una tontería, ya sabes.
It`s nothing much, you know
Sólo un poquito, ¿ qué más da?
How much for the phone calls? Oh, it's nothing.
- ¿ Qué le debo por las llamadas?
Oh, it's nothing much...
Oh, no es nada.
.. away as much as I am, but there's nothing to be done about it.
.. irme de viaje tan a menudo, Pero es inevitable.
Well, it's going to be much dodgier, my child, as you say, if I just sat and did nothing. ( CHUCKLES )
Pues va a ser mucho más dudoso, mi hija, como usted dice, si me quedo sentado y no hago nada.
What I worry about... has nothing to do with pleasure... it's much more than that.
Cosas mías. Lo que siento por ti no tiene que ver con el placer. Está mucho más allá.
That's way too much money and nothing really justifies it.
Es demasiado dinero y nada lo justifica en realidad.
It's nothing much, the finger just got caught in the can opener. It doesn't hurt.
Me lo he cortado mientras preparaba los gnocchi.
It's nothing to me they're as much strangers to me as they are to you.
Me da igual. Son tan extraños para mí como para ti.
Nothing, it's just that it does, it looks so very much like you.
Nada, sólo que... Lo es, es muy parecida a ti.
- It's nothing much, really.
- No fue nada especial.

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