Much later tradutor Espanhol
730 parallel translation
But I can't stay here much later or my business is screwed.
Pero no puedo quedarme aquí mucho más o mi negocio está jodido.
Later, much later, we'll see.
Más adelante, mucho más adelante, veremos.
Aw, don't be too much later.
No tardes demasiado.
Minsky told me all that later much later, when everything had been over when it had been too late for everything, too late for repentance and the old man?
Todo me lo contó Minsky después. Mucho después, cuando todo ya había pasado. Demasiado tarde para todo, demasiado tarde para el arrepentimiento.
- How much later? There's no need in going on like this.
No tienes por qué actuar así.
Took her out and gave her a spot of dinner. And it wasn't till much later....
La invité a cenar conmigo, y no fue hasta mucho después...
Yeah, much later.
- Sí. Mucho más tarde.
Creía que era mucho mas tarde.
That's what she'd want, even if she had to come back much later.
Aunque tarde en volver.
You can get hit here without hearing a sound and then you notice, much later, that you're dead.
Aquí le llega a uno la hora, y no se escucha ni pío y sólo mucho después uno se da cuenta de que está muerto.
Much later I was told they died in an accident.
Me dijeron que habían muerto en un accidente.
Not much later, though, huh, doc?
No tardará mucho.
Oh, no, that comes much later on in your story, after the girl has gone down and down.
¡ Oh, no, eso viene más tarde en su historia, después de que la chica ha caído tan bajo.
- Sure, much later.
- Claro. Mucho más tarde.
- We didn't expect you until much later.
No contábamos con Ud. hasta mucho más tarde.
We heard about it much later.
Lo hemos sabido muy tarde.
I arrived much later.
Yo llegué mucho más tarde.
I left the manor about 2... 00, and catechism class ended much later than I thought it would.
Tuve que irme. La sesión de catecismo se prolongó más de lo que pensaba.
I only found out much later.
Lo supe mucho tiempo después.
- How much later? A minute?
- ¿ Un minuto más tarde?
Vicky, let's save the acting as a surprise for him for later. Much later.
Vicky, deja la escena para sorprenderle más adelante.
And if it gets much later, soon it will be too late even to be later.
Si se hace mucho más tarde, temprano será demasiado tarde hasta para tarde.
I'll pay you twice as much later, but I gotta'do somethin'right now. Beat it.
Te daré el doble más tarde, pero inyéctame, por favor.
How much later? 3,000 bucks later!
- - ¿ Cuánto tiempo después?
I wasn't aware of it until much later.
No lo supe hasta mucho más tarde.
- Much later.
- Mucho más tarde.
- I think we'd better leave details until much later.
- Creo que debemos dejar los detalles para mucho más adelante.
That comes much later here.
Todo eso aparece más tarde aquí.
You know that the crime occurred much later.
Usted sabe que el crimen ocurrió mucho más tarde.
Much later that same night, George Ritchie waited in the wings of a State Street burlesque theater for Brandy, his wife, to finish her act.
Más tarde esa noche, George Ritchie esperaba en el ala de un teatro de la calle State que Brandy, su esposa, terminara su acto.
You don't need to worry so much she will come around sooner or later.
No te preocupes tanto, más tarde o más temprano se acercará.
I'd like very much to have you join us later for supper.
Me encantaría que vinieras a cenar con nosotras.
But he won't know how much Until a long time later.
Pero él no lo sabrá sino después de un largo tiempo.
And do not change, as your profits later on will be much greater.
Y no cambies de idea, tus ganancias serán mucho mayores más adelante.
But he says to let it go through... let it go through because profit later on will be much greater.
Pero dice que lo dejemos pasar - Dejarlo pasar porque los beneficios serán mucho mayores más adelante.
You'll find it much more interesting later on.
Vuestro interés irá en aumento.
go back to your work we'll talk later you were right, Philine is just like any other girl don't you demand too much of the young girl?
regrese a su trabajo hablaremos después usted tenía razón, Philine es como cualquier otra muchacha ¿ no exige demasiado de la joven?
Well, thanks very much. I've still got troubles. Sooner or later, Molly will find out who I am.
Molly acabará por enterarse de quién soy... igual que el viejo Haskel sabrá quién tiró ese tomate... y no funcionará.
They can talk by themselves as much as they want later, right?
Pueden hablar de ellos cuanto quieran después. ¿ Verdad?
You get much better more later on, eh?
Puede conseguir otra más bonita, ¿ eh?
I'll listen to it later. It's much too nice a day for murder. What's wrong, Victor?
- No, gracias, lo lo oiré más tarde, el día está demasiado bonito para asesinatos.
Then later, still long before the doll incident... you wanted very much for her to love you.
Más adelante, mucho antes del incidente de la muñeca Ud. deseaba que ella la quisiera.
If he knows as much about the island as he says he does, I may pay him a visit. Later, perhaps.
Si sabe de la isla tanto como dice, podía ir yo a verlo.
It was something you told me much later.
Fue algo que me dijiste mucho más tarde.
It's much worse later.
Es mucho peor después.
It'll have to wait until later. - This is much more important.
Tendrás que dejarlo para después, porque esto es mucho más importante.
Nothing, we were very gentle... ] [... and yet we frightened him so much that, we discovered later... ] [... he had hurried off to use the prisoner's information... ] [... and thus prevented 50 of our men from falling into an ambush. ]
No hubiésemos podido ser más amables. En cambio, le metimos tal miedo en el cuerpo que se apresuró... lo supimos luego, a usar las informaciones del prisionero... y a impedir que 50 de los nuestros cayesen en una trampa.
You'll come down later, you see how much mommy has to carry.
Ya bajarás luego, no ves lo cargada que va la mamita.
I would much prefer that the proof in this case come entirely from the lips of the witnesses that we will bring into the court during the trial, because in the last analysis, what I say to you now or hereafter, or what Mr. Tomasini has said or may say to you later on, is of little or no significance in the case.
Preferiría que las pruebas procedieran solo de los testigos que les presentamos durante el juicio, porque en este análisis, Lo que yo diga de ahora en adelante o Lo que el Sr. Tomasini ha dicho o diga más tarde,
Later! I've never seen so much grass in my life!
¡ Nunca he visto tanto pasto verde en mi vida!
I wasn't able to do much for you but tell me if you need anything and I'll send it to you later I already have enough, Mother.
No te he regalado nada. Dime si necesitas algo, y te lo enviaré. No hace falta mamá, tengo de todo.
later 2839
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53
later on 170
later then 16
much appreciated 57
much love 20
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53
later on 170
later then 16
much appreciated 57
much love 20
much better 603
much worse 133
much less 38
much better now 20
much more 111
much obliged 132
much bigger 31
much worse 133
much less 38
much better now 20
much more 111
much obliged 132
much bigger 31