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You just remember who's got the whoring mouth in this room. "
Solo recuerda quién es la puta de esta oficina ".
And I just... I wanted to let you know that she's missing. "
Solo quería decirte que ella desapareció ".
And I just knew I needed to see her.
Solo sabía que necesitaba verla.
And I was wiping her face and just saying :
Yo le estaba limpiando la cara y solo decía :
This is not just a story.
Esto no es solo una historia.
"I... I just don't believe all this."
"Sencillamente no creo todo esto".
We were just oblivious.
No teníamos la más remota idea.
You know, that was, uh... It was just understood.
Eso se daba por hecho.
I was about 38 years old and just finishing up a spiritual directing program.
Yo tenía unos 38 años y estaba terminando un programa de dirección espiritual.
I just knew it was uncomfortable, I knew I didn't like Keough,
Solo sabía que era incómodo. Sabía que Keough no me gustaba.
I have prayer for hour, hour and a half every day... and I decided that Lent, I would do what I did best, which was take it into prayer... settle down, and just be still... and work with it on a prayerful level.
He rezado durante una hora o una hora y media todos los días. Y decidí que en esa Cuaresma haría lo que mejor hacía yo, que era rezar, calmarme, estar tranquila, y trabajar con eso al nivel de la oración.
He was just beloved.
Sencillamente era querido.
They kept saying we were on the same page, all doing... You know, just kind of making sure everything's in place.
Decían que todos estábamos de acuerdo que nos asegurábamos de que todo estuviera en orden.
" I just can't understand why you would do something like that.
" No entiendo por qué usted haría algo así.
And we just don't know.
Y sencillamente no sabemos.
I've now remembered... not just the abuse that these two priests had done... but also there's other adults, like the police... and this Brother Bob...
no solo el abuso cometido por esos dos sacerdotes, sino también por otros adultos como la policía y un hermano Bob, que también había estado abusando de mí.
So, to me, my view of the Catholic church was just...
Entonces, para mí, mi opinión de la Iglesia católica era...
She was in the process of recovering memories, and some days she was able to sit down and talk and plan, and some days she just said, " I...
Ella estaba en el proceso de recuperar recuerdos. Algunos días era capaz de sentarse, hablar y planear, y otros días simplemente decía :
And the whole time I'm... Like, I'm just in a fog. I go into a fog, a spacey place, and it's like "Ahh," you know.
Todo el tiempo es como si estuviera en una niebla, en una nube y es como si...
I'm just kind of... As I go through the evening, something was coming. Something was coming.
A medida que pasaba la noche, llegaba algo.
In all honesty, there was just a second I thought :
Sinceramente, por un segundo pensé :
You're told something that is just so hard to fathom.
Te dicen algo tan difícil de comprender.
" My God, I just can't believe I did this thing.
" Dios mío, no puedo creer que haya hecho esto.
Like, there was the outer "everything's fine" life, and there was, like, there's a... There's a bomb going off inside of my house and everybody's just trying to survive it.
Teníamos la vida exterior, en la que todo está bien, y teníamos teníamos una bomba estallando dentro de mi casa y todos están tratando de sobrevivir.
And... And even us coming in and wanting to spend time with her was just painful.
Y el solo hecho de que quisiéramos pasar tiempo con ella era doloroso.
And it was ever... Just about every sibling was in my dining room.
Todos los hermanos estaban en mi comedor.
And we sat around there and we just handwrote out names and addresses, threw stamps on it, just threw it out.
Nos sentamos y escribimos a mano nombres y direcciones. Pusimos estampillas y las mandamos.
I like to bake, like, probably three times a week, and I just find that it calms me down.
Me gusta hornear probablemente tres veces por semana. Me parece que me calma.
I just got so excited.
Cuando leí esa carta, me emocioné mucho.
And things just got bad to worse after that with Father Maskell.
Las cosas fueron de mal en peor después de eso con el padre Maskell.
He just thought I was cute.
Simplemente le parecí linda.
It just seems like this would have been the place where you would...
Parece que este habría sido el lugar indicado...
I believe they have been shown weapons and told not just... "This could be very bad for you if you get deeply into it," but, "Your family could pay the price."
Creo que los han amenzado con armas y les han dicho que podría ser muy malo no solo para ellos, si se meten de lleno, sino también para sus familias.
She just killed it, then.
- Simplemente lo cerraba.
Joe wrote like few students can write, and his speech was wonderful, so, he was just extremely good as a student.
Joe escribía como pocos alumnos saben escribir, y su discurso era maravilloso, así que era un alumno extremadamente bueno.
And I'm just waiting as they pull all this stuff out of this hole.
Yo esperaba mientras sacaban las cosas del hoyo.
Maybe we did, I just don't remember that.
Quizás sí lo encontramos, pero no lo recuerdo.
I didn't disbelieve the victims, but I just didn't have enough to go forward.
No descreía a las víctimas, pero no tenía suficiente para seguir adelante.
They just talked about Jane Doe and Jane Roe and the abuse at Keough that had happened in the early'70s.
Solo hablaban sobre la estudiante y la alumna desconocidas y el abuso que había ocurrido en Keough a principios de los 70.
I felt really guilty, but I felt so self-protective, you know, that I just didn't want anybody to touch my happy little life.
... de juicio inminente Me sentía muy culpable, pero también me autoprotegía. No quería que nadie tocara mi vida feliz.
So, he sat behind me, and you could feel like it was a lion, and I just was waiting for him to go over my head and grab one of these guys by the throat.
Así que se sentó detrás de mí, y podías sentir que era un león, y yo esperaba que él saltara sobre mi cabeza y mordiera a uno de ellos en la garganta.
I just know that after the night Bob Erlandson and I went to Mass,
Maskell renuncia Solo sé que tras la noche en que Bob Erlandson y yo fuimos a misa, nunca volví a verlo.
Dr. McHugh, he just basically poo-pooed the whole idea of repressed memory and recovering memories.
El doctor McHugh simplemente arruinó toda la idea de los recuerdos reprimidos y recuperados.
And my lawyers decided that I would just look at the judge and not look at the lawyers as they questioned me.
REPRESENTA A LA ARQUIDIÓCESIS Y mis abogados decidieron que debía mirar al juez y no a los abogados cuando me interrogaran.
It was, like, so many thoughts going through my head... but I just took the stand and... And they questioned me.
Me pasaban tantos pensamientos por la cabeza, pero solo miraba al estrado mientras ellos me interrogaban.
I just turned, I stared him right in the eyes.
Me di vuelta y lo miré directo a los ojos.
He said, "I was so proud of her when she just turned her head and looked right at him, like," Go on, ask me your questions. "
Dijo : "Me sentí orgulloso cuando giró la cabeza y lo miró fijo como si le dijera que le preguntara lo que quisiera".
I was just curious'cause he seemed to be so involved with the police all the time.
Tenía curiosidad porque parecía estar muy involucrado con la policía todo el tiempo.
He was just like... any other member of the police force to me.
Era como otro miembro de la policía para mí.
It's just that we now know so much more about memory.
Es solo que ahora sabemos mucho más sobre la memoria.
I quieted down... and I let myself just kind of be.
Me permití simplemente existir.
just come home 43
just eat it 38
justice 418
justin 1150
justified 46
just do it 1237
justine 297
just be cool 104
just so you know 1100
just relax 1151
just eat it 38
justice 418
justin 1150
justified 46
just do it 1237
justine 297
just be cool 104
just so you know 1100
just relax 1151
just breathe 514
just be yourself 145
just me 553
just go 1748
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just kidding 689
just bear with me 31
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just be yourself 145
just me 553
just go 1748
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just kidding 689
just bear with me 31
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
justin bieber 25
just answer the questions 19
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just eat 44
just a man 25
just be patient 84
just a joke 49
just us 261
just beautiful 39
just answer the questions 19
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just eat 44
just a man 25
just be patient 84
just a joke 49
just us 261
just beautiful 39