Just let it be tradutor Espanhol
886 parallel translation
Just let it be.
Deja, deja.
Virginia's a nice girl. She just let it be known she'd be in the park tonight
Me dijo que iba al parque con una amiga.
Don't be so upset, just let it be
No te pongas así. Tómalo con calma.
Just let it be.
Para de una vez.
Just let it be
Déjalo estar.
Just let it be.
Sólo olvídate de lo nuestro.
So, I just let myself go and wherever music takes me, so be it.
La dejo llevarme a donde se le antoja.
It will be easier. Let's just play up here, okay?
Usemos esto, ¿ de acuerdo?
If we let Feri Ats keep our flag, we might just as well give him our lot and be done with it.
Si dejamos que Feri Ats se quede con nuestra bandera, podemos también darle nuestro solar y olvidarnos de él.
And would you believe it, Joe, there are just three people in the entire ship's list... that would be glad to let me have a little assistance.
Puedes creer que sólo hay tres personas en toda la lista del barco... que estarían felices de prestarme una pequeña ayuda.
It's better just to let him be happy.
Es mejor dejarle ser feliz.
It'll be better... to just let her come for the visit like always... and by that time, it'll all be over.
Sería mejor... dejar que venga a visitarlos como siempre... y para entonces, todo habrá terminado.
If I let this chance go by, there'll never be another for me so I don't think anyone will mind if I just have a go at it, will they, Julia?
Si dejo escapar esta oportunidad, nunca tendré otra, así que no creo que le importe a nadie que lo intente, ¿ no, Julia?
Maybe flying should just be restricted to 35,000 feet, and let it go at that.
Quizá debería restringirse la altitud a 10.670 metros.
Wouldn't it be simpler if we just lay down and let them walk over us?
¿ No sería mejor si nos echáramos al suelo y nos pisaran?
He wouldn't let me be I think he did it just to make...
No me dejaba en paz Creo que lo hizo sólo para
It would just be simpler if you would let him go.
Sería más simple que le dejara ir.
- Let them get somebody else. - This isn't just a case. It's a debt that has to be repaid.
- No es sólo una paciente, es una deuda.
It must be said that Picasso, next to me, was an also-ran. Just a good for nothing kid. All right, let's see...
Picasso, a mi lado, digamos que es un pintorcillo, un chiquillo sin interés.
Let's say it's not to be refused. Look, I swear it, just like all the liars who came to lean on this little balcony.
Bueno, entonces no puedo negarme así que juro como todos los mentirosos que han pasado antes por aquí.
- Just let it be.
- Déjalo así.
It'd be simpler if you'd just let me fix it, son.
Sería más sencillo si me dejases prepararlo a mí, hijo.
Let's just be grateful it's over for you at last, and you can come home.
Sólo agradezcamos que por fin se acabó para ti y que puedes volver a casa.
Let's make it 3 hours, just to be... you know? , concise!
Tres horas, para ser más exacto.
Just because love has been hard to you, you refuse to let it be gentle.
Solo porque el amor te ha tratado mal,... renuncias a volver a amar.
But just in case any of you are still at all anxious, let it be known that Mr. Chelm has taken charge in the engine room.
Pero por si alguno de ustedes sigue intranquilo, sepan que el Sr. Chelm se ha hecho cargo de la sala de máquinas.
Because the Lord just wouldn't let it be.
Porque el Señor no dejaría que fuera así.
Wouldn't it be great if we could just go away, the two of us... And let the old world take a couple of turns and... Have a chance to take stock of things?
¿ No sería grandioso si sólo pudiésemos irnos, nosotros dos... y dejar al viejo mundo probar un par de cambios y... tener la oportunidad de tener algunas cosas?
We know you've had rather a shock, Polly, and talking about it may be disturbing, but I'm afraid we must ask you a few questions, so I'll be as quick as I can, and you just try not to let it upset you.
Sabemos que está conmocionada y que hablar Ie será desagradable. Pero debo hacerle algunas preguntas. Seré muy breve.
Whatever it was, and we both remember the good part, the fine time let's not louse it up and let it be something bad and hopeless just because we couldn't keep it.
Fuera lo que fuera y recordemos ambos la parte buena, la época buena pero no lo arruinemos dejando que sea algo malo y sin esperanzas sólo porque no pudimos conservarlo.
Let it be just a hint of what, we went through, we find brought treasures Seven Seas.
Se habrán dado cuenta de cuento sufrimos para traer estos tesoros desde los siete mares.
If your blood is so frail and so delicate... that it just calls out for Alan Stewart... amen, let it be him.
Si tu sangre es tan frágil y tan delicada... que sólo llama a Alan Stewart... amén, que sea él.
Well, let's just sum it up by saying... that the reader's interest must always be captured... as soon as possible in the lead.
Bueno, resumamos diciendo... que el interés del lector debe captarse siempre... lo antes posible.
I'll just let bygones be bygones, and we'll go on together as it was.
Me haré cuentas de que no ha pasado nada y seguiremos junto como siempre.
It is just waking up, rubbing the sand out of its palms, ready for another "let's be pretty for the tourists" day, a day that could never get started without the people who provide the services
Se está despertando y se sacude la arena. Otro día más se engalana para los turistas, en un día que no podría empezar sin la gente que ofrece los servicios necesarios para que el visitante quede satisfecho.
Just let it all out and then we'll see about getting you where you want to be.
Desahógate y veremos adónde quieres ir.
Professor Alfonso himself will be there! Let me do it myself! Just think!
Déjame hacerlo a mí.
Certain trifles can be ignored with some people, you can just let it go.
Hay minucias que podemos ignorar con cierta gente, se pueden dejar pasar.
I just won't let it be!
no puedo permitirlo!
Let me have just one thing the way I want it to be.
Déjame que tenga algo como yo quiero.
We'll let bygones be bygones. But just look me in the eye and tell me that it meant absolutely nothing to you.
Pero mírame a los ojos y dime que no significó nada para ti.
It must be just awful to have your face so badly burned... that you can't let it be seen.
Debe ser horrible tener la cara quemada al punto de tener que cubrirse para no mostrarla.
You know, I can't take all this let's-be-faithful-and-never - look-at-another-person routine, because it just doesn't work.
No aguanto eso de "vamos a ser fieles" y no mirar más a otras personas, porqué no funciona.
Let's just be silent, like we don't notice it.
No es posible que no se haya dado cuenta.
Let it be known, there is a just and angry God.
Les hago saber, que dios es justo, pero iracundo.
Just like you're gonna be dead as soon as I let it out that you've been finking on all of them all these years.
¡ lgual que lo estarás tú pronto... en cuanto diga que has estado delatándoles todos estos años!
Oh, it doesn't matter. It's just that I'd arranged to meet some friends of mine. I would liked to have let them know I was going to be a bit late.
No importa, es que había quedado con unos amigos y me hubiera gustado decirles que me iba a retrasar.
Let it be just you and me.
¡ Celebrémoslo bien junticos!
You know, it can be pretty nice here in the village once you get used to it. And just don't let Mrs. Hallet hassle you.
Sabes, puede ser agradable cuando te acostumbras si no dejas que la señora Hallet te moleste
Well, let's just say I think it might be important.
- ¿ Por qué le interesa eso? - Creo que puede ser importante.
But Gaullist France had just let herself be persuaded that it wasn't immune to what was shaking the rest of the world ; a well-established idea then.
Pero la Francia gaullista había terminado de dejarse persuadir que no era inmune a lo que agitaba al resto del mundo ; una idea que gozaba de buena salud.
just let go 57
just let me in 37
just let me know 201
just let 17
just let me die 21
just let it go 244
just let me be 25
just let me go 210
just let us know 30
just let it out 33
just let me in 37
just let me know 201
just let 17
just let me die 21
just let it go 244
just let me be 25
just let me go 210
just let us know 30
just let it out 33