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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ K ] / Killed himself

Killed himself tradutor Espanhol

2,615 parallel translation
My brother killed himself.
Mi hermano se pegó un tiro.
He never killed himself.
- Él nunca se quitaría la vida.
So Mitchell never killed himself.
Así que Mitchell nunca se suicidó.
That's why he killed himself here.
Por eso se suicidó aquí.
- My father... killed himself when I was nine.
- Mi padre se suicidó cuando yo tenía 9 años.
He killed himself.
Se suicidó.
Warren's killed himself.
Warrem se ha suicidado.
First, he tried to trap us and when that failed... he bloody killed himself.
Primero intentó atraparnos y cuando fracasó... el maldito se suicidó.
In fact, I wasn't even with him when he killed himself.
De hecho, ni siquiera estaba con él cuando se suicidó.
We can all rest now that the architect of that slaughter has been killed himself.
Ahora podemos estar tranquilos ya que el arquitecto de esa masacre se suicidó.
Killed himself?
¿ Se suicidó?
Daddy killed himself, we suffered, and I miss him.
Papá se suicidó, nosotras sufrimos, y yo le echo de menos.
The day your father killed himself, I came back to a house filled with cops and you gone.
El día que tu padre se suicidó, volví a una casa llena de policías y tú te habías ido.
Pretty soon, there was speculation that Eva killed her husband or he killed himself.
Muy pronto se especuló de que Eva había matado a su marido o de que él se había suicidado.
Miguel killed himself.
Miguel se suicidó.
So, you think he killed himself?
¿ Cree que se suicidó?
So you think he killed himself?
¿ Cree que se suicidó?
Gattuso killed himself last night.
Gattuso se mató anoche.
Got accepted into Juilliard a couple of months before he killed himself.
Lo aceptaron en Julliard un par de meses antes de que se suicidara.
I'm pretty sure she was the last one to talk to Adam before he killed himself and that she helped him get the drugs to do it.
Estoy bastante seguro de que ella fue la última en hablar con Adam antes de que se suicidara y de que ella lo ayudó a conseguir las drogas para hacerlo.
He killed himself.
Y se suicidó.
The one who killed himself, he called him the wimp.
El que se suicidó, lo llamaba el débil.
Killed himself in prison.
Se suicidó en la cárcel.
He killed them, set the fire, then killed himself.
Él los mató, prendió el fuego y luego se mató.
With so many enemies, do you think he really killed himself?
Con tantos enemigos, ¿ piensas que realmente se suicidó?
So... sole accomplice in your crime just went and killed himself.
Así que... único cómplice en tu crimen. solo se fué y se suicidó.
Not until after he killed himself.
No hasta que él se suicidó.
He was forced into liquidation and he killed himself.
Se vio obligado a liquidar y se suicidó.
Harry killed himself, okay?
Harry se suicidó, ¿ está bien?
No, he's dead because he killed himself.
No, está muerto porque se suicidó.
He finally got himself killed in a pool hall.
Finalmente lo mataron en un salón de billares.
She may be deceased, she may be missing, he may have killed her himself.
Ella a lo mejor está muerta, ella a lo mejor está deaparecida, puede que la haya matado él mismo.
And precisely how does getting himself killed play into that?
Y precisamente, ¿ cómo encaja en todo eso el hacerse matar?
I had this case... A businessman. Lost all his money, killed his family, then himself, before any of them could find out.
Tuve este caso, un hombre de negocios, perdió todo su dinero, mató a su familia y se suicidó antes de que lo averiguaran.
He wasn't very good at anything, apart from getting himself killed.
No era muy bueno con nada, salvo con lo de matarse.
Larson could have killed me, but he stopped himself.
Larson podría haberme matado, pero se contuvo.
O'Hara fucked up and got himself killed.
O'Hare la echó a perder y logró que lo mataran.
He killed one lad himself.
El mismo mató a un muchacho.
Yeah. I do it to keep your brother from getting himself killed.
Yo lo hago para evitar que tu hermano se mate.
If he gets himself killed, that's on me.
Si hace que le maten, es culpa mía.
You act as if De Κuyper killed Daems himself.
Actúas como si De Kuyper hubiera matado a Daems.
Seamus O'Neill was on board for a while but he got himself killed.
Seamus O'Neill estuvo a bordo un tiempo pero consiguió que le matasen.
get himself killed?
hacer que le maten?
Doug figured out what you were into, so he took some cash for himself, and so you killed him for it.
Doug averiguó en lo que estaba metido, ¿ verdad? Cogió parte del efectivo, y por eso le mató.
Same as getting himself killed.
Lo mismo que suicidarse.
Get himself killed...
Hará que lo maten...
You saw Namgun get himself almost killed...
Tú viste a Namgun a punto de morir -
He got himself killed before the wedding..... And she ended up with his brother, an even more impressive specimen.
Le mataron antes de la boda y ella acabó con su hermano, un especimen aún más impresionante.
When I found out that he had killed himself...
Seattle, Washington 9 de abril, 1994
In addition, he killed a baby who was 18 months old, CHARLIE GROANS he killed the sheriff deputy's wife, he killed two pedestrians, he killed a petrol station assistant, he killed a motorist, he shot the chief of police and he shot himself.
Además, mató a un bebé de 18 meses, mató a la mujer del ayudante de sheriff, mató a dos peatones, mató a un trabajador de la gasolinera, mató a un motorista, disparó al jefe de policía y luego se pegó un tiro.
Because Gibson Hawke would have killed everyone up there including himself.
Porque Gibson Hawke hubiera matado a todo el mundo que estaba ahí arriba... incluyéndose a sí mismo.

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