Know your place tradutor Espanhol
990 parallel translation
Damn girl, don't you know your place?
¿ Estás drogada?
He's always telling me, " Cluny Brown, you don't know your place.
Siempre me dice : "Cluny, no sabes cuál es tu lugar",
You don't know your place.
No sabes cuál es tu lugar.
You never will know your place.
Nunca sabrás estar en tu lugar.
- You know your place.
Conoces tu lugar
Besides, here in England, what chance do you get, with everybody telling you to keep your place and know your place?
¿ Que porvenir te espera en Inglaterra? Donde todo el mundo te dice cual es tú lugar...
- And learn to know your place.
- Y aprendes a conocer tu lugar.
You don't know your place, Naosuke.
No conoces tu lugar, Naosuke.
- You know who was killed in your place?
- ¿ Sabes a quién mataron en tu lugar?
You never know who's sitting on the bench waiting to take your place when you fall out of the game.
Nunca sabes quién está sentado en el banquillo esperando a ocupar tu sitio cuando pierdes el partido.
if this place should happen to be robbed, tonight for instance, and the rest of the securities stolen, they would never know that your $ 30,000 wasn't taken with the rest, would they?
Si alguien robara aquí, digamos esta noche, y se llevara todo, la desaparición de 30000 dólares pasaría desapercibida.
You know, Agnes, after 30 years of it - one-night stands and split weeks - that's about all you ever dream of, a place of your own.
Verás, Agnes, después de 30 años de bolos sin descanso, sólo se sueña con tener algo propio.
I didn't know this was your place.
No sabía que esta fuera su casa.
Your place is with them, and you know it.
Vuestro lugar está con ellos, y lo sabéis.
You know, I never could understand how a man with your brains ever got into a place like this.
Nunca entenderé cómo un hombre con tu inteligencia... terminó en un lugar como éste.
Look here, manson, I realize you're just passing through on your way to London, but in the meantime, there are one or two things about this place you ought to know.
Manson, sé que sólo está de paso en su camino a Londres, pero mientras tanto, debería saber un par de cosas sobre este lugar.
I know it's not my place, but you must think of your career.
No es asunto mío, pero piense en su carrera.
Now, Mommy, you know better than to come to a place like this... your first day out of bed.
Mamá, sabes que no deberías venir a un sitio como éste... recién levantada de la cama.
You know, I don't believe in young folks waiting. I always say a man needs help on his place, Stick out your tongue.
Yo no creo en eso de esperar, siempre he pensado que un hombre necesita ayuda Muérdete la lengua!
Si yo estuviera en tu lugar, haría lo mismo.
You know that my first generous impulse was to give you your miserable four dollars and 90 cents, but since you've adopted this typical highhanded Prussian attitude of the male, you... You can just sit on those sawed-off digits until a certain place freezes over.
Mi primer generoso impulso fue darle sus miserables cuatro dólares y 90 centavos, pero puesto que ha adoptado esa típica arrogante actitud prusiana de macho... puede quedarse con sus dedos raquíticos hasta que cierto sitio se congele.
Well, in case you don't know it, the bottom of your car is not the ideal place to spend a weekend.
Por si no lo sabías, el fondo de tu coche no es el lugar ideal para pasar el fin de semana.
- I know a place where you can get a table d'hôte dinner... with a choice of three vegetables and your fortune told for 35 cents.
Conozco un lugar donde podemos tener una cena... con una selección de tres verduras y que le lean la buenaventura por 35 centavos.
So, you're the big shot that didn't know whether Hanover and Dixon were good enough for your place.
Así que Ud. Es el Sr. Importante que no sabía... si Hanover y Dixon servirían para su lugar.
I know she was at your place last night.
Sé que estuvo allí anoche.
I suppose you don't know nothing about this place your mother sent you to.
Supongo que no sabrá nada acerca del lugar al que su madre la envía.
I know you wanted to tell me about taking your place with the gang... but I'll make it easy for you.
Sabía que quería decirme lo de ocupar su puesto en la banda, pero se lo pondré fácil.
Now are we well prepared to know the pleasure of our fair cousin Dauphin, for we hear your greeting is from him, not from the king.
Estamos dispuestos a conocer lo que le place a nuestro primo el Delfín. porque sabemos que esta embajada viene de su parte y no del Rey.
but we both know who did! C'mon... we're goin'to your place.
Tú solo no, ambos sabemos quién.
Is this how your servants know their place?
¿ Así es como los conocen criados su posición?
- You know what I'd do in your place?
- ¿ Sabes qué haría en tu lugar?
It's nice to have a place of your own and know your children'll grow up there.
Es agradable tener una casa propia. Saber que tus hijos van a crecer ahí.
Yes, I know. I also know about your last place of residence.
También sé de su último lugar de residencia.
If you'd spend a little more time working around this place instead of preening your feathers like a pet canary, maybe you'd know what it is to be tired at night.
Si pasaras más tiempo trabajando aquí, en vez de pavonearte como un canario, sabrías lo que significa estar cansado.
Do you know what he'd have asked for, in your place?
¿ Sabe usted lo que él habría pedido en su lugar?
Virginia, you know that that's no place to leave your doll.
Yo... Virginia, ya sabes que no debes dejar tu muñeca en ese lugar.
Look lady, I may not know about high society manners, but if I don't drop by your place, why do you drop by mine?
Pos bueno, señora, yo no sé cómo, se dicen Ias cosas a lo decente, pero si yo no visito su cantón, yo no sé por qué viene a mi casa.
Don't you realize you'd never be safe Not until we know who is, not until we find him Not until we put him right here in your place, on this bunk, in this cell
Solo estarás a salvo cuando demos con el asesino y lo metamos aquí en esta misma celda.
You know that place where you put a quarter in the machine instead of writing home to your mother, you send your voice on a record.
Conoces ese lugar donde pones 25 centavos en la maquina en vez de escribirle a tu madre, envias tu voz en una grabacion.
You sit there on your bustle, the big boss, and think you know how to run this place.
Se sienta aquí, la gran jefa, y cree que sabe cómo dirigir este lugar.
You know that mica vein I've been working on my 60 acres near your place?
Sabe que trabajo en la veta de mica de los 60 acres que tengo frente a su casa, ¿ no?
But even if I have earned your hatred you know why the wedding must take place.
Pero aun si me gané tu odio... sabes que la boda debe llevarse a cabo.
You know, every year I go to your place
Sabe, cada año voy a su casa.
You have some sick offense within your mind, which, by the right and virtue of my place, I ought to know of.
Hay algo que afecta a tu mente... y, por derecho y virtud de mi puesto, yo debería saberlo.
If you want your regular place reserved just let me know.
Si quiere le reservamos un sitio. Sólo tiene que decírmelo.
"He throws your interest in a place whose name is withheld... " but who you know well, period.
Tira vuestro interés en un lugar cuyo nombre no se pronuncia pero que ustedes bien saben, punto.
First, mighty sovereign, let me know your mind, what from Your Grace I shall deliver to him.
Primero, poderoso señor, decidme, si os place, qué debo comunicarle.
Are you mad again? Do you know that I haven't seen your place yet?
Giovanna aún no me has llevado a tu casa.
Get back! Don't your kind ever know their place?
Atrás. ¿ Acaso los de tu raza no saben cómo comportarse?
You better be getting back to your place and let them know that the Sinclairs are still in the business.
Mejor vuelves a tu casa y les dices que los Sinclair siguen en el negocio.
This is your place now, you know?
Este es su lugar.
know your enemy 19
your place or mine 31
your place is here 21
your place 118
place 132
places 252
placed 18
place your bets 158
place of birth 22
know thyself 21
your place or mine 31
your place is here 21
your place 118
place 132
places 252
placed 18
place your bets 158
place of birth 22
know thyself 21
know why 81
know what i'm saying 125
know it 54
know what that means 36
know this 99
know what this is 16
know what that is 21
know what i mean 310
know what 656
know what i'm sayin 29
know what i'm saying 125
know it 54
know what that means 36
know this 99
know what this is 16
know what that is 21
know what i mean 310
know what 656
know what i'm sayin 29
know what it is 22
know her 28
know basis 70
know him 81
know that 57
know what i think 31
know you 19
know about what 16
know her 28
know basis 70
know him 81
know that 57
know what i think 31
know you 19
know about what 16