Leave them alone tradutor Espanhol
932 parallel translation
They'll end up breaking up if I just leave them alone.
Romperán si los dejamos que se sienten.
Will you leave them alone like that?
¿ Intentas sentarte ahí y no hacer nada?
Let's leave them alone.
Dejémoslos solos.
I would always leave them alone
Siempre los abandonaba
Leave them alone.
Déjelos solos.
- Leave them alone.
No, leave them alone.
Leave them alone, everybody.
Todo el mundo fuera.
Leave them alone, Mr. Bockelmann!
¡ Déjeles en paz, Sr. Bockelmann!
Leave them alone!
¡ Déjelas!
Come on, old timer, let's leave them alone. - I don't understand. - Get them a drink.
Disculpe que no fuera a esperarle a la estación, señor.
Are you going to leave them alone like that?
¿ Vas a dejarles solos así?
We leave them alone too.
Nosotros les dejamos en paz.
Leave them alone.
No las toques.
I'll leave them alone.
Los dejaré solos.
Miss Manton, all the police ask is that you leave them alone.
- Deje trabajar a la policía.
We can not leave them alone.
No podemos dejarlos aquí solos.
- Can't you leave them alone?
- ¿ No puedes dejarlos solos?
They won't charge if we leave them alone.
Si los dejamos en paz, no nos atacarán.
If you just squeeze them and then leave them alone.
Sólo tienes que aplastarlas y después dejarlas solas.
And don't leave them alone.
Y no les dejes solos.
Leave them alone.
Déjenlas tranquilas.
No, leave them alone.
No, no la toques.
Others leave Boy and Tarzan alone, Tarzan leave them alone.
Los otros dejar a Boy y Tarzan en paz, Tarzan dejarlos en paz.
Nothing would suit me better than to leave them alone.
Nada me gustaría más que dejarlos en paz.
Just walk if you have to, but leave them alone.
Andando si es preciso, pero déjalos solos.
Leave them alone.
Deja las cortinas.
I knew it, we must never leave them alone, never.
Lo sabía, no hay que dejarla sola.
Leave them alone.
Deja las flores en paz.
I'll leave them alone, I promise.
Les dejaré en paz, lo prometo.
The Japs wouldn't leave them alone that long.
Los japoneses no les dejarían tanto tiempo.
Rose, when they're outside, you want them inside, So when they're inside, leave them alone.
Rose, cuando están fuera, quieres que estén dentro, así que ahora que están dentro, déjalos tranquilos.
No Jenny... leave them alone.
¿ Por qué no puedo estar a solas un minuto contigo?
Take everything. Leave them alone.
Llévese lo que quiera y déjelos tranquilos.
Can't stop mad people. You should leave them alone.
No puedo detenerla, creo que debemos dejarla sola.
Then you want them to leave such an ungrateful woman alone?
¿ Quiere entonces que dejen en paz a esa mujer desagradecida?
Says if we don't leave him alone tonight, we'll never see them.
Si le dejamos tranquilo esta noche los entregará.
- Get out of here, leave us alone or I'll tell them you're backing the show.
- Vete de aquí. Déjanos en paz o les diré que tú nos financias.
Are you gonna leave them two alone?
¿ Vas a dejar solos a esos dos?
You don't mean to say you're gonna leave me here alone with them?
¿ No pensará dejarme aquí solo con ellos?
But Tarzan is such a juju to them they leave us alone.
Pero Tarzán es juju para ellos y nos dejan en paz.
But you stick with them. Don't leave Dick alone with her for a second.
No dejes solo a Dick con ella un segundo.
They leave me alone. They don't need me, and I don't need them.
No me necesitan y yo no los necesito.
All he does is say to the boys, mind your P's and Q's and nobody'll bother you. To them higher up it's leave the boys alone, they leave you alone.
Bueno, creo que probaré un poco con la ruleta y luego me iré a la cama,... a menos que alguno quiera invertir.
Los muertos la liarán, si no.
You can go with them, too, if you like, and leave me alone.
Si quieres, puedes irte tú también, y dejarme sola.
Leave me alone with them for a moment.
Déjame a solas con ellos un momento.
Leave me alone and go with your whores, or your lady soldiers... Or however you call them!
Déjeme en paz y váyase con sus mujerzueIas, o con sus soIdaderas... ; O como acostumbre usted a llamarlas!
I tried to leave the church twice to look for them, but the others are afraid to let me go alone.
Tienen miedo de que vaya yo sola.
It's not necessary to leave the world, my son but rather to live in the world and to love the objects of the world not for themselves alone, but for what there is in them of God.
No es necesario abandonar el mundo, hijo mío... sino vivir en el mundo y amar todas las cosas del mundo... no por sí mismas, sino por lo que de Dios hay en ellas.
leave them 68
leave them be 20
alone 2197
alone at last 32
leave me 436
leave 1433
leaves 53
leave it here 29
leave me the fuck alone 22
leave it with me 73
leave them be 20
alone 2197
alone at last 32
leave me 436
leave 1433
leaves 53
leave it here 29
leave me the fuck alone 22
leave it with me 73
leave me in peace 46
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886
leave us alone 361
leave it to me 292
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave me a message 124
leave it out 59
leave her 167
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886
leave us alone 361
leave it to me 292
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave me a message 124
leave it out 59
leave her 167