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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ L ] / Let him go now

Let him go now tradutor Espanhol

301 parallel translation
Send someone you can trust with me to Shanghai. lll pay you to let him go now.
Mande a alguien conmigo a Shanghai. Le pagaré por no hacerle daño.
- No, no, Marcus let him go now.
- No, no, Marcus deja que se vaya.
You can let him go now, can't you?
¿ Podrán soltarlo ahora, no?
You might as well let him go now.
Déjenlo libre.
If I let him go now, he wakes up with a headache, and later I get it in the back.
Si dejo que se vaya, despertará con dolor de cabeza, luego me dolerá la espalda.
You can let him go now'cause Von Zipper does not like violence in front of broads.
Ya pueden dejarlo en paz, porque a Von Zipper no le gusta ser violento delante de una mujer.
Even if you had any objections, I wouldn't let him go now if... you were the governor of Alabama...
Aún si objetaras, no lo dejaría a él. Aunque fueras gobernador de Alabama. Quiero decir, aunque mamá lo fuera.
I saw him, I talked to him, and the only solution is to let him go now.
Lo vi, le hablé y la única solución es despedirlo ahora.
Hey, this won't end if we let him go now.
Oye, esto no terminará si dejamos que se marche ahora.
Suéltalo ahora y tú y yo lo pasaremos bien todo el rato.
It's okay, let him go now, Sava, we're going to be late for the show.
Bien, déjalo, Sava, llegamos tarde a la actuación.
Now you must let him go.
Ahora debes dejar que se vaya.
No, Betty. Now I wish I'd let him go to the convention.
Betty, debí dejarle ir a la concentración.
Now that you're taking him to Mrs. Mockby's I just hate to let him go.
Ahora que te lo llevas a la Sra. Mockby,... odio tener que dejarle ir.
But now, if you let him go without fighting'for him, you oughta be trounced with a wet willow branch.
Pero ahora, si lo dejas ir sin pelear por él... que te golpeen con una rama mojada de sauce.
Now, let's go to him.
Ahora vamos a verle.
That's it. Now let's get him over on the bed. Here we go.
Ahora pongámoslo sobre la cama.
Let me go and I'll bring him here right now.
¡ Déjeme libre y se lo traeré enseguida!
Let's go see him now.
Vayamos ahora mismo.
Now... let's go out and wait for him.
Ahora... salgamos y esperemosle.
Now let him go.
¡ Voy a termi...!
Now, let him go.
Well, let's go down there, boys. Now keep him straight.
Bien, vamos ahí abajo, chicos.
Now let's go find him.
Vamos a buscarlo.
He's just found it out. And now we know, and we can't let him go.
En ese estado de gravedad no podemos dejarle marchar.
I'm asking you now, let him go.
Te Io estoy pidiendo, déjale ir.
Let him go, now this musician will play along with you, he plays very well.
Déjalo, ahora te va a acompañar el maestro, que lo hace muy bien.
You already said he's a good guy. So now what, you want to let him go?
Tú has dicho que no era mal chico ¿ Qué quieres ahora, que se pegue un tiro?
Let's go now, talk to him later.
Ya es la hora, ya hablarás después.
Go on, Peter, let him out now.
Vamos, Pedro, déjalo salir ;
Never mind him now, let's go!
Ahora no importa eso, ¡ vamos!
Let him be now and let him better go into the water.
Dejadme sitio... El agua es de todos.
Really, if I had any reason why I want to kill myself just looking at him now, and that reason would be gone let's go back
La verdad, si tuviera algún motivo parar querer suicidarme, con sólo mirarle ahora, ese motivo se evaporaría. Volvamos.
Now we go back in there and let them overhear that one of us is going to him.
Volveremos a entrar y dejaremos que oigan que uno de nosotros irá a verlo.
Now you're gonna have to stay here with the dog and watch him so that he doesn't bark. Simmons, Murphy, let's go.
Simmons, Murphy, vamos.
From now on, I want to see him at my side. Let's go!
A partir de ahora, quiero verlo a mi lado. ¡ En marcha!
If he's a serious scientist, we'll go to Mueller or Kaltenbrunner and ask them to give him a good ration and evacuate him to the mountains, where all the cream of our science is now. Let him work.
Si es un científico serio, iremos a Mueller o a kaltenbrunner y les pediremos que le den una buena ración y lo evacuen a las montañas, donde está ahora toda la crema de nuestra ciencia.
We have to charge him now or let him go. Do you want to let him go? - No.
O presentamos cargos o lo dejamos en libertad. ¿ Quieres dejarlo en libertad?
But we can't let him get away alive. We must go now.
- No podemos dejar que escape con vida.
Now let's go find him. Find who?
¿ Buscar a quién?
- Let's go and find him now.
- Vamos y busquémoslo ahora.
No, you can't let him go out now.
No, no puedes dejarlo ir ahora.
now listen, sandra go to the studio with john john stay there and don't let him out of your sight yeah, sure jerry, we'd better get a move on we only have god knows what else will happen
Ahora escucha Sandra. Ve al estudi con John John. Permanece allí y no lo pierdas de vista.
Let go of him, now.
Suéltenlo ahora.
If he's caught now, he'll say we let him go.
Y si le cogen ahora, lo explicará.
Now, let him go.
Ya, déjenlo.
Now, please, let him go.
Ahora suéltenlo, por favor.
Now she can't let go of him.
Ahora no puede dejarlo.
Let him go. Now!
Déjelo ir. ¡ ya!
Now you do what I tell you and you let him go.
Ahora haga lo que le digo y suéltelo.
Dejalo que se vaya... por ahora.

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