Near enough tradutor Espanhol
342 parallel translation
Bueno, eso es lo suficientemente cerca.
That's near enough.
Eso está lo bastante cerca.
It doesn't seem near enough to me.
A mí no me parece suficiente.
The real fun is matching my wits against the instinct of an animal... that Isn't going to let me get near enough to shoot.
La verdadera diversión es medir mi ingenio contra el instinto de un animal que no me permitirá acercarme lo suficiente para disparar.
Near enough.
Aquí tiene.
Can't get near enough to use a grenade.
- No podemos usar granadas.
But all the time he's trying to reach near enough to do her some harm.
Pero trata de acercarse lo suficiente para hacerle daño.
That's near enough.
Eso es suficientemente cerca.
- Well, I have a caravan... which will go near enough to, uh, Cathay.
- Tengo una caravana que pasará cerca de Catay.
I don't have near enough for an exhibition.
No tengo suficientes cuadros.
- She's out of range at the moment. But I want to get in shots before she dives, if we can get near enough.
Ahora está fuera de alcance, pero quiero dispararle algunas veces... antes de que se sumerja.
- Near enough.
- Suficientemente cerca.
It's too hot to get near enough for a good look, but it's enormous.
Está demasiado caliente como para acercarse, pero es enorme.
- Yeah, that's near enough.
Sí, algo así.
This is near enough.
Está ahí mismo.
Well, that ain't damn near enough!
Pues se queda muy corto.
Nobody who gets near enough to talk ever lives long enough to say anything.
Nadie que se acerque a hablarles vive para contarlo.
- Yes, but we're not near enough yet.
- Sí, pero aún no estamos del todo cerca.
I don't know how much they're paying you to bring me in, but it ain't near enough.
No sé cuanto le pagan por capturarme, pero no es bastante. Por capturarme, no.
He'd never send men ahead if he was near enough to see for himself.
No enviaría a nadie si estuviese tan cerca como para verlo él mismo.
- Near enough.
- Más o menos.
There's not near enough room or supplies. It's designed for three people.
No hay ni espacio ni provisiones.
I searches them out with me lamp... then I sort of hypnotizes them... till I'm near enough to pounce.
Las busco con mi lámpara. Luego las hipnotizo hasta estar lo bastante cerca para abalanzarme sobre ellas.
Near enough.
- Casi.
Something clean and modest and near enough to EURESCO... so you can take a cab when it rains. - Okay?
Un sitio limpio y modesto y lo bastante cerca de la EURESCO para que el taxi le cueste poco cuando llueva, ¿ de acuerdo?
He's been near enough to murder before.
Ya ha estado otras veces a punto de matarme.
I've never been near enough to hold her hand.
Ni siquiera he estado cerca de ella.
I know it's asking a terrible lot, but will you keep my secret, just until we get near enough to the Spanish coast for me to get away?
Ya sé que es mucho pedir, ¿ pero podrías guardarme el secreto, solo hasta que nos acerquemos a la costa española lo bastante para que pueda irme?
I haven't been near enough to her to give her a cold.
No me le he acercado ni para contagiarle un resfrío.
You're near enough to your wings as it is.
Ya estás lo suficientemente cerca de las alas.
Suddenly it seemed as if I were being followed, that someone was walking at my heels, quite close to me, near enough to touch me.
De repente parecía como si me siguieran, que alguien caminaba tras mis talones, muy cerca de mí, lo suficientemente cerca para tocarme.
Yes, well, an understatement, but quite near enough.
Bien, se queda corto, pero está bastante cerca. - ¡ Tonterías!
Yes, that's near enough... yes it's truly remarkable!
Sí, muy certero... sí, es verdaderamente notable!
Well, you're the one that's naive, Blaster, because that building happens to be completely surrounded, and you could never get near enough to set off the bomb.
Usted es el ingenuo, Explotador porque ese edificio está completamente rodeado y nunca se acercará para detonarla.
Your mission is to get near enough... to see them, to signal their position to us... so giving us the advantage.
Su misión es acercarse lo suficiente... para verlos y darnos su posición... y así darnos la ventaja.
I don't think I can get near enough m'dear.
No creo que pueda acercarme lo suficiente, querida.
It won't come near enough to collide so I repeat, there is no danger.
No se acercará lo suficiente como para chocar así que repito, no hay peligro.
Oh no, it was near enough correct, give or take a second.
Oh, no, estaba lo bastante cerca, segundo arriba o abajo.
Oh, 7 is near enough.
Oh, siete es suficiente.
See, the point is that I'm near enough to him to pick out something.
Mira, la cuestión es que estoy bastante cerca de él para coger algo.
that outfit, at this point, is nowhere near good enough.
Bob The Drag Queen. Bien, Bob cometió el peor error del showbussiness.
I think the musicians we have will be enough. Six of them placed near the microphone will make more noise than sixty ten kilometres away.
Creo que con los músicos que tenemos será suficiente,... pues seis de ellos cerca del micrófono harán más ruido que 60 a 10 kilómetros de distancia.
Nothing, Judge, but I wasn't near them chickens, sure enough.
De nada, Juez, pero no me acerqué a esos pollos.
- It ain't good enough for me, not near!
No lo es, ni mucho menos.
- We're purt'near there. - We ain't got steam enough to raise a blister.
No tenemos vapor ni para... levantar una burbuja.
If you ever get near any real fighting - I don't suppose you'll ever be good enough - but if you do, you'll find that you're looking to other men not to let you down.
Si alguna vez llegaran a combatir... aunque dudo que lo consigan, sus vidas van a depender del hombre que esté a su lado.
Tommy Swann won't be fool enough to come near this manor.
No creo que Tommy Swann aparezca por este "palacio".
And if that wasn't tough enough... the doctor makes me go to Hudson Convalescent Home... up there near Brewster.
Como aún no estaba bien, el médico me mandó a un centro para hacer la rehabilitación.
If you were strong enough, a woman like that wouldn't come near you.
Si fueses lo suficientemente fuerte, una mujer como esa no se te acercaría.
enough to be willing to give up everything... to stay near that person.
tanto que esté dispuesto a dejarlo todo... por quedarse junto a esa persona.
But we're setting up a big new one out near the stockyards, big enough to replace the loss.
Pero estamos instalando una grande cerca de los corrales suficiente para reemplazar la pérdida.
enough 5528
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough chitchat 25
enough of this 129
enough said 73
enough talking 31
enough now 40
enough of this shit 25
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough chitchat 25
enough of this 129
enough said 73
enough talking 31
enough now 40
enough of this shit 25