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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ N ] / Nothing's happened

Nothing's happened tradutor Espanhol

1,045 parallel translation
I hope nothing's happened.
Espero que no haya pasado nada.
Nothing's happened to me.
Nada me está pasando.
Nothing's happened except that a nice girl has had an interesting trip.
Nada ha pasado excepto que una guapa muchacha ha tenido un interesante viaje.
I do hope nothing's happened.
Espero que no ocurra nada.
No, I wired you because I wanted to tell you that nothing's happened.
No, lo hice porque quería decirle que no sucedió nada.
- Nothing's happened.
- No pasó nada.
Nothing's happened.
No ha pasado nada.
Nothing's happened.
Pero te dije Geoffrey.
Now, look, act natural, like nothing's happened.
Ahora atiendan, actúen con naturalidad, como si nada estuviera pasando.
Nothing happened. He played a dirty trick on you, that's all.
Ha jugado sucio con usted, eso es todo.
Let's hope nothing bad has happened to him.
No, Yvonne.
Nothing bad's happened!
¡ Si no ha pasado nada malo!
I hope nothing's happened.
Es casi la 1, espero que esté bien.
Nothing's happened to it yet.
No ocurrió nada aún.
It's happened before and it's bound to happen again Nothing for us to get excited about
Ya ha pasado otras veces y volverá a ocurrir.
Nothing's happened to her, I hope.
- Espero que no le haya pasado nada.
It's over an hour.. if nothing has happened why doesn't he call?
Ya pasó más de una hora. Si está bien, ¿ por qué no llama?
But nothing's happened!
¡ Pero no ha pasado nada!
It's as if none of it really happened, as if nothing were real anymore.
Es como si no hubiera pasado nada, como si ya nada fuera real.
Nothing's happened? !
- ¿ Nada?
She's been there a hundred times before and nothing ever happened.
Había estado allí cientos de veces y nunca le había pasado nada.
Now let's start all over like nothing happened, one citizen to another.
Vamos a comenzar de nuevo.
Come sit down. We'll talk as if nothing's happened.
Acérquese y hablaremos como si nada.
- Nothing's happened, Blanche.
- No ha pasado nada, Blanche.
If he knocks on the door, let him in like nothing's happened, then come get me, understand?
Si llama a la puerta, déjale pasar como si nada, y luego me llamas, ¿ entendido?
Nothing's happened.
No ha pasado nada
Have you heard nothing of what's happened in the world?
No diga tonterías.
It's indispensable that you... act as if nothing has happened.
es imprescindible que lo hagas tu, como si no hubiera sucedido.
She's never been late. Nothing's happened.
Nunca ha llegado tarde.
My husband told the inspector, nothing's happened.
No, mi marido ya se lo ha dicho al Sr. comisario, no ha sucedido nada.
The five-minute deadline you gave me has passed, and nothing's happened to me.
Ya pasó el plazo de cinco minutos que me diste... y nada me ha ocurrido.
I hope nothing's happened.
Espero que no ocurra nada malo.
No, no. Nothing's happened, but I... I have to catch the plane home from Paris.
No, no ha pasado nada, pero he he de coger el avión desde París.
So nothing's really happened?
Entonces, ¿ nada sucedió realmente?
Nothing's happened in between.
- No ha pasado nada en este tiempo.
He'll recover like nothing's happened.
Cuando él se recupere será como si nada hubiese pasado.
- Yeah, but nothing's happened.
Pero no ha habido cambios.
For me it's like nothing has happened.
- Eso no. Para mí es como si no hubiese sucedido nada.
- What's happened? - Nothing.
- Dime qué ha ocurrido.
Every time she wakes me up to ask me if nothing has happened. But it's not like someone abducts a kid every five minutes, right?
Me despierta constantemente, aunque no pase nada, no roban un niño cada cinco minutos...
No, no, nothing happened to me. That's my history.
No, nada en absoluto, esa es mi vida.
it's happened and nothing.
¿ La mitad de nada?
Calm down, son, your mother is fine and nothing's happened to her.
Cálmate, hijo, tu mamá está bien y no le han hecho nada.
She's out there picking roses in the yard just as if nothing at all happened in here.
Está recogiendo rosas en el patio como si nada hubiera pasado aquí.
Nicholas, what is it? What's happened? Nothing.
- Nicolás, ¿ qué ha ocurrido?
Nothing's happened.
No ha sufrido daños.
Nothing's happened, it's just...
- No pasa nada. Es que...
No, John, nothing's happened yet.
No, John, no ha pasado nada todavía.
- Nothing's happened, sir.
- Nada, señor.
Since this happened, there's nothing.
Ya no existe nada.
Nothing's happened so far, nothing at all.
Nada ha pasado hasta ahora, nada en absoluto.

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