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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ P ] / Poor little thing

Poor little thing tradutor Espanhol

290 parallel translation
What are you able to do, my poor little thing?
¿ Pero qué puedes hacer, mi pobre niña?
Poor little thing without a mother and always left alone - -- - --
Pobrecillo, sin madre y siempre solo...
You poor little thing, you.
¡ Oh! Mi pobre cosita.
You poor little thing.
Pobrecita mía.
She nearly killed the poor little thing.
- Casi mata al pobrecito.
Do be nice to the poor little thing.
Sea amable con la pobrecita.
This poor little thing is married, unhappily married.
La pobrecita está casada, infelizmente casada.
Poor little thing!
¡ Pobrecita!
Poor little thing.
Pobre chiquilín.
Poor little thing.
Pobre muñeca.
You're right. Poor little thing.
Es cierto, pobre cosita.
Poor little thing.
Oh, you poor little thing.
- But the poor little thing's so sleepy.
La pobrecita tiene tanto sueño.
Oh, you poor little thing.
El pobrecito.
The poor little thing's hungry.
Este pobrecillo tiene hambre.
Perhaps our Timba will adopt the poor little thing.
Tal vez Timba adopte a este pobre.
That poor little thing.
¡ Pobrecillos!
She's just been too brave, poor little thing, and not eating enough.
La pobre ha sido muy valiente y no ha comido lo suficiente.
Poor little thing, don't tire yourself out too much with all that studying.
Pobrecilla, no te esfuerces demasiado con los estudios. ¿ Qué esfuerzo?
I'm ashamed of you, afraid of a poor little thing like this.
Estoy avergonzado de ti. Asustado de una cosita como ésta.
- The poor little thing.
- Qué pena.
You let Rome burn and all the time this poor little thing might catch something from Ken.
Tú dejas arder a Roma y todo el tiempo esta pobre cosita podría pillar algo de Ken.
- Poor little thing.
- Pobrecito.
You poor little thing.
Poor little thing!
Pobrecito mío.
The poor little thing.
You poor little thing.
¡ Pobrecito!
Poor little thing.
Pobre pequeña
The poor little thing comes back trustingly after all these years in the other world -
La pobre vuelve a casa confiada después de todos estos años en el otro barrio...
Youre a poor little thing.
En el fondo, es una pobre niña.
Poor little thing, she was always so full of life.
Pobrecilla, siempre tan llena de vida.
Mincia is a poor little thing.
Mincia es un alma en pena.
For him only, poor little thing.
Sólo por mi pequeño.
Poor little thing...
¡ Pobre chica!
Without me you would have been in trouble, you poor little thing.
Si no fuera por mí, habrías tenido problemas, pobrecilla.
The poor little thing's scared to death.
El pobrecito está muy asustado.
- Poor little thing.
- Pobrecita.
Well, just look at you, you poor little thing.
Mírate nada más, pobrecita chica.
Poor little thing.
- Poor little thing.
- Pobrecilla.
Poor little thing!
Pobre pequeña.
That poor little thing! Just before she passed away...
Antes de morir, aquella pobre mujer me dijo...
You poor, lonely little thing.
Pobre chica.
Poor little thing!
Poor miserable little thing!
¡ Oh, pobre chiquita!
Poor little thing.
Poor little thing's half-asleep.
Casi está dormido.
Wouldn't it get a little monotonous, just Akron, cold beer and poor, poor thing for two weeks?
¿ No acabaría siendo algo monótono sólo Akron, cerveza fría y pobrecito durante dos semanas? - ¡ No!
Poor little old thing.
Pobre viejo cacharro.

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