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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ P ] / Poor little girl

Poor little girl tradutor Espanhol

219 parallel translation
Poor little girl.
¡ Pobre pequeña!
My poor little girl.
Pobrecilla mi chiquilla.
And I'm thinking of that poor little girl. What kind of a life would she lead, with a mug like Bill?
Pienso en esa chica, ¿ qué vida tendrá con Bill?
A poor little girl came into my office and one of my reporters thought it was you.
Una pobre muchachita entró en mi oficina... y uno de mis reporteros pensó que era usted.
Poor little girl.
Mi pobre pequeña...
A poor little girl.
Una pobre niña.
You'll have to get rid of her after the wedding. Poor little girl. All alone in the world... except for a no-good father.
Deberás deshacerte de ella después de la boda Pobrecita, está sola en el mundo, sólo tiene un mal padre
Poor little girl. She's worn out.
- Pobrecilla, está agotada.
Poor little girl.
iPobre chiquilla!
My poor little girl.
Mi pobre pequeña.
And my poor little girl, confined to bed because of unjust treatment at court?
¿ Y mi pequeña, confinada en el lecho por la injusticia sufrida en la corte?
Poor little girl.
Pobre pequeña.
My poor lamb, my poor little girl.
Mi cielo, mi pobre niñita.
Escuche, esta pobre chiquilla es su esposa.
"Poor little girl," they'd say.
"Pobrecita niña", decían.
You and that poor little girl who used to be Samantha.
Tú y a esa pobre niña que era Samantha.
"It must have been a shock for the poor little girl " to find out she's a crook. "
"Habrá sido todo un shock para la pobre niña, descubrir que en realidad era un ladrón".
My poor little girl had nothing to do with bootleg whiskey.
Mi pobre niña no tenía nada que ver con el contrabando de whisky.
Oh! That poor little girl.
¡ Pobre criatura!
And beside her, a little factory girl, in the pathetically shabby room... to which he had assigned her, looked poor indeed!
Y a su lado, una niña pequeña de fábrica, en la sala, patéticamente escuálida... a la que se le había asignado, parecía pobre, en efecto!
That you was a poor, lonely, little girl.
Que eras una chiquilla pobre y solitaria.
- What's that? Poor little working girl doomed to death from radium poisoning.
Una pobre trabajadora muriendo por intoxicación.
And I have to just stand there and smile because she's a poor little working girl... and I've got a few million dollars, so I mustn't touch.
Pues tú no eres necesariamente la misma persona tampoco. No, no...
A poor little country girl wronged once...
Una muchacha de un pequeño pueblo que cae una vez.
Tell me, before you became connected with this band of criminals didn't you think what it might mean to your poor wife and little boy and little girl?
Y antes de que eso sucediese ¿ no pensó en su mujer y sus dos hijos?
I've been looking at that little girl there standing right beside that poor young man.
He visto cómo esa chica ha aguantado a su lado.
My poor little girl!
Poor little girl.
Pobre niña...
Poor little rich girl, with her "millionaire daddy".
- La rica. Yo tengo mi papá millonario, y una casota en Las Lomas.
Sweet Katrina, poor little rich girl.
Dulce Katrina. Pobre y rica pequeñita.
At the blood scene, poor soul, the little girl is the only spectator.
En la escena de sangre, pobrecilla, la única espectadora es la chiquilla.
And the little girl... That poor, innocent child isn't to blame.
Y la niña... la pobre inocente no tiene ninguna culpa.
You poor little lost girl!
¡ Pobre imbécil!
You got stinking drunk and you raced your wagon down that street and what you did to that poor little girl... uh-uh, gallegos.
Ahora estás del todo sobrio. Te acuerdas de la niñita, ¿ verdad?
You little fool. He's using you like he did that poor unfortunate girl last year in Tangier.
Te está utilizando como a esa infeliz en Tánger el año pasado.
Not after what he's done for our poor unfortunate little girl.
No después de lo que hizo por nuestra pobre niña.
And now if the, uh, "poor unfortunate little girl" has no objections, I'd like to take her out to celebrate.
Y ahora, si la " "pobre niña" no tiene objeciones... la llevaré a celebrar.
Poor little girl.
Like your poor little English girl?
¿ como tu pobre muchachita inglesa?
as the image name poor little rich girl sitting alone
Y, mientras se aclara la imagen Pobre chica rica, sentada sola
- Poor Louise. Stopped being a little girl, and I never noticed.
Pobre Louise, dejó de ser una niña y nunca me di cuenta.
You see, before Kaiser Bill and the horrible, horrible war, we were terribly, terribly poor. Daddy was a scrap metal merchant, and I was a little match girl.
Papá era chatarrero.
Poor little rich girl.
¡ Pobre niña rica!
He takes the little girl home, because he thinks the poor mite doesn't have a home.
"Pobre niña sin hogar", piensa Goofy. y se lleva a la niña a casa.
Poor thing, my little girl, my love!
¡ Pobrecita mi hijita, mi amor!
Well, I'm a poor little rich girl.
En fin, soy una pobre chica rica.
Of course, if I had no money, I'd be a rich little poor girl.
Evidentemente, si no tuviera dinero, seria una pobre chica rica.
Vixen! She's just a baby. Poor little girl.
iré a buscarlos antes de que se topen los hermanos Mitzer.
Well, let's now praise a little bit to the Lord... so that this poor girl can have a little baby girl... to help her with the houseworks and to be good and useful...
Bueno, y ahora vamos a rezarle un poquitito al Señor... para que a la pobrecita le nazca una niñita... que la ayude en los enseres y que sea buena y diligenciosa...
Poor naive little girl.
Pobre niña ingenua.
Think of all those poor men whose sole obsession is to catch a glimpse of some little girl's panties.
Piensen en todos esos infelices cuya mayor obsesión es poder verle las bragas a una muchacha.

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