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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ R ] / Ringing continues

Ringing continues tradutor Espanhol

152 parallel translation
- SOMETHING TERRIBLE IS HAPPENING. - ( ringing continues )
Algo terrible sucede.
- Would you mind pressing that button? - ( ringing continues )
¿ Le importaría presionar el botón?
- ( ringing continues ) Sorry about that, Harris.
Lo siento, Harris.
When the phone rang, I had a foreboding of disaster. [Ringing Continues]
Cuando sonó el teléfono tuve la sensación de que se acercaba un desastre.
Might be the hospital, Doc They know I'm here [Ringing Continues]
Quizá sea el hospital, doctor. Saben que estoy aquí.
- Staub runs it down in the corner... - [Ringing Continues] But Perez is into second standing with a double.
Staub la atrapa en la esquina, pero Perez está en la segunda con un doble.
[Ringing Continues] And Hank Aaron is coming to the plate.
Y Hçank Aaron se acerca a la meta.
[Ringing Continues] It's off the wall.
¡ Se ha salido del muro!
As dead as six.44 Magnum slugs can make ya. [Ringing Continues]
Tan muerto como pueden dejarte seis balas calibre 44.
But I never saw those slugs draw chicken blood before. - [Ringing Continues] - And that's what that guy had in his ears.
Esas balas no sacan sangre de gallina y eso tenía él en las orejas.
( Zumbido CONTINUA )
( ringing continues )
( Sigue sonando )
Your friends came to visit me this afternoon - [Ringing Continues]
Tus amigos fueron a visitarme esta tarde- -
Oh, I know, I know, J C, it's een too long, ( ringing continues )
Lo sé, pero ya hace mucho tiempo.
[Ringing Continues]
¿ Qué pasó?
you've been drinking here since noon, [ringing continues] and i don't think you've got the money for what you're buying.
Has estado bebiendo aquí desde el mediodía Y no creo que tienes el dinero por lo que estás consumiendo
[ringing continues] i want you to get the fuck out of here.
Quiero que te vayas a la mierda
[ringing continues] i thought it was customary for a person to pay when a person's finished.
Pensé que la costumbre es pagar cuando uno termina
- [Ringing Continues] - # In your walk, come on #
- § ln your walk, come on §
- [Bell Ringing ] - Whoa! - [ Ringing Continues ] - [ Maggie Yelling]
- Whoa! Ooh.
- No, no, no, no. - [Ringing Continues]
No, no, no, no.
- [Ringing Continues] - It's not important.
No es importante.
Ringing Continues ]
Continúa sonando ]
- ( ringing continues ) - Hey.
- Hey.
- Oh, about 15, 20 minutes. [Laughing ] - [ Ringing Continues]
- Oh, cerca de 15, 20 minutos.
( ringing continues )
( Timbre continúa )
[Ringing Continues]
[Timbre Continúa]
- You just need to initial here... - [Ringing Continues] To confirm that you were driving the vehicle in question.
Sólo ponga sus iniciales aquí para confirmar que usted conducía el vehículo en cuestión.
[ringing continues]
Encienda la luz.
( ringing continues )
- Bien, jefe.
[Ringing Continues]
Hça ido a la esquina del campo derecho.
Here's the pitch to Aaron. [Ringing Continues]
Ahí está el lanzamiento de Aaron.
[Ringing Continues] Hello.
¿ Hola?
[Ringing Continues]
Lo siento, doctor.
This is it. [Phone Continues Ringing]
- Vamos a defenderla.
He's a fucking star. [Continues ringing ] [ John] He's a fucking head case.
Es una putada de astro.
It's the first time in 20 years she hasn't been - [Continues Ringing]
Es la primera vez en 20 años que no viene.
Of course, we only know Shobdon... ( Phone continues ringing )
Por supuesto, sólo sabemos que Shobdon... Perdón.
( ringing continues ) Yes? No no no there is no problem.
No, no hay problema.
- [Continues Ringing]
- ( Moblle continues ringing ) - Saved by the bell.
Salvado por la campana.
[Phone Continues Ringing]
[Telefono continua sonando]
- Yeah, oh... - ( phone continues ringing )
- Si, oh...
- I got this shit, man. - ( phone continues ringing )
- tengo esta mierda, man.
- ( phone continues ringing ) - These guys aren't too smart.
- Estos tipos no son muy inteligentes.
- [Continues Moaning ] - [ Phone Line Ringing ] - [ Woman] Hello?
- ¿ Aló?
Why? ( phone rings ) ( ringing continues )
POr qué? Todavía haciéndose negar? Por favor deje un...
[Cell phone ringing continues] Oh, I'm sorry, James.
Lo siento, James.
Eh... [Ringing continues]
[Phone continues ringing] Can someone get that?
¿ Alguien puede atender?
- [Phone Continues Ringing] - Why don't you go ahead and hit that little A.L.B. Square.
Pulse ese cuadradito que dice ALB.

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