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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Seen enough

Seen enough tradutor Espanhol

1,316 parallel translation
- l've seen enough.
- He visto suficiente.
- I've seen enough corpses.
- He visto demasiados cadáveres.
I've seen enough, I am leaving.
Bueno, ya he visto suficiente. Me voy. - ¿ Tú quieres quedarte más?
He had seen enough. He was ready to leave this world.
Habiendo visto lo suficiente de este mundo, decidió dar su último adiós.
I've seen enough.
No, no hace falta.
Man, I have seen enough of this place.
¿ Puedes darte prisa? Ya tuve suficiente de este lugar. ¡ Vamos!
Well, I've seen enough.
Ya he visto suficiente.
I think I ´ ll be off, we ´ ve seen enough.
Yo me marcho. Ya he visto suficiente.
I've seen enough.
Ya vi suficiente.
I've seen enough wounds to know that I'm dying.
He visto suficientes heridas para saber que estoy muriendo.
I take it you've seen enough?
Supongo que ya vieron suficiente.
- We've seen enough, Harold.
Hemos visto suficiente, Harold.
Haven't you seen enough to know that doesn't matter?
¿ No visté bastante para saber que no importa?
Well, I think I've seen enough.
Ya vi suficiente.
Have you seen enough, or do you wish for some more?
¿ Viste suficiente o deseas ver más?
And now I have seen enough.
Y ahora he visto suficiente.
Haven't we seen enough?
¿ No es suficiente?
Seen enough?
¿ Ya viste suficiente?
Okay, we've seen enough.
Ya vimos bastante.
I believe we have seen enough to discern a pattern, Captain.
Hemos visto suficiente para reconocer cierto patrón.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I've seen enough deaths for one night.
Ahora, si me disculpan, he visto suficientes muertes por una noche.
I have seen enough provincial aristocrats.
- ¡ He visto tantos nobles de provincias!
I've seen enough to suggest... that he can make the finals in the concerto trials.
He visto bastante para saber que llegará... a las finales en las pruebas para el concierto.
Mine. I've seen enough college-degree white people like you to last me 10 lifetimes.
He visto a muchos blancos bienintencionados como usted.
I've seen enough.
He visto suficiente.
I think we've seen enough.
Creo que hemos visto suficiente.
I think we've seen enough.
Creo que ya vimos bastante.
I think we've seen enough.
Ya he visto suficiente.
I think I've seen enough.
He visto suficiente.
I've seen enough. Please return us to the hearing room.
Regresemos a la sala.
I've seen enough of the Doctor for one day.
- No, me he cansado del doctor.
I've seen enough.
Ya he visto bastante.
Have you seen enough?
¿ Ha visto lo suficiente?
Tell that impertinent young man that I have seen enough Grand Duchess Anastasias to last me a lifetime.
Puedes decirle a ese joven impertinente que ya tuve suficiente de duquesas Anastasias.
Seen enough?
I've seen about enough.
He visto suficiente.
The Wizard of Oz was to become the most widely seen motion picture of all time and Judy's wonderful performance in the picture earned her a special Academy Award which I was lucky enough to present to her.
The Wizard of Oz iba a ser la película más vista de todos los tiempos. La maravillosa actuación de Judy le hizo ganar un premio especial de la Academia... el cual yo tuve la fortuna de entregarle.
- I've seen it often enough. I'll try.
- La he visto antes.
You're not cool enough for him to be seen with you?
¿ No eres lo bastante buena para que le vean contigo?
A great number of years ago there appeared among us a man who came down from the sun. This man told us that he had seen from on high that we did not govern ourselves well that we had no master that each of us had presumption enough to think himself capable of governing others while he could not even conduct himself.
hace muchos años apareció entre nosotros un hombre que descendió del sol este hombre nos dijo que había visto desde arriba que no sabíamos gobernarnos bien que no teníamos amos que éramos demasiado presumidos para ser capaces de gobernar a otros
Not so much as you have seen, but enough to guess.
No tanto como has visto tu, pero lo suficiente para adivinarlo.
I've never seen such long and colored days... and I could never get far enough.
Nunca había visto días tan largos y coloridos... Núnca era demasiado lejos...
No no it's not the first time! We've seen you enough!
No es la primera en cambio, estamos cansados de ver a usted.
I think we've seen woods and groves enough to satisfy even your enthusiasm for them, Lizzy!
¡ Creo que hemos visto bosques y arboledas como satisfacer incluso tu entusiasmo, Lizzy!
And these tiny particles of matter, which are so small that no one's ever seen them, never, they contain enough energy to blow up this house, an entire city, every person on Earth.
Estas partículas, que son tan diminutas... que nadie las ha visto nunca... contienen la suficiente energía... como para hacer volar esta casa, o una ciudad. A toda humanidad.
- Yeah? Well, I think I've seen just about enough of that already.
Ya vi suficientes peleas.
I think we've seen enough.
Creo que ya vimos suficiente.
Well, I've seen about enough.
Ya he visto bastante.
I've seen and heard enough.
Ya he visto y oído bastante.
If you are not seen on the field we may survive a defeat well enough to fight another day.
Si no te ven en el campo podemos sobrevivir a una derrota para luchar al otro día.
- You seen enough?
¿ Ya viste suficiente?

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