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She's like me tradutor Espanhol

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It sounds like she's telling the truth to me.
A mí me suena como que está diciendo la verdad.
She's not loud like me.
No habla alto, como yo.
I know, and she's always, like, liking my Facebook status.
Ya lo sé, y encima siempre le da a "me gusta" en mi estado de Facebook.
I just feel like she's suffocating me and I can't even talk to her about it.
Siento que me está asfixiando y no puedo ni siquiera hablar con ella.
She's, like, in her 50s, sort of looks familiar.
Ella tenía como 50, me sonaba de algo.
She's been with me all day, except for, like, five minutes.
Ha estado conmigo todo el día, excepto por, como cinco minutos.
No no she's not my wife she's my maid servant since 32 years now she behaves like a wife inspite of a being a maid so as good as a wife...
Señor, usted me dice que no me case Mientras usted tiene su esposa. No, no, ella no es mi mujer Ella es mi criada desde hace 32 años
And that's why I have to find this child's mom, so she doesn't end up like me.
Por eso debo encontrar a la madre de este bebé, para que no acabe como yo.
She's a vampire because of me, so I'd like to pay it back or forward or whatever.
Ella es un vampiro por mi culpa, así que me gustaría recompensárselo o algo así.
Or God forbid she's anything like me.
Dios no va a permitir que ella se convierta en lo que soy yo.
She handed me the camera, and she's like..
Ella me entregó la cámara, y ella es como...
I don't like Taylor any more than you, but if she's got a reason for being here that we don't know about, then that's the way it'll have to stay.
No me gusta Taylor tanto como a ti, pero si ella tiene una razón para estar aquí que no sepamos, entonces así tendrá que ser.
But it's not like she cheated on me.
Pero no es como si ella me hubiera engañado.
Um, I'm sorry, it's not like she's better than me.
Lo siento mucho, no es como si fuese mejor que yo.
My mom says to me it's like a Russian salad, which means that there's just a lot of confusing components going into one thing, and I think that she's still just trying to wrap her head around us getting married in general.
Mi mamá me dice que es como ensaladilla rusa, lo que quiere decir que hay un montón de componentes de confusión a la vez, y creo que ella aún está intentando aceptar que nos vamos a casar en general.
But the thing is, there's like 23 hours here before she's supposed to kill me.
Pero el tema es, hay como 23 horas antes de que supuestamente me mate.
My wife tells me she's had enough of me, no one kicks me into shape like Lucy.
Mi esposa me dijo que estaba harta de mí, nadie me da palos para que aprenda como Lucy.
It was like, she couldn't fit me into her schedule, so it's like... She went to see her friends.
Fue como, que no pudo incorporarme a su agenda, así que es como...
Yeah, her mom, uh, she's going away in, like, two weeks for a weekend, and she asked to come see me.
Sí, su mamá, va a estar fuera en, como, dos semanas por un fin de semana, y ella pidió venir a verme.
But she took charge, like she does, and asked me out and from that day to this there's not been one single day that we've been apart.
Pero se hizo cargo, como siempre hace, y me pidió una cita y desde ese día hasta hoy no ha habido ni un solo día en el que hayamos estado separados.
She's the only one I let talk to me like that.
Ella es a la única que le permito hablarme de esta forma.
I know I can't run Haley's like for her, but if she would let me, I would be so good at it.
Sé que no puedo dirigir la vida de Haley por ella, pero si me dejara, sería muy buena haciéndolo.
Well, I asked her what she'd most like to do today because Daddy has to go back to work and it's really, really important, and you said, "Daddy, I'd really like to see my granddad!" Didn't you? "Yeah!"
Bueno, le pregunté qué preferiría hacer hoy porque papá tiene que volver al trabajo y es muy, muy importante, y dijiste : "¡ Papá, me gustaría mucho ver a mi abuelo!" ¿ No es así?
She's like, "My parents were murdered in front of me".
Y ella o sea "Mis padres fueron asesinados adelante mío"
And she's like,
Y me dice,
Now look, I know that this is probably the last place that you want her, but until we can figure out a way to either get her into rehab or ship her back to Alabama, I feel like she's gonna cause a lot more trouble out there than she could in here.
Ahora mira, sé que probablmente este es el último sitio en el que la quieres, pero hasta que podamos idear un modo de meterla en rehabilitación o mandarla de vuelta a Alabama, me parece que va a causar más problemas estando suelta
Now she's like Captain Hook, ringing from the inside,'cause my phone's in there, and I don't know who's calling me.
Ahora es como el Capitán Hook, sonando desde el interior, porque mi teléfono está ahí, y no sé quién me está llamando.
It's like she's turning me into her.
Es como si me estuviera transformando en ella.
You know, but she's like me.
Tú sabes, pero ella es como yo.
You like it- - you like it when she's mean to me.
Te gusta... te gusta cuando es mala conmigo.
It's like she's actively trying to keep Sarah away from me.
Es como si estuviera intentado mantener a Sarah lejos de mí.
- -Ah... she's always called me like that.
Siempre lo ha hecho.
She said, what's your pain threshold like?
Me dijo, ¿ cuál es tu umbral de dolor?
She's doesn't have to like me.
No le tengo que caer bien.
yeah.she's like "she's gonna win."
Sí, me dice : "Ella va a ganar".
You get it all, she's cured. I'd be happy to have you join me... or if you'd like to observe.
Me encantaría que te unieras a mí... o si quieres observar.
She hasn't been responsive to any of my stuff, period. You made her bored, dog? The crush is officially over, like that's going to hurt her feelings.
Lamento herir sus sentimientos, no me importa.
When I checked the patient's blood pressure, I noticed she had several injection marks on her arm, and she seemed fidgety, like she was going through withdrawals.
Cuando examiné la presión de la sangre de la paciente, me di cuenta de que tenía algunas marcas de agujas en su brazo, y parecía inquieta, como si estuviera pasando el mono.
It's because she's taller than me, she's like a long straw.
Es porque ella es más alta que yo, es como una larga pajita.
What I like about her, she's just a very normal lady, and someone who's quite sensitive. - Joan.
lo que me gusta de ella es que es muy normal, y bastante sensible.
I love the fact that she's got this edge to her that's really, like, kick-arse.
Me encanta el hecho de que tenga ese lado de ser, como, de armas tomar.
I want to say I trust kim.I want to say 100 %, but there Is, like, this doubt in my mind That maybe she's playing me.
Quisiera decir que confío en Kim, quiero decir al 100 %. Pero hay esta duda en mi mente que tal vez ella me está engañando.
Yeah, I like her, she's cute.
Sí, me gusta, es guapa.
To me it sounds like she's got you ♪ wrapped around her finger, and ah oh... ♪ seriously, I'm gonna punch you in the face.
Me suena a que te tiene * enredado en sus dedos y... *
She's like me.
Ella es como yo.
She's never gonna be happy with somebody like me, Jess.
Nunca será feliz con alguien como yo, Jess.
Look at her... flaring her nostrils... drumming her fingers... making small noises like she's yelling at me inside her head...
Mírala... resoplando... tamborileando con los dedos... haciendo ruiditos como si estuviera gritándome dentro de su cabeza...
She's like, well, there's these people looking down on me.
Ella dijo : "Hay gente observándome."
It's like she's ignoring me across the entire digital spectrum.
Es como si me estuviera ignorando por todo el espectro digital.
But she just, like, kept getting mad at me and, like, upset. She's like, you, like... "You can't touch my stuff."
Pero ella estaba enojada conmigo me decía que no podía tocar sus cosas.
I did not feel scared of her, because I just thought she was one of my mom's friends, and, like, she was comforting.
No tenía miedo porque pensaba que ella era una amiga de mi mamá y me reconfortaba.

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