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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / She can't help it

She can't help it tradutor Espanhol

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Now, I can't help feeling now that she had some reason for getting Diana here alone. Of course, perhaps it's been... Hot stuff like she is, she thought one of her men was getting too keen on Diana Baring and wanted her out of the way.
Quizá siendo tan creída... pensó que uno de sus hombres se acercaba demasiado a Baring... y la quería fuera del camino.
But the only joy she has is pretending that he ain't. You're not going to stop her doing that if I can help it!
Pero su única alegría es fingir que no lo está y usted no se lo impedirá si de mí depende.
She can't help it.
No la puedo ayudar
She can't help it, Anatole, it's her German blood.
No puede evitarlo, Anatole. ¡ Es su sangre alemana!
She can't help it.
No puede evitarlo.
But she just ain't in the same class with you and I can't help it if I think so.
Pero no tiene su categoría y no puedo evitar pensar así.
But she can't help it.
Pero ella no puede evitarlo.
he can invent it. Justice is slow, he said, but he didn't tell you that she's often blind and misses the target, when we don't come and help her.
La justicia es lenta, ha dicho, mas no ha dicho que a veces es ciega y da pasos en falso, cuando no se va en su ayuda.
She can't help it.
Ella no puede evitar estar en esa situación.
- Well, what is it, then? - I can't help thinking how she must be feeling tonight.
- No puedo dejar de pensar en cómo debe de sentirse hoy.
Because once, she was so beautiful. A cat can't help being what it is.
Porque un día fue la más hermosa, pero el gato no puede evitar ser lo que es.
Can't help it. She's a customer
No importa, es una cliente mía.
She can't help it.
No puede remediarlo.
Papa, I can't help remembering that when she starts sleeping alone in there it's always been a sign.
Papa, no puedo dejar de recordar que cuando ella empieza a dormir sola allí siempre ha sido una señal
I can't help it if she happens to have long eyeballs.
No es mi culpa que ella tenga una mirada tan larga. ¿ Hola?
She's a performer, she can't help it, what am I gonna do?
No puede evitarlo.
She can't help it if she's getting senile. - I'm all in.
No es culpa suya.
She got split my bridges with that big behind. I can't help it.
Me rompió los pantalones con ese trasero.
Well, sir, I can't help it if she's seen me, but I don't know her.
Señor, no negaré que ella me haya visto, pero no la conozco.
She said she'd slap me if any more came out. I can't help it.
Me amenazó con pegarme si se me caía otro, pero no puedo evitarlo.
She can't help it.
Ella no puede asimilarlo.
That's what I've been telling my mother-in-law for 10 years, but it's no use, she can't help jabbering.
Eso es lo que le llevo explicando durante 10 años a mi suegra, pero no hay nada que hacer.
She can't help being upset. She has to take it out on someone.
No puede evitar estar enfadada, tiene que pagarlo con alguien.
I can't help it if she thinks I'm ripe for conversion.
No puedo evitar que piense que estoy listo para la conversión.
She's protecting him, she can't help it.
Ella lo está protegiendo, no puede ayudarlo.
It's just that I can't help thinking that Rocío was very scared of enclosed spaces,... and now she's all alone in such a place which caused her such dread.
Es que no puedo dejar de pensar que Rocío le tenía mucho miedo a los lugares cerrados, y ahora está sola en un lugar de esos que tanto temor le causaban.
And I know, it's crazy and irrational, but, Sam, I can't help thinking that last night, when her time came, she must have wondered where I was.
Lo sé, es totalmente irracional, pero no puedo evitar pensar que la última noche de su vida seguramente se preguntara dónde estaría yo.
She can't help it.
Le gusta dibujar.
- She can't help it.
- No puede evitarlo.
She can't help it, Blanche. She has to blow her nose.
No puede evitarlo, tiene que sonarse la nariz.
She can't help it.
Ella no puede ayudarte.
She can't help it.
Ella no puede evitarlo.
She genuinely can't help nine-tenths οf it.
No domina nueve décimos de sí misma.
She can't help it.
No hay otra manera para ellos.
- She can't help it.
¿ A que no?
Let's see... they've been going out for awhile, and he's upset because other people keep asking her out, and she saying she can't help it if she's attractive and popular, and besides, nobody ever said they were going steady,
Veamos... ellos han salido por un rato, y el esta disgustado porque otra gente la invita a salir, y ella le esta diciendo ella no puede ayudarlo porque es atractiva y popular, y ademas, nadie dijo que estaban saliendo,
It's not so much a poster as a cry for help. Deep down she can't be happy, right?
no tanto a llorado un poster por ayuda en el fondo no puede ser feliz, ¿ verdad?
- "She can't help it."
- "No lo puede evitar."
She can't help it.
No puede ayudarnos.
She can't help it.
Es inevitable. Su madre...
- But I can't help it... because I feel she has been successful.
- Pero es más fuerte que yo Porque creo que ella conseguido en su totalidad...
Even though I know it happened, sometimes I can't help feeling that she's not really gone, that she's still out there.
Aunque se lo que paso, a veces siento que ella no se ha ido para siempre, que todavia esta por ahi.
I don't know where she is... but if it's about music, I can help you.
No sé dónde está. Pero si se trata de música, yo puedo ayudarte.
The girl can't help it. She's beautiful.
No puedes evitarlo, te ves bella.
Well, I just can't help believing When she slips her hand in my hand And it feels so small and helpless
No puedo evitar creerlo, cuando desliza su mano en la mía, y resulta tan pequeña e indefensa, y mis dedos la envuelven como un guante.
Oh, I just can't help believing When she slips her hand in my hand And it feels so small and helpless
No puedo evitar creerlo, cuando desliza su mano en la mía y resulta tan pequeña e indefensa, y mis dedos la envuelven como un guante.
She can't help it.
No lo puede evitar.
Even though I know it happened, sometimes I can't help feeling that she's not really gone, that she's still out there.
Aunque sé lo que ocurrió a veces no puedo evitar sentir que no murió en realidad que aún está en alguna parte.
She can't help it.
Ella no puede ayudarlos.
I reasoned with her. But she feels he'll come someday. Can't help it.
Yo razoné con ella, Pero ella se siente él vendrá algún día, no pude ayudarla
I can't help it. She's here.
No puedo hacer nada.

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