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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / She didn't like it

She didn't like it tradutor Espanhol

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Wait, she wouldn't have left it by the window if she didn't, like, want somebody to take it, right?
Eh, no la habría dejado a plena vista si no quisiera que alguien la cogiese.
He assumed like everyone else that she was guilty because she didn't deny it.
Fui una de las 12 personas que decidió su destino.
She didn't like to tell you herself, so I'm doing it for her.
No quiso decírselo, así que yo lo haré por ella.
She didn't like it.
No le gustó.
She says you'd better be ready darn soon, sir... and I didn't like the way she said it.
Que más vale que esté listo pronto. Y no me gustó como lo dijo.
She didn't like it down there.
No le gustaba estar allí.
She knows what a wrong she did in going off like that... and it didn't take her long to realize it.
Sabe el daño que le hizo marchándose. Y no tardó mucho en darse cuenta.
She didn't like it much.
No le gustó.
She didn't like it when I kept calling her Julia.
A ella no le gustó que la llamase siempre Julia.
It's a fair caution, if you didn't know she was, well, like she is... you'd swear she was telling the truth.
Gracias por el aviso. Si no supiese que estaba como está, juraría que decía la verdad.
She may be funny some ways, but she wouldn't do nothing wrong, so I'd like it if you didn't talk to people like it was.
Sé que a veces es un poco rara, pero no hace nada malo. Así que no hable así de ella, señor Barker.
Well, she didn't like it. Yeah.
- Bueno, no le ha hecho gracia.
- She didn't mean it like that.
- No quiso decir eso.
She didn't like it much, and when we got back... she tried to make me give up tennis and play husband instead.
No le gustó y cuando regresamos quería que dejara el tenis e hiciera de esposo.
Well, it's not like she didn't want it.
- ¡ Qué se enfada! Ahora se lamenta.
It so happens you don't have a thing in the world to worry about. She didn't like me worth a bit.
Y no tienes de qué preocuparte ya que no le gusto ni pizca.
It's not like it used to be when I knew all about Eve White... and she didn't know anything about me, and there wasn't anybody else.
No es como antes, cuando yo lo sabía todo de Eva White y ella no sabía nada de mí.
I know she didn't like it when Mr. Decker was away.
Sé que no le gustaba que el Sr. Decker se ausentara.
It would be like a slap in the face, like saying I didn't care how she felt.
Sería como una bofetada en la cara, como diciendo l que no me importa lo que sienta.
She didn't like it.
No le gustaba.
I'd like it if she didn't have to see these.
Agradecería que ella no las viera.
Everything's here like it was when she was alive, I didn't change a thing.
Aquí todo sigue igual, que cuando ella vivía, no he permitido cambiar nada.
She didn't act like it.
No se comporto como si lo estuviera.
And though it is with some regret that I finally satisfy the greed of my relatives I nevertheless do devise and bequeath that my entire estate be divided equally between my fourth cousin, George Crossfield in order that he no longer need borrow from his clients'funds my niece, Rosamund Shane in order that she may support her husband in the style to which he would like to be accustomed to my nephew, Hector Enderby, in order that he may be able to afford to hunt every day, rather than once a week thereby providing more opportunity for breaking his neck and finally, my sister, Cora Lansquenet out of gratitude that she stayed out of the country for 30 years and didn't bother me.
"... y aunque sea con algún pesar que yo finalmente satisfaga la avaricia de mis parientes. No obstante, deseo que toda mi fortuna sea dividida igualmente entre : Mi cuarto primo.
She didn't like the idea of the father and the brother, will, so the way we play it now the two guys coming into the room are policemen.
No le gustaba la idea de el padre y el hermano, Will, por lo que ahora, simularemos que los dos chicos que llegan a la habitación son policías.
- And his wife, Maureen she knew about this, and she didn't like it.
- Y su esposa, Maureen lo sabía todo al respecto, y no le hizo ninguna gracia.
Yeah, she liked it, but I didn't like it, because I didn't buy it for her.
A ella sí, pero a mí no, porque no se lo había comprado yo.
I don't know why she didn't get rid of it like the others.
No sé porqué no se deshizo de élla.
It's quite possible, of course, she didn't know what Harek wanted the signature for, but even if she did know, look, as a young Jewish girl gets broken on the Nazi wheel like a bloody butterfly,
También es posible, claro, que no supiera para qué quería Harek la firma, pero incluso si lo sabía, mira, cuando era una jovencita judía, los nazis la destrozaron como a una mariposa, le arrancaron las alas,
Well, I did that to her, and she didn't like it.
Le hice a ella, pero no le gustó.
She didn't jab at it with her knife throwing cute little epigrams like, " Ho, ho, ho.
Ella no metió el cuchillo para contar chistes malos, como : " ¡ Eh!
She didn't like the city, she found it gloomy.
A ella no le gustaba la ciudad, le parecía lúgubre.
I brought her the last edition of Fiscal Law and she didn't even smell it. She didn't like it.
Ayer Le traje La última edición de La Ley Fiscal y no quiso ni olerla, como que no Le gustó
It was Indian country, and she didn't like that.
Estábamos en territorio indio y no le gustaba.
It was cold in the winter, hot in the summer and dusty in the dry spells, and she didn't like that.
Era frío en invierno, caluroso en verano, polvoriento. No le gustaba.
She said how could it be fun for me if she didn't like it?
No entendía cómo podía gustarme si ella no quería.
- It's like she didn't want to be noticed.
Como si quisiera pasar inadvertida. ¿ no?
It was like she didn't want to die, but she did after all and all this is ours now.
Ella no quería morir, pero al final lo hizo y todo esto es nuestro ahora.
- She didn't like it.
- No le ha gustado.
It's funny, she was the only tramp ever worked for Mike that he didn't use like a mattress.
Es curioso, fue la única callejera que trabajó para Mike que él no usó como un colchón.
She didn't really like it.
Está un poco enfadada.
- She didn't like it.
- No, espera. - No le gustó.
- What I didn't like was the way she did it.
Lo que no me gustó fue cómo lo hizo.
- Looks like robbery then. - Whatever it was she didn't go down without a fight.
- Lo que haya sido... no cayó sin luchar.
She fell in with a rough bunch when she came home from Grenoble university. Had a... rather unhappy, sordid, love affair, didn't like it.
Se lio con mala gente cuando volvió a casa de la universidad de Grenoble, tuvo una relación amorosa sórdida y desgraciada, no le gustó.
She didn't like it later.
Más tarde dejo de gustarle.
Fine, okay. Suppose it happened just exactly like she said. She didn't see the guy, just now.
De acuerdo, supongamos que todo es cierto, no es que lo vió, es solo un recuerdo.
Guess she decided she didn't like them. It's funny there's only one.
Es curioso que sólo haya uno.
She acted... strange, like she couldn't accept it was really me standing there, uh, like she didn't believe I was her sister.
Me pareció... extraña. Como si no aceptara que era yo la que estaba allí. Parecía no creer que yo fuera su hermana.
It's Granny's ring she gave me and I thought you might like to have it, but I didn't think you'd wear it if I gave it to you right now.
El anillo de la abuela. Ella me lo dio y pensé que te gustaría conservarlo, pero no creí que fueras a usarlo si te lo daba ahora.
At first, Marcie didn't think she'd like it, but...
Al comienzo, a Marcy no parecía gustarle, pero...

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