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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / She killed herself

She killed herself tradutor Espanhol

764 parallel translation
She killed herself for me!
Se ha ahogado por culpa mía.
- She killed herself.
- Se suicidó.
Don't go upstairs! - But maybe she killed herself.
- Quizás se ha suicidado
No one here would be if she killed herself, too.
O puede que se haya suicidado. A nadie le sorprendería.
She couldn't, so she killed herself instead.
No pudo hacerlo, así que se mató ella misma.
She killed a man then she killed herself.
Mató a un hombre y después se suicidó.
She killed herself.
Se mato ella misma.
She killed herself in this room... at this harpsichord.
Se suicidó en esta sala, junto a este clave.
She killed herself.
Ella se ha suicidado.
She killed herself because of you.
Se suicidó por su culpa.
He kept her prisoner for three days, then she killed herself with this.
La mantuvo prisionera durante tres días, luego ella se quitó la vida con esto.
- She killed herself!
- ¡ Se ha matado!
I just can't believe she killed herself.
No puedo creer que se suicidara.
She killed herself... here!
¡ Se suicidó!
She killed herself.
Ella se suicidó.
My mother wasn't alive because she killed herself in a boston boardinghouse.
Mi madre no estaba viva porque se suicidó en una pensión de Boston.
- Is that why she killed herself?
- ¿ Y por eso se suicidó?
One year ago she killed herself because of me.
Hace un año que se mató por mí.
- She killed herself.
- Rosetta Savone se ha suicidado.
I said once, long ago, I couldn't believe she killed herself.
Nunca he creído que se suicidó.
Anyway, about a week before Bart got back from fighting the war, she killed herself.
Una semana antes de que Bart volviese de la guerra, se suicidó.
She killed herself.
Se suicidó.
She killed herself when I was little, at the mill.. where we met.
Se suicidó, cuando yo era niña, en el molino, donde nos conocimos.
She killed herself because of you.
Ella se mató a causa suya.
She killed herself for love.
Se suicidó por amor.
- She killed herself with pills.
- Se ha matado con pastillas.
Actually, I never said she killed herself.
Yo nunca he dicho que se había suicidado.
I think she has killed herself.
Creo que se ha suicidado.
but they are, Irene is jealous, morbidly jealous she loves me she'd let herself get killed for my sake
¡ Claro que sí, Irene está celosa, celosa de forma enfermiza! ¡ Me quiere...! ¡ Se dejaría matar por mí!
She killed him and then shot herself.
Ella lo mató y luego se suicidó.
She has killed herself.
Se ha suicidado.
She's killed herself.
Se ha suicidado.
You see, when you were reported killed... she had a terrible time adjusting herself, but she did.
Verá, cuando lo reportaron muerto... ella tuvo muchos problemas para asimilarlo, pero lo logró.
She was under great emotional strain the night your first wife killed herself.
Ella estaba bajo un gran estrés emocional la noche que se suicidó su esposa.
She killed herself.
No la mataron, se suicidó.
When you killed her, you didn't know she herself had criminal intentions.
Cuando la mató, no conocía sus intenciones criminales.
She didn't kill herself, he killed her.
- No se mató ella, la mataron.
If only she had killed herself!
Espero que siga con vida.
She didn't say anything - she went home and killed herself.
Ella no contestó, volvió a casa y se mató.
What did that nut do? Did she get herself killed?
- ¿ Ha muerto esa chiflada?
If she's killed herself, I'll kill myself too.
Si se ha matado, me mato yo también.
She's killed herself.
Se suicidó.
I thought she might have killed herself because I stopped going with her.
Pensé que quizá se suicidase porque dejé de ir a verla.
She killed herself.
Fui al funeral representando a la fábrica.
Medea herself, does she not say, "l killed my children"?
¿ No dice la propia Medea : "Maté a mis hijos"?
She would never have killed herself for that!
¡ Ella nunca se habría matado por eso!
Why did she come to me fretting herself sick because you were going to get killed facing up to Liberty Valance?
¿ Por qué vino ella a mí toda preocupada porque tú vas a dejar que te mate Liberty Valance?
If you had just talked to her, she wouldn't have killed herself.
Si simplemente hubieses hablado con ella, no se habría suicidado.
She got herself killed.
Se mató.
If she hadn't deluded herself into believing... it was dear old Papa who killed John Mayhew... she might never have stayed here guarding that so-called, uh, secret.
Si no llega a engañarse a sí misma pensando... que fue papá quien mató a John Mayhew... quizá nunca se habría quedado aquí guardando el supuesto secreto.
Tilde no longer existed, she had killed herself.
Tilda ya no existía, se había matado.

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