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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / She knows you

She knows you tradutor Espanhol

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She knows you're going to turn into one of them. She doesn't trust you.
ella sabe q te convertiras en uno de ellos. no confia en ti.
She knows you ’ ve been looking for her, and that ’ s why you will never, ever find her.
Ella sabe que la has estado buscando. Y por eso nunca, nunca la encontrarás.
( laughs ) and the funny thing is, She says she knows you very well.
Y lo más gracioso es que, dice que te conoce muy bien.
But she knows you have to stay out in the rain. And she did.
Pero sabe que tiene que quedarse afuera bajo la lluvia y lo hizo.
She knows you're still my friend.
Ella sabe que sigues siendo mi amigo.
Touch her, she knows you want her.
Tocala y sabrá que le quieres.
Do you think she knows you're onto her?
¿ Crees que sabe que estás interesado en ella?
Look, she knows you talked to a couple of guys at the drug squad about cops and steroids.
Mira, sabe que hablaste con un par de tíos de la Unidad de Drogas sobre policías y esteroides.
Found her wandering in here. Says she knows you.
La encontré divagando aquí afuera dice que lo conoce.
She knows you exist, that's enough.
Ella sabe que existen, eso es suficiente.
She knows you have a wife and kids
Ella sabe que tienes esposa e hijos
- Well, I hope you're very happy, and I hope she knows you only like the beginnings of things.
- Espero que seas muy feliz y que ella sepa que a ti sólo te gustan los principios.
She knows what it is. Don't you?
Ella sabe qué es. ¿ No?
Who knows, maybe she'll be nice like you were and we'll work something out.
Quién sabe, tal vez ella va a ser agradable como si fueras y vamos a trabajar en algo.
Mm-hm. So, uh, anyway, uh she was asking about you uh, asking me, uh she knows she's not supposed to ask about you that's none of my business why she did.
Entonces, como sea ella estuvo preguntando por ti me preguntó a mí.
She knows. You told her?
Ella lo sabe. ¿ Se lo dijiste?
She knows what he'd done for this country, and so do you.
Ella sabe lo que había hecho por este país - y tú también.
Well, do you think she knows it's you?
Bueno, ¿ cree que ella sabe que eres tú?
Your mother... She knows how much you wanted your business to succeed.
Tú madre... ella sabe cuánto querías que tu negocio tuviera éxito.
She knows that you built that salon with your own two hands and she's proud of you, no matter what happens.
Ella sabe que construiste ese salón con tus propias manos y está orgullosa de ti, no importa que suceda. Siento otra presencia.
Do you think she knows that?
¿ Crees que lo sabe?
She knows how much I value you.
Sabe cuánto te valoro.
If you don't know who Payson is, rest assured, she knows a thing or two about tumbling.
Si no sabes quien es Payson, estate tranquila, ella sabe algunas cosas sobre el tumbling.
Heaven only knows what she's doing with a horse's ass like you.
Solo Dios sabe qué hace con un cretino como tú.
I have to admit, it's eerie the way when I move, she follows me, as though she knows exactly where I am. That's because she can see you.
Debo admitir que es espeluznante como me sigue cuando me muevo, como si supiera exactamente donde estoy eso es porque
She says she knows her father loved you very much, and he didn't want to hurt you.
Dice que sabe que su padre la quería mucho y no quería hacerle daño.
How do they know where to find me? My sister knows where to find you, and she's from Kalamazoo.
Una persona insignificante como yo no puede entender lo difícil que es ser tú.
Now she knows what you're done,
Ahora que sabe lo que ha hecho,
And she knows that you know about the vampires.
Y sabe que tú sabes sobre los vampiros.
- She knows exactly where you are.
- Sabe dónde estás.
Oh, she knows I ride the bus with you every day.
Sabe que tomo el autobús contigo cada día.
Well, she knows where you are, but she feels you are here when you should be there.
Bueno, sabe dónde estás pero se pregunta por qué estás aquí cuando deberías estar allá. ¡ Fíjate en eso!
She knows that you were a part of it.
Sabe que formaste parte.
"You know she's very talented on housekeeping,... " she even knows how to sing!
Bien sabes que es muy apañada para la casa, si sabe hasta cantar!
She knows how many of each color there are. And she's so utterly fixated on it That she can't make eye contact anymore if you talk to her.
sabe cuántas hay de cada color y se concentra tanto en eso que no puede hacer contacto visual si le hablas
She knows she can't give you what you need right now, And even if she could, you wouldn't take it.
Ella sabe que no puede darte lo que necesitas ahora mismo, y aunque pudiera, no lo aceptarías.
- She knows how you feel, Eddie.
- Sabe cómo te sientes, Eddie.
She barely knows you exist.
Casi no sabe ni que existes.
You don't think she knows something's going on?
¿ Crees que no sabe que le pasa algo?
Well, I can't say there's any evidence to support this, but I'm pretty sure that if you love her and she knows it, she'll be fine.
No puedo mostrarte pruebas de esto, pero estoy segura de que si la amas y ella lo sabe, estará bien.
You have to talk with her, to see what she knows.
Habrá que hablar con ella, a ver qué sabe.
Ifone of you knows anything about this, will he or she please come to me.
Si alguien sabe algo al respecto quienquiera que sea, que acuda a verme.
Well, what is it you think that she knows?
Bueno, ¿ qué crees que sabe?
It's not like she knows what you are.
Ella no sabe qué eres.
And if she's not and she actually knows what she's doing, she's gonna think you're cops.
Y si no lo es, y de verdad sabe lo que está haciendo, va a pensar que sois policías.
Give her a little gift so she knows that you're thinking about her.
- Sí. Hazle un pequeño regalo para que sepa que piensas en ella.
She knows what you did.
- Sabe lo que hiciste.
I said, "You know, your mum knows you now, she sees you, she can hear you."
Yo dije : "Tu mamá te conoce, ella te ve ahora, te puede escuchar."
You're a professional, sophisticated woman Who knows what she wants in life, you know?
Tu eres una profesional, y sofisticada mujer que sabe lo que quiere en la vida, ¿ Sabes?
A good businesswoman knows her product, Which in this case is you. And she just wanted to lecture.
Una buena empresaria conoce su producto, que en este caso eres tu, y ella sólo quería dar una conferencia.
- She's okay, she's fine but when the person that you love knows your secret it becomes their secret too.
- Ella está bien pero cuando una persona que amas conoce tu secreto también se convierte en su secreto.

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