She was alive tradutor Espanhol
1,270 parallel translation
But I assume he meant when she was alive.
Pero supongo que quiso decir cuando estaba viva.
I would do it with my mom when she was alive.
Yo lo haría con mi madre, si estuviese todavía viva.
I mean, please. I would never have Harmony over even when she was alive.
Por favor, nunca he invitado a Harmony, ni siquiera cuando estaba viva.
- She was alive then.
- Ella estaba viva.
So you just let Mulder believe that she was alive?
¿ Permitió que Mulder creyera que estaba viva?
He knew she was alive.
Él sabía que estaba viva.
Huh! I didn't know she was alive till we damn near knocked her down.
No sabía que existía hasta el otro día cuando casi la atropellamos.
Her bedroom, Wes wanted to keep it just the way it was... when she was alive.
El cuarto de ella, Wes quería conservarlo tal y como estaba... cuando ella vivía.
But in fact she was alive.
En resumen, estaba viva.
I used to go out every morning and kick her to see if she was alive you know what I mean... right?
Yo iba todas las mañanas y la pateaba a ver si vivía. ¿ Sabes lo que digo?
Purple means she was alive for all of it.
Nos indican que la mantuvo viva.
When she was alive, I had to scour for anything I could find... with a dragonfly on it to buy her a present.
Tenía que buscar cualquier cosa que tuviera una libélula si quería hacerle un regalo.
The last time anybody saw her, she was alive.
La última vez que alguien vio a esa mujer, estaba viva.
She was alive when she hit the ground, but then she bled to death, so forgive me if I don't treat this in quite the flippant sort of manner that you seem to want to.
Estaba viva cuando golpeó el suelo, pero luego se desangró hasta morir. Así que discúlpeme si no trato esto con un tono tan ligero... como el que usted parece utilizar.
It's almost like she was alive, and after such an accident.
Parece viva. Después de tan terrible accidente.
I swear you think about Mom more now than when she was alive.
Juro que piensas más en mamá ahora que cuando vivía.
She never gave me a sign she was alive.
Nunca me dio un signo de que estuviera viva.
I thought she was alive because the baby was moving a lot.
Creo que estaba viva porque el bebé se movía mucho.
- She was alive.
- Estaba viva.
I never knew when she was alive, but she was the most important person in my life
Nunca lo supe cuando estuvo viva... pero fue la persona más importante de mi vida.
He didn't get a chance to make amends with his sister before he died while she was still alive.
No tuvo la oportunidad de enmendar el error con su hermana antes de morir mientras ella estaba viva.
Which means all this was done while she was still alive.
Lo que significa... que le hicieron esto mientras vivía.
No one would dream of burying a queen while she was still alive.
Nessuno si sognerebbe di seppellire una regina quando lei è ancora in vita
When she was murdered, I kept a small part of her alive... in you.
Cuando fue asesinada, mantuve viva una pequeña parte de ella en ti.
It was like she was being buried alive.
Fue como si la estuviesen sepultando viva.
And the bad little boys from Blair village sneaking out to the woods to see if she was still alive and... and they let their big dogs bite her and they poked her with sticks and then when the blood came out of her they put their palms in it and pressed it on her flesh!
Y a esos malvados niños de Blair yendo al bosque para ver si aún sigue viva. Esos canallas dejan que sus perros la muerdan y además la golpean con palos. Y cuando le empieza a salir sangre, ellos se mojan las manos y las aprietan contra su cuerpo.
And then, when they found she was still alive they untied her... and they put the ropes around her neck and they hanged her from the big tree!
Después, cuando comprueban que aún está viva, la desatan, le ponen la cuerda alrededor del cuello y la cuelgan de aquel gran árbol.
Not having the slightest idea where she was, and uncertain whether she would ever make it out alive, she never had any moments of mortal fear.
Sin tener la más minima idea de donde estaba, y con la incertidumbre de saber si saldría viva, en ninguno momento sintió un miedo mortal.
In fact, it was little short of a miracle that she had made it to that day alive.
De hecho, fue casi un milagro que llegara viva a ese día.
Now, if she was able to sink her own files and get out of Dodge... isn't she worth more alive?
Si pudo borrar sus archivos y escapar de aquí... ¿ no es mejor traerla con vida?
Miss Milford was last seen alive at the parking lot with William Sellers... an acquaintance she had known for years.
Fue vista por última vez con William Sellers, a quien conocía hace años.
If her mother was alive... and she heard that, she'd wish she was dead.
Si su madre viviera... Si oyera eso, se volvería a morir.
She was my reason for being alive.
Era el motivo para seguir vivo.
She was alive.
Estaba viva.
When they found Cindy she was barely alive... she ´ d been wrestling with the Cougar for over 2 hours.
Cuando encontraron a Cindy estaba moribunda.
And the closest thing to him that she could find to keep that ghost alive was Eddie Fisher.
Y lo mejor que pudo encontrar para mantener vivo a ese fantasma era Eddie Fisher.
A huge Life magazine essay would absolutely confirm that, in essence, she was still alive.
Un gran reportaje en Life sin duda confirmaría que, esencialmente, aún seguía viva.
Stregobor said she was alive and l`d find her here.
Ardiendo con el fuego del deseo.
When she was eight I came home from school to find blood everywhere and just her alive.
Cuando ella tenía ocho años llegué de la escuela y me encontré sangre por todas partes y ella que todavía estaba viva.
Was she alive?
¿ Estaba viva?
When she was murdered, I kept a small part of her alive... in you.
Cuando la asesinaron mantuve viva una pequeña parte de ella en ti.
She was still alive when I left.
Estaba viva cuando me fui.
The last day her mother was alive... she wore this around her neck.
El último día que su madre estuvo viva, traía esto en el cuello.
If Priscilla discovered I was alive, would she come and see me?
Si Priscilla supiera que vivo, ¿ vendría a verme?
The problem is, she was still alive when she drifted away.
El problema es, que allá estaba aún viva cuando cayó a la deriva.
He cut her open while she was still alive.
La abrió mientras estaba viva.
She was still alive.
Ella estaba viva.
Well, it was while she was still alive.
Empezó cuando ella aún vivía.
Mona received it at 21.35 which means she was still alive then.
Mona la recibió a las 21 : 35 lo que significa que aún estaba viva.
Was she still alive then, or...?
- ¿ Estaba viva?
While Lenin was still alive she had returned to Moscow with her husband, Pawel Schaftel, who was also a doctor and their daughter, Renate.
Mientras que Lenin aún vivía regresó a Moscú con su esposo, Pawel Schaftel, quien también era doctor y su hija, Renata.
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was here 194
she was beautiful 115
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was here 194
she was beautiful 115
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48