She was right here tradutor Espanhol
339 parallel translation
She was right here.
Estaba aquí mismo.
I thought she was right here.
Yo creí que estaba aquí.
She was right here last night when I came out...
Estaba aquí anoche cuando salÍ- - ¡ Ay, no!
One time, she was right here and there was her shoes about 10 feet back, stuck in the mud.
De pronto... ya estaba allí. Y la pobre no llevaba zapatos. Los había perdido.
She was right here!
Ella estaba aquí!
She was right here.
Ella estaba exactamente aquí.
She... told me that the shoe was found right here.
Dice que se le cayó aquí.
She came here right before she got into that accident. She came here to see her husband... and she ended up seeing the awful things that her husband was doing.
Vino aquí antes del accidente y vio a su esposo con otra mujer.
I don't know whether I done right bringing her up here, Kitty. but she was all harped up in seeing you.
Espero haber hecho bien trayéndola aquí, Kitty, pero estaba loca por verte.
I know if she was here... she'd go right to my mother and kiss away all of her sorry feelings.
Sé que si estuviera aquí, habría ido a ver a mi madre y con un beso le haria olvidar todas sus preocupaciones.
Because I don't know that I'd have accepted him. Are you trying to tell me that because he comes here and they see her with him, driving and all that, they think that they were right in saying that she was... she was in love with him before... before my father died?
¿ Dices que porque él la visita, y porque les ven pasear, creen tener derecho a decir que ella ya le amaba antes de que muriera mi padre?
Right here on this pier was the last time she ever saw him.
En este muelle, fue la última vez que lo vio.
She was sitting over here, sitting right here taking off her stockings.
Estaba sentada aquí mismo, se sentó aquí, sacó sus cosas... ¡ Oh!
The last time I saw Marcellina, she was standing right here, in a dress just like that.
La última vez que vi a Marcellina, fue en este mismo sitio, con idéntico vestido.
She was standin'right here by number one lifeboat.
Estaba aquí mismo, junto al primero de los salvavidas.
She was doing all right until you came here.
Ella iba bien, hasta que tú llegaste aquí.
Why, first year she was built, General Gates stopped right here to water his horses.
Al terminar de construirla, el Gral. Gates se detuvo aquí a darle agua a sus caballos.
The last time she was here she tried to hold hands with you right under my very nose.
No te hagas el inocente. La última vez que la vi, intentaba hacer manitas contigo delante mía.
Marian supo, ya entonces, que debía hacer algo con esa voz.
If my mother was here, she'd kiss me right here.
Si mi madre estuviera aquí, ella me beso aquí.
No, she's all right, but the man was killed, and the police are here.
No, está bien, pero el hombre murió. La policía está aquí.
I was told she was going to drop by here, I raced right over.
Me avisaron que pasaría por aquí y vine lo antes que pude.
My wife is sitting right here and she too could tell you how it was all arranged by our parents ln that regard, our young couple today is very lucky l truly envy them
Mi esposa, aquí presente, también se acuerda. Todo lo arreglaron nuestros padres. En cambio, estos jóvenes se enamoraron por azar.
- Right here, she was discharged at 8 : 15.
- Aquí está, se le dio el alta a las 8 : 15.
We were... we were standing over here and, uh, uh, she... she was right behind me, and i... you don't think anything happened to her?
Ella estaba detrás de mí, y yo ¿ no creen que le pudo ocurrir algo? Lo dudo.
As I recollect, she was sittin right about here.
Si mal no recuerdo, estaba sentada justo ahí.
His cousin was right here in my office, and she's a charming, lovely person.
Su prima estuvo aquí en mi despacho... y es una persona amable y encantadora.
She was standing right here in this doorway, watching.
Ella estaba parada aquí, mirando.
This is the right house, and she was here.
Era esta casa y ella estaba aquí.
After he's no more here... Mistress Evans will see that I was right about this place... and then she may get a wee glimmer... that I can be right about some other things.
Cuando ya no esté en este mundo, la Sra. Evans verá que yo tenía razón sobre este lugar... y quizá entonces intuya... que puedo tener razón sobre otras cosas.
She was here, all right.
Estaba aquí, es cierto.
I'm not a troublemaker but I'm right It was yesterday they hit the window of my shed Jumped off my bed, pulled my knife and said "get out of here kid" leave some happiness to me My lady on the window says she's just kidding damn lady, you're as ugly as a monkey...
No soy de peleas, pero tengo razón ayer entraron por la ventana de mi cobertizo saltaron a mi cama, me sacaron el cuchillo y dijeron "fuera de aquí" deja la alegría a mi lado Mi niña en la ventana dice que está bromeando niña, eres tan fea que pareces un mono...
I wish she was here right now.
Ojalá estuviese aquí.
I'm sure that the girl was strangled right here and then taken to the garret when she was dead.
Estoy seguro que la chica fue estrangulada precisamente aquí.
And she's as big a hit right now on Broadway as she was here in Hollywood.
Y tiene tanto éxito ahora en Broadway... como lo tenía aquí en Hollywood.
Professor, I was standing here, here, yes, right here, and she was there, when she saw me - she ran away!
Profesor, yo estaba aquí, aquí, sí, y ella ahí, y cuando me vio, salió corriendo.
I was standing right here, and she was over there drinking water right infront of my eyes!
Yo estaba ahí, y ella bebiendo agua delante de mis ojos.
She's wearing a dragon pendant, but when you drew these lines right here I thought that was part of her dress.
Ella lleva un colgante con un dragón, pero cuando dibujaste estas líneas... pensé que formaba parte del vestido.
She was sitting right here...
Ella estaba sentada allí.
Here. it's when she was younger. Oh, right.
Era muy joven.
- She was seeing someone right here.
- Será fácil, el médico trabaja aquí.
I think she was killed right here in this museum.
Pienso que ella fue asesinada aquí mismo en este museo.
She said : "All right, here I come." She came, she stuck her head out the window and all I heard was
Murió tal vez dos días más tarde. Para Jane.
She may have been doing it for the wrong reason, at least the decision was right because Baby is better off here.
Quizá sus motivaciones no fueran buenas, pero fue una decisión acertada. Bebé está mejor con nosotras.
No, she wasn't. She was born right here, in New Jersey.
No, nació aqui en Nueva Jersey.
She was raped by the lunatics and had the baby there. That baby grew up to be Freddy Krueger... who murdered twenty or thirty kids... right here on Elm Street.
Ella fue violada por los locos y tuvo un bebé ahi el bebé crecio y fue Freddy Krueger quién mato 20 o 30 chicos.
Yeah, she was here, right on that bed.
Sí, estaba aquí, en esa cama.
She was... She had long dark briads right behind her ears, 345 00 : 27 : 37,127 - - 00 : 27 : 41,245 little white ankle socks and a little skirt. She was always smiling, running here and there, always late.
Ella tenía mechones largos y oscuros de pelo detrás de sus orejas pequeños calcetines blancos y una corta falda.
I was reading the kid his rights, when she took out a gun and she shot me right here in the chest.
Cuando le estaba leyendo al chico sus derechos, ella sacó un arma y me disparó aquí en el pecho.
I remember when I used to feed her mashed worms with a turkey baster and she was just a baby, right here in the palm of my hand.
Me acuerdo cuando yo la alimentaba con puré de gusanos con una cucharita y ella era una cría, aquí en la palma de mi mano.
She was wearing this dress that was buttoned clear up right to here.
Y usaba un vestido abotonado hasta aquí.
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48