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Something bad happened tradutor Espanhol

475 parallel translation
Is he saying that something bad happened to my daughter which caused the accident?
¿ la policía está diciendo que no fue un accidente?
something bad happened to me, too.
También me ha pasado algo.
If something bad happened to her- - -
- Si le sucediera algo un día...
Something bad happened, that's why I came with her.
Le ocurrió algo horrible. Por eso quise acompañarla.
Something bad happened.
Algo malo sucedió.
Has something bad happened?
¿ Ha ocurrido algo malo?
If whenever something bad happened to someone, they were treated like I was...
Si cada vez que a alguien sufría una desgracia se la hubiese atendido como corresponde
Has something bad happened?
¿ Pasó alguna cosa grave?
No, I think you're a very sensitive person, but something bad happened to you when you were little and all the excitement from your crazy friends brought it back a little while today.
No, creo que eres una persona sensible a la cual le pasó algo malo cuando era pequeña. Y toda la excitación de estar con tus amigos locos te debe haber traído recuerdos.
I get the feeling something bad happened.
Tengo la sensación de que ha pasado algo malo.
Knowing it was just a matter of time till something bad happened.
Sí... Saber que era sólo cuestión de tiempo hasta que pasara algo malo.
- Listen Jenny, something bad happened today. - Come on!
- Ha sucedido algo terrible.
Before something bad happened to her.
De que le ocurriera algo.
Something bad happened here.
Aquí ha pasado algo malo.
Something bad happened, didn't it?
Algo malo sucedió, ¿ no?
And my own conclusion is that something bad happened.
Y mi conclusión es que algo malo pasó.
You really think something bad happened to Suzie?
¿ Ud. cree que le haya pasado algo a Suzie?
Something bad happened, Mr. Hunter, but for the very first time, you're not responsible.
Algo malo sucedido, Sr. Hunter, pero por primera vez, No es responsable.
What if something bad happened to them?
¿ Qué tal si algo malo les pasó?
- Something bad happened here.
- Algo malo ha pasado aquí.
I wonder if something bad has happened to her.
Me pregunto si le habrá ocurrido algo.
Don Diego, something terrible happened. Very bad.
Don Diego, ha pasado algo terrible.
Without it, something bad might have already happened in the house.
Sin ella, Sra. Tiberguen, ¡ ya habríamos tenido un drama en casa!
And because I think something kind of bad happened here, Miss Wirth.
Y porque creo que algo malo sucederá aquí.
- Something bad's happened.
- Ha habido un problema.
I feel bad because I'd be of no use if something happened to you.
Me siento mal porque no puedo ayudaros. Si os pasara algo.
It happened suddenly. I must have eaten something bad atthe airport cafeteria.
Me haría daño alguna porquería del snack del aeropuerto.
You said that if something happened to us it wouldn't be all that bad because they would find our skeletons embracing and that had to be worth something.
Dijiste que si algo nos pasara no sería tan terrible ya que encontrarían nuestros esqueletos abrazados y que eso tendría algún valor.
Has something has bad happened to my mother?
¿ Sucedió algo contra mamá?
Something real bad has happened.
Ha ocurrido algo terrible.
Somehow, Sancho knew this, and far from thinking that something bad could have happened to him, he just follow his track.
De alguna manera Sancho lo supo, pues lejos de pensar que le hubiese sobrevenido un fatal accidente, se limitó a seguirle la pista.
Has something happened to my Steven? ANNOUNCER : Watch her reaction to the bad news.
- Ahora la reacción a la mala noticia.
Something bad already happened to your mother.
Algo malo ya le ha ocurrido a su madre.
Something happened out on Poor Farm Road today, something bad.
Hoy pasó algo en el camino a Granja Pobre. Algo muy malo.
Something bad has happened to me.
Me ha pasado algo grave.
Something very bad happened.
Sucedió algo terrible.
We had a bad bag or something. I don't know what happened.
El heroe está acabado.
I mean something bad that you saw coming, and then it happened and you- - You didn't do anything, and....
Digo, algo malo. Yo ya lo hice una vez.
but, instead, they're here to look for gene, afraid something bad has happened.
Pero, en cambio, están aquí para buscar a Gene. Temo de que algo malo ha sucedido.
I thought something bad had happened!
Creía que había ocurrido algo grave.
Something very bad happened.
Ha ocurrido algo terrible.
Something bad has already happened.
Algo malo ya ha ocurrido.
Something... bad has happened here.
Algo... malo ha pasado aquí.
Then I'm gonna forget about it... and it'll just be something bad that happened in my life.
Luego, lo olvidaré... y sólo será algo malo que ocurrió en mi vida.
I think something really bad has happened to her.
Oíd, en mi opinión creo que le ha tenido que ocurrir algo terrible. ¿ No habrá llamado a alguien?
Something bad has happened to you.
Te ha pasado algo malo.
Well. something really bad happened.
Will, ha pasado algo muy, muy malo.
I feel bad for Kelly because she wants to play. And Rich is, like, "Something's happened to you " since these girls came.
Me siento mal por Kelly porque quiere jugar con nosotras y Rich no le deja.
Tell me, has something bad... happened to you?
He doesn't know exactly what happened to him, but he knows it's something bad, and he knows it's somehow connected to me.
No está seguro de qué le ha pasado pero sabe que ha sido malo y que tiene que ver conmigo.
Something bad has happened to Candace!
A Candace le pasó algo malo. ¿ Como sabes?

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