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Soon tradutor Espanhol

112,034 parallel translation
Hope we see each other soon.
Espero que nos veamos pronto.
You should probably get going soon to that strip club.
Deberías marcharte pronto al club de striptease.
As soon as Liz is done, my toast is gonna blow this place sky high.
En cuanto termine Liz, mi brindis va a volar este sitio por los aires.
Does Mileva want to move again so soon?
¿ Mileva quiere mudarse de nuevo tan pronto?
I was surprised you came back to Zurich so soon.
Me sorprendió saber que volverías a Zúrich tan pronto.
Next time, there'll be more, coming soon.
La próxima vez serán más, y pronto.
I will be home as soon as humanly possible.
Estaré en casa lo más pronto posible.
I'm going to fly with you very soon.
Voy a ir a volarla contigo muy pronto.
If I don't do something soon, I'm gonna be branded as "Diaper Hands" for life.
Si no hago algo pronto, me dirán "Manos de Pañal" toda mi vida.
I guess Rodrick won't be getting his van fixed anytime soon.
Supongo que Rodrick no reparara pronto su camioneta.
I'm sure it will be real soon enough.
Estoy segura de que será real muy pronto.
We're hoping that at some point soon the weather starts to get a little bit better.
Esperamos que, muy pronto, el tiempo empiece a mejorar un poco.
She's just so happy as soon as she gets onto the oars.
Está muy feliz en cuanto se hace cargo de los remos.
[Emma] We're gonna run out of meals soon.
Pronto nos quedaremos sin comida.
See you soon.
Te veo ahora.
I didn't tell you because we handled it as soon as it came up.
No te dije porque nos hicimos cargo en cuanto surgió.
I'll call in Donovan for questioning as soon as possible.
Llamaré a Donovan para cuestionarlo cuanto antes.
Okay, we'll talk soon.
Hablamos pronto.
You gonna spontaneously combust if you're not in charge of something soon?
¿ Arderás espontáneamente si no estás al mando pronto?
Which means life in here will soon return to status quo.
Así que la vida aquí pronto volverá al status quo.
This... this is all gonna be over soon.
Todo se acabará pronto.
I need to eat something soon, yo.
Necesito comer.
As soon as shit gets real, they run.
Cuando la cosa se pone fea, huyen.
And we will continue digging into that... incredibly deep shit well of yours uh, as soon as I'm done getting laid, like, seven or eight more times. - Mmm-hmm.
Y seguiremos hablando de tus problemas de mierda cuando tenga sexo siete u ocho veces más.
But I didn't think it would happen so soon.
Pero no creí que fuera a suceder tan pronto.
It's like human niceness has just gone renegade, and I don't think it's coming back anytime soon.
Es como si la bondad humana hubiera desaparecido, y no creo que vuelva pronto.
I'm gonna get you out of here soon.
Te sacaré de aquí pronto.
We'll be back soon with a chiller vibe.
Volveremos pronto con mejor vibra.
The doctors, they're gonna take care of you, and I'mma be there real soon.
Los médicos te cuidarán, y yo estaré ahí muy pronto.
I think that this thing might be over and I'm gonna be able to get you some real help soon, but first... I want you to have this.
Creo es posible que esto acabe, y podré conseguirte ayuda de verdad pronto, pero primero toma esto.
The end is coming, and it's coming soon.
El fin se acerca, y se acerca rápido.
Doug, it's me. Call me as soon as you get this.
Doug, llámame en cuanto oigas esto.
I'm certain he will soon.
De seguro lo hará pronto.
I'll be there for them as soon as I finish my lectures.
Estaré ahí para ellos en cuanto termine mis conferencias.
The enemy will surely surrender soon thanks to our gracious host, to Captain Haber!
El enemigo seguro se rendirá pronto gracias a nuestro amable anfitrión. Por el capitán Haber.
Very soon, you will be told that officers from a federal agency are here... to take me into custody.
Muy pronto, le dirán que llegaron oficiales de una agencia federal para ponerme bajo custodia.
I'll call for backup as soon as I can.
Pediré refuerzos tan pronto como pueda.
I come first. And to prove it to me, you will take me away from here, at least for a month or two, and soon.
Y para probármelo, me llevarás lejos de aquí, al menos por un mes o dos, y pronto.
Too soon?
¿ Demasiado pronto?
Too soon.
Demasiado pronto.
Soon to be ex-boyfriend.
Ex novio desde hace nada.
Paddlin'upstream, trying to steer things in the right direction, and as soon as I feel like I'm gettin'somewhere...
Nadando contracorriente, intento enderezar las cosas y hacer lo correcto, y tan pronto creo que estoy llegando a buen puerto...
This riveting story better have a twist real soon.
Mejor que esta fascinante historia tenga un giro realmente pronto.
I don't know, I was hoping soon since we didn't take any heat from the heist.
No lo sé, esperaba que pronto ya que no tuvimos ningún problema por el atraco.
I'll see you soon.
Te veré pronto.
And soon we shall all be together in our little house.
Y pronto estaremos todos juntos en nuestra casita.
If we don't show some results soon, our funding may dry up. I'm sorry, but I'm quite busy.
Si no obtenemos pronto algunos resultados, nos quedaremos sin financiación.
Here's what I'll tell you... we're gonna get a lot more than 20 grand soon.
Te diré una cosa. Pronto vamos a tener mucho más que 20.000.
So make those reservations soon.
Así que hagan sus reservas pronto.
Real soon I might, uh, have some of my own money to put into this thing.
Muy pronto quizá tenga dinero propio para invertir en esto.
Yeah, well, you won't be clearing the site anytime soon, anyway.
Igual no podrá limpiarlo pronto.

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