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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / Tell him the truth

Tell him the truth tradutor Espanhol

1,248 parallel translation
He was so touched by your donation, I couldn't tell him the truth.
Se emocionó tanto con tu donación que no pude decirle la verdad.
We'll tell him the truth.
Le diremos la verdad.
- Did you tell him the truth?
- ¿ Le dijiste la verdad?
Tell him the truth.
Dile la verdad.
- I just didn't tell him the truth.
- No le dije la verdad.
I was desperate to talk to Harry... to tell him the truth about what I did and why I did it... and how sorry I really was and that I loved him.
Estaba desesperada por hablar con Harry... y contarle la verdad de lo que hice y por qué lo hice... y lo arrepentida que estaba y que lo amaba.
Given your relationship, I expect you'll tell him the truth, won't you?
Pero por la relación que los une, supongo que le dirás la verdad, no?
- You just tell him the truth.
- Decirle la verdad. - ¿ La verdad?
Will you tell him the truth?
- ¿ No le dices la verdad?
– Why don't you tell him the truth?
- ¿ Por qué no le dices la verdad? - Yo dije la verdad.
Just tell him the truth!
¡ Solo dile la verdad!
Tell him the truth, Wesley?
Le decimos la verdad, Wesley?
tell him the truth.
decirle la verdad.
If you really love him, you got to tell him the truth.
Si de verdad lo amas tienes que decirle la verdad.
- Then why didn't you tell him the truth?
- Y por qué no le dijiste la verdad?
- Just tell him the truth.
- Dile toda la verdad.
I'll have to tell him the truth.
Voy a tener que decirle la verdad.
- Oh, for God's sake, Digger, tell him the truth.
Por Dios, Digger, dile la verdad. Vamos, amor...
When Jack Kennedy entered the White House, he took his brother with him because he trusted Bobby to tell him the truth, even when it wasn't pretty.
Cuando Jack Kennedy llevó a su hermano a la Casa Blanca. Porque creía que Bobby le diría la verdad aun cuando no fuera agradable.
As soon as we get home, I'll find Henrik and tell him the truth.
Cuando volvamos, buscaré a Henrik y se lo contaré todo.
I drive us out to nowhere and then I tell him the truth.
Le llevé en coche a ninguna parte y le dije la verdad.
Maybe you should just tell him the truth, Nat.
Tal vez deberías decirle la verdad, Nat.
If we tell him the truth, what will he do?
Si le contamos la verdad, que hará?
... I didn't tell him the truth.
No le dije la verdad.
So what do you wanna do? Do you wanna tell him the truth?
- ¿ Quieres decirle la verdad?
You tell him the truth.
Dile la verdad.
I gotta tell him the truth.
Tengo que decirle la verdad.
George... If you tried harder to get on with the king, you could tell him the truth.
Si os esforzarais más por llevaros bien con el rey, podríais decirle la verdad.
You have to tell him the truth.
Tienes que decirle la verdad.
Whatever you do, don't tell him the truth.
Síguele el juego. Pero no le digas la verdad.
I'm going to tell him the truth.
Voy a decirle la verdad.
- Tell him the truth.
- Dile la verdad.
You can't tell him the truth.
No puedes decirle la verdad.
Despite what Laura said, I'm going to tell him the truth.
En contra de lo hablado con Laura voy a decirle la verdad.
It is regrettable, but I see no choice. We will tell him the truth.
Es lamentable, pero no veo opción.
Tell him the truth, Julia.
Dile la verdad, Julia.
Of course, we will have to tell him the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... including your pilfering of the Aribau story.
Claro que tendremos que contarle la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad, incluido que robaste la historia de Aribau.
The truth is... that I'm gonna tell him no after the wedding.
La verdad es que le diré que no después de la boda.
Why don't you get him to tell you the truth?
¿ Por qué no lo llevan y que diga la verdad?
Now just get him to tell the truth!
¡ Ahora llévenlo para que diga la maldita verdad! ¡ Ya la dije!
Tell you the truth, We never had all that Much to do with him.
A decir verdad, nunca tuvimos mucha relación con él.
Then I'll tell him the whole truth.
Entonces le contaré toda la verdad.
To tell you the truth, I haven't said a word to him since I got here.
La verdad es que, no le he dicho una palabra desde que llegué aqui.
Well, to tell the truth, there's some stuff about Holling that really bugs me, but now I know I can tell him.
A decir verdad, hay ciertas cosas de Holling que me molestan mucho... pero ahora se las puedo decir.
Well, the truth is, Maggie, I'll tell - I can't stand to look at him.
Bueno, la verdad Maggie es, verás... ¡ No soporto mirarle!
Tell you the truth, Grandma, I'm pretty worried about him.
Para serle franco, estoy muy preocupado por él.
He got up today. To tell the truth, I'm rather worried about him.
Se ha levantado hoy, pero si le digo la verdad, estoy bastante preocupado por él.
So tell the truth hope this snaps him out of it.
Así es que di la verdad y ojalá eso le ayude a reaccionar.
Maybe it's time to tell him the truth.
Quizás llegó la hora de decirle la verdad.
To tell you the truth, it's gonna be really good to see him.
Para decirte la verdad, me va a gustar volver a verlo.
And, to tell you the truth, I don't blame him.
Y, a decir verdad, no lo culpo.

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