There was a boy tradutor Espanhol
751 parallel translation
But there was a boy there who was very kind to me.
Pero había un muchacho que fue muy amable conmigo.
There was a boy in the ack-ack used to recite a lot.
Un chico de otro pelotón recitaría...
There was a boy in our outfit, Abe Schlussman.
Había un chico en mi escuadrón. Abe Schlussman.
It was wonderful. There was a boy.
Había un muchacho...
There was a boy.
Había un muchacho.
Uncle Famous knew everything about hunting and fishing, and I don't guess there was a boy or man in Walesburg who hadn't had him for a teacher.
El tío Famous lo sabía todo sobre cazar y pescar. Creo que no había chico ni hombre en Walesburg al que no hubiera enseñado.
There was a boy, I seem to remember... Now what WAS his name?
Había un niño, ¿ cómo se llamaba?
There was a boy seen with a man we think might be a murderer.
Se vio aun niño con el hombre que creemos es un asesino.
One time, when we lived on Bellafont, there was a boy down the street.
Una vez, cuando vivíamos en Bellafont, había un chico en la calle.
There was a boy with freckles and red hair... and I thought he was the beginning of the world... but he never paid me any mind.
Había un chico pecoso y de pelo rojizo, y yo pensaba que era el más guapo del mundo, pero que nunca se fijaba en mí.
Yes yes, there was a boy with her.
Sí, sí, había un niño junto a ella.
Bill, Sergeant Fleischacker told me there was a boy here from Camp Gee Gee.
Will el sargento Fleisaker me dijo que aquí está el muchacho del campo Gigie.
Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl attending university together
Érase un vez un chico y una chica muy ingenuos... que iban juntos a la universidad.
Mr. Lafitte, there was a boy who you want to see.
Señor Lafitte, hay un chico que desea verle.
" Once there was a boy named Tony who wanted a pony.
" Había una vez un chico llamado Tony que quería un poni.
- As a very young boy, I found a "Vogue" magazine my mom had on her night table, and it was high fashion daydreams from there.
Cuando era un pequeño niño, encontré una Vogue en la mesita
I don't want to tell you what to do, Jim... but when you were in the war... every time I passed the factory... I was wishing for the day my boy would be working there again.
No quiero decirte lo que tienes que hacer, Jim... pero cuando estabas en la guerra... cada vez que pasaba por la fábrica... anhelaba el día en que mi chico volvería a trabajar allí.
The reason he's not here now to defend himself is... that at this very moment, he's sitting at Joe Tupping's bedside... trying to give that poor boy back a chance at happiness... trying even though Verney and everybody else said there was no use trying.
Pero no está aqui hoy para defenderse... porque en este momento está al lado deJoe Tupping... intentando darle una oportunidad para que sea feliz. Lo intenta aunque todos dijeron que no tenia caso intentarlo.
I was walking down Church Street by those salesroom buildings. I see a line of kids and there's a sign up there says "boy wanted."
Bajaba la calle Church y he visto una cola buscando trabajo.
I've always said there was no such thing in the world as a bad boy.
Siempre dije que no existe en el mundo un mal muchacho.
I was told a ghastly story when I was a boy, and you were there when it was told.
Me contaron una historia horrible. Usted estaba presente.
Then there is a boy who was born some years later.
También tenemos un hijo que nació unos años después.
Um, in your story, there was something about a friend who was with the boy.
En su artículo, mencionaba que el muchacho estaba con un amigo.
Young lady when I was a boy there was a strange custom in this country that when a fellow and a girl fell in love, they got married and stayed that way.
Joven cuando yo era un niño, en este país había la extraña costumbre de que cuando dos personas se querían, se casaban y permanecían así.
Been standing there since your pa was a boy a-plowing in the same field.
Pues está ahí desde que tu padre era un chico y araba estas tierras.
She was, but she just repented all of her sins and, boy, there sure was a mess of them.
Lo era, pero se acaba de arrepentir de sus pecados y vaya si había un montón.
When he was a little boy, I can remember, there were simply no reason for him to run away from home. None at all.
Cuando era pequeño recuerdo que, sin el menor motivo, se escapaba.
But there was a little boy in Switzerland... who used to feel the peace and quiet of the church... and listened to the minister pray.
Pero había un pequeño niño en Suiza... que solía sentir la paz y la quietud de la iglesia... y escuchaba las oraciones del pastor.
There was only a sexton and a young boy there, sir.
Sólo el sacristán y un niño, pero estaban muertos de miedo.
Well, once upon a time... there was a little boy who lived in a little town.
Bueno, había una vez... un niñito que vivía en un pueblo pequeño.
He was there, walt, with his missis, and he's a nice-looking boy.
Está ahí, Walt, con su señora. Y parece buen chico.
There was a child, a boy.
Tuvieron un hijo : Un varón.
By what right did you dare decide that that boy in there was inferior and therefore could be killed?
¿ Qué te da derecho a decidir... que ese chico era inferior a ti y por eso debía ser asesinado?
There was also a little boy, Karel.
Y por último, su hijito Karel.
There's a boy, too, just like I was, doing the same work... up to the same tracks, just as unhappy.
- Tiene un chico también, un chico como lo fui yo también. Hace el mismo trabajo, tiene las mismas costumbres ; también es infeliz.
* There was a wild colonial boy
" Había un salvaje chico de las colonias
# There was a wild colonial boy
" Había un salvaje chico de las colonias
There I was on the New York Waterfront selling'about a million dollars of war bonds, when I see this big boy walking'down the gangplank carrying'a jeep with one hand.
Estaba yo en los muelles de Nueva York vendiendo un millón en bonos de guerra. Yvi al fortachón bajando por la pasarela de desembarco... cargando un jeep. Con una mano.
Next morning, he went to reprimand the boy who was in detention, but a different boy was there.
A Ia mañana siguiente, cuando entró al calabozo para hablar con eI chico, se encontró con otro.
There was only one young'un, a little boy babe.
Sólo había un niño. Un niño muy pequeño.
If there was one chance in a million of saving that boy, I would agree with you.
Si hubiera una posibilidad entre un millón de salvarlo, estaría de acuerdo.
- Once upon a time, there was a poor little rich boy.
- Hace mucho tiempo, había un pobre niño rico.
There was always a cute boy.
Siempre había un chico muy mono.
As a boy, in boarding school, then, always at relatives here and there, because at home, an extra mouth to feed was a problem.
Cuando era niño, en un internado, después, siempre con parientes de aquí para allá, porque en casa, una boca más para alimentar, era un problema.
Roney, when I was a boy, it was the great burning topic. Were there really canals there and who made them?
Y el ganador de la pelea será la nueva estrella de la nueva película de Fox, Pulverizador.
I put that boy where there was fast, easy money just layin'there.
Puse a ese muchacho en una posición de ganar dinero fácil.
Once upon a time there was a little boy.
Había una vez un niño pequeño.
I know. There was one predicted when I was a boy.
Predijeron uno cuando yo era niño.
There was a girl not much older than that boy in there.
Había una chica no mucho mayor que aquel muchacho.
No, Charles I saw this little boy on the beach and I told him that I thought the bottle was a crab and by the time he found the crab was a bottle I wasn't there
No, Charles. Vi a ese chiquillo en la playa y le dije que pensaba que la botella era un cangrejo. Cuando se dio cuenta que el cangrejo era una botella, yo ya no estaba allí.
Ernst, I think we could sneak in there and free the old man and the boy before the others knew what was happening.
Ernst, deberíamos ir a liberar al viejo y al chico antes de que se den cuenta.
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was an accident 105
there was a girl 56
there was nothing 90
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was an accident 105
there was a girl 56
there was nothing 90